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Temporary work contracts

Valentina Nesvetaylo

E-mail: nesvetaylo_v@hotmail.com

Residence:St. Petersburg, Russia

Telephone: +7 (921) 368-80-70

Date of birth: June 30, 1988

Marital status: single

Nationality: Russian




To become involved in interesting translation projects that will allow me to grow professionally.




2006 – 2011

St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University

Faculty of Economics and Management, Specialization: Applied information science

Bachelor’s degree


Work Experience:



Baltic Shipyard, Ltd

Senior Import Specialist


· Sourcing for suppliers of marine equipment and materials in accordance with production needs

· Market analysis

· Preparation of documents and control of tender procedures for the selection of suppliers, invitation to participate, the control of time frames of scheduled procurement procedures

· Drafting, negotiation, conclusion of contracts for the supply of equipment and materials, in English and Russian

· Organization and conduction of negotiations with foreign suppliers, drawing up protocols, coordination of suppliers’ presence at the shipyard

· Interaction with all the structural subdivisions of the shipyard for the agreement of financial, legal, technical, transport and other issues. Work with specialized software

· Control of the entire cycle of contracts, terms and conditions of shipments and payment

· Control of correct execution of shipping documents, putting shipments to stock, production delivery

· Control of document flow



11/2011 – 05/2013


Executive Director / Sales Manager (construction materials)


· Managing customer relations with retail and wholesale clients

· Reception of incoming orders, client follow-up

· Preparation of invoices, consignment notes and other necessary documents

· Maintenance of the client base, new customer acquisition

· Consulting clients about construction materials

· Managing relations with supply contractors, including negotiation of prices

· Routing deliveries, control of shipments, payment acceptance



05/2006 – 10/2012


Technical Translator (part-time)


· Translation of patents (English to Russian)

· Document preparation


06/2011 – 07/2011


Translator(temporary, substituted for the translator while she was on vacation)


· Business communication with international partners via email and phone

· Translation of technical texts, business letters, documents



09/2008 – 03/2010


Office Manager


· Documentation maintenance of the company

· Reception of phone calls, faxes, email

· Provision for the office (ordering water, stationery supplies, etc.)

· Communication with the administration of the office building regarding rent and maintenance fees

· Following urgent instructions from the executive director



01/2008 – 07/2008


Assistant of Executive Director / Recruiter / Translator


· Translation, correction, and editing of texts (business modules, letters, etc.)

· Candidate search for job openings of client companies (large retail chains), mostly top management positions

· Interviewing candidates

· Characterization of candidates

· Communication with clients and candidates via email

· Documentation maintenance of the company and keeping of accounts

· Administration of the corporate website

· Following urgent instructions from the executive director

· At the start-up stage: searching for an office space, addressing the issues of purchasing office equipment, facilities (internet and phone connection), delivering documents to various authorities



09/2007 – 09/2008


Temporary work contracts


· Working with a billing system

· Adding contracts to the database

· Preparation of printed documentation


08/2006 – 05/2007

WorkForce Source

Recruiter / Customer Relations Manager


· Business communication with international clients in English

· Resume search in databases (internal and external) in accordance with the clients’ demands

· Phone interviewing of candidates in the following fields: IT; manufacturing, construction (in English)

· Documentation maintenance and daily keeping of accounts

· New staff training

Computing Skills:


· MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)

· Internet (all popular browsers)

· 1C

· Programming fundamentals (Visual Basic 6.0)

· Billing

· IP telephony, Skype



Foreign Languages:


English: advanced

Spanish: basic knowledge



Additional Information:


· Profound knowledge of English: 6 years spent in the USA; CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) awarded by the British Council in St. Petersburg with the highest score of “A”; winner of the Language Link English Olympiad for 9th-11th year school students in 2005 (1st place in St. Petersburg)

· St. Petersburg permanent resident

· Foreign passport

· Willingness to travel



Personal Skills:


Responsible and hard-working person, committed, stress resistant, striving for constant personal development and learning, friendly.




Cooking, reading, watching movies, traveling, spending time with family and friends.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1189

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