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Interview questions


Interview questions directed at your “strengths” (both technical and personal) can be asked in several different ways.

· What do you consider your greatest strengths or assets?

· What factors most account for your career success to-date?

· What do you consider your most outstanding qualities?

· In what areas are others most complimentary of you?

· During performance reviews, what areas have most frequently been cited as your key strengths?

· From a job performance standpoint, what do you consider to be your major attributes?

· In checking with your co-workers, in what areas would they describe you as most effective?

· What aspects of this position do you feel you will perform particularly well?

· Describe your three greatest strengths and tell me how you have used these to realize improvements in your current job?

· Which two or three major accomplishments best illustrate your key strengths?

· In what ways do you consider your qualifications unique or distinctive from others applying for this position?

· Why should I hire you for this position?

· On a scale of 1 to 10, which of your overall qualifications would you rate at the “9” or “10” level?

· What single skill or capability has most contributed to your career success?

· Why should we choose you over other candidates for this position?

Here are three distinct components:

1. identification of key strength (described by self \ others)

2. evidence of key strength utilization (major contributions, job success, career success)

3. comparison with peers (co-workers, other applicants for position

Strengths fall into 2 categories:

1. technical – specialized knowledge, skills and abilities required to solve problems and perform the job;

2. personal – traits and attributes that contribute to your motivation and desire to perform the work particularly well (open, honest, highly motivated, persistent, hard-working, loyal)

** You simply don’t say “I’m hard-working” – you are known for being hard-working and have earned a reputation for handling large volumes of work in a relatively short period of time.


· What do you feel are your major weaknesses?

· What would you most like to improve about yourself, and why?

· In what ways would you improve your effectiveness with others?

· If you could, what two or three things would you most like to change, about yourself to improve your work effectiveness and why?

· What steps have you taken during the last year to improve your overall performance?

· In what ways could you improve your interpersonal effectiveness?

· How could you most improve your overall capability?

· What factors have most stood in the way of your career success to-date?

Here are three distinct components:

1. technical shortcomings (knowledge and skills required to perform the job)

2. interpersonal shortcomings (your ability to relate to others in the performance of your job)

3. personal shortcomings (your personal traits, characteristics and behaviors that influence your effectiveness)


· Tell me about your education.

· What do you most value about your education? Why?

· How did your education prepare you for your career?

· How has your education been beneficial to your current job?

· How relevant has your education been in preparing you for your profession?

· What specific courses have proven most helpful to you in performing your job? How have they helped you?

· What led to your decision to choose your major?

· In which courses did you do best? Why?

· What did you like most about your educational experience?

· If you could repeat your educational experience, what would you do differently? Why?

· What professor most influenced your life? Why?

· What was there about being an engineering major that you found most appealing>

· How have you used your education to your benefit?

· How good a student were you? What accounted for this?

· What aspects of your life has your education most influenced?

Here are three distinct components:

1. questions concerning why you chose a particular school or major provide insight about how you think and make decisions

2. questions about the key factors you used to select a given school or major provide some strong clues to employers about your basic value system

3. questions about how you benefited from your education are sometimes used by employers as a way to gauge (îöåíèâàòü \ ÷åëîâåêà, õàðàêòåð ) the level of your interest in your chosen occupation

4. questions about the benefits of your education are also sometimes used by employer as a way of measuring your capacity to make practical application of your formal education and training

5. questions about” best courses” and “ worst courses” may also yield important information to the employer..

Work preference

· What type of work do you find rewarding and stimulating? Why?

· How would you describe the type of work you most like to do?

· Describe the type of work you would find most satisfying from a professional standpoint?

· What are some of the criteria you are using to determine whether or not a given job will be of interest to you?

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 746

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Ex. 2 Job vacancy example. Work in pairs. Discuss all the points according to the plan above (pg. 72) | Ex. 3 Before an interview, make up a list of questions with ready-made answers. When you have prepared the questions, interview one of the students.
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