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Shemelina Irina 22 – 27:30

He came up with the following in fact what hw did was choose between bribes..three offered..three defferent bribes offered to make in ruler of Europe and Asia. I fear not offered to anable him to lead the troyans to victory over the greeks..offered him the most beautiful woman in the world, OK, now we assume that it was in the complete no brainer that he had to think about for a few seconds at least. Now in the end we know that he chose..His offer with actually..as you remember from car reading you greek history, but anaway let's describe the situation he has, let's suppose took him ten seconds to make-up is mind he and..ten seconds there were no outside stimuly he..all of the data available to his brain were already present when the time when the ten second period begins. So you have a period of beggining.. where he has to make yet where he gets the choice and where he makes up his mind but now this is the experience he has which is gap ..has the experience of operating in the gap where has to make up his mind was not compallled but of course all that is grounded down here in the new role biology and in th eneuro-biology there are no gaps rather into neuro-biology at any given point is suficient to..what is happening to him the mine what is happerning in his..OK, but now we can stay our problem with alittle more..it's true that he has the allusion of freedom up here but it's all fixed. Any given state of his..thought processes happens..by what's going down here at the level of the nervous and that's in.. that's hypothesis one what's hypothesis two is that you'd have to have gap here and that seemed just crazy I mea I realize micro-biology texbooks and I can tell you that here aren't any gaps in the brain, so let's slow down a little bit and think about it..now this diagram where you have a higher level of...and this is the role of biology or neurophysiology. That's common in the texbooks in fact I have used it but maybe that's misleading because he gives us the impression that...is such sort of like of..on the top of the cake. And a better picture might be this where you think of the whole brain as moving from T one to T two where he made the dicision and then you have all these neurons, and of course the neurans are in a state where the...is not a separate. It's not a separate phenomenon that is it in some..it out by the neurons, but it's the condition or state that the neurons are in. Now if that's the diagram we draw, then at least it becomes intelligible that the gap in this should goal from top, from bottom to top but what..is that supposed to mean. Well think about it, is their any part of the universe that we have solid evidence that believe is not fully determined. And the answer is of course we know from quantrum mechanics that at the most basic level is not deterministic. I'd read saying this cause..but so far to lawyers, philosophers talk about quantrum mechanics what comes out is hot air at best and I will not use even more..expression and by the way that applies to a lot of things physicts about one of them. I think and..said look don't try to think what quantrum mechanics means just do the..for God sake don't try to think , you don't understand it.

Well unfortunally I did pay to try to understand thanks. There is the part of the world that is not determenistic. You see here is what's amazing about quantrum mechanics...See you flip the coin..It's totally detrmine it is we don't know. We don't know what was going to be, we don't know how the rullet wheel is going to come out or the king of spades is going to come up, but it's totally determined what that randomness had to do with our state of knowledge not with a..of events. There's nothing random about them, but what quantrum mechanics that was taken when a messout of a..and put it in ontology. The universe itself is contains randomness. Philisophers often talk as if quantrum..only goes on about the itsy bitsy micro level at the..and of course it goes all the way it up it just it cancls out at the level of baseball because the inderterminancy at the micro level tends to cancl out but the determinism is not..the default position in physics. The default position in physics is th end of terminicy goes all the way up. So we have to take that seriosly.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 739

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