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Copyright © 2014 by Ryan Michele


Editor: Chelsea Kuhel (http://www.madisonseidler.com)


Editor:Laura Hampton (https://www.facebook.com/editingforyou)


Cover Artist: Melissa Gill at MG Book Covers (http://salon.io/mgbookcovers)


Formatting: Angela McLaurin, Fictional Formats (https://www.facebook.com/FictionalFormats)



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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.


All rights reserved.



Chapter 1—Harlow

Chapter 2—Harlow

Chapter 3—Cruz

Chapter 4—Harlow

Chapter 5—Cruz

Chapter 6—Harlow

Chapter 7—Cruz

Chapter 8—Harlow

Chapter 9—Cruz

Chapter 10—Harlow

Chapter 11—Cruz

Chapter 12—Harlow

Chapter 13—Cruz

Chapter 14—Harlow

Chapter 15—Harlow

Chapter 16—Cruz

Chapter 17—Harlow

Chapter 18—Cruz





To my mom—Thank you.




This was the life I was born into, and bloodshed somehow always played a prominent part in it. Today, everything was coming to a combustible head. With the gun being held at my temple, all I could think about was him… getting him out of here alive. The bitch had put so much time and energy into coming after me, I knew it was coming. Now she had the most precious thing in my life. I never knew how empty my life was or how love could be so deep that it cuts you like a knife. I would do anything to get him out of here alive. The gunshots began, and my eyes locked with his. I prayed for survival.



2 years… 1 month… 5 days…

I had been living the perpetual monotony of my life for exactly two years, one month, and five days. It’s like my life was the epitome of Groundhog’s Day, repeating over and over again, eating away at my soul.

I hated white. I couldn’t stand the fucking color. Everywhere I looked was the same cold, damp, sterility trying to suffocate me, forcing me to give up—to give in. But that wasn’t gonna happen.

For seven hundred and sixty five days of my life, I’ve stared at the solid block walls and cold prison bars, only to be let outside for an hour a day. I knew it was for my own safety, but I missed lying outside in the sun, feeling it melt my skin, and wash everything away. In here, there was no relaxation… ever.

I’m not gonna bitch. I’ve been extremely lucky, and I damn well knew it. Without my Pops’ connections to guards and powerful people on the outside, life in this place could have been a hell of a lot worse. Having my own room has proved to be the best gig because, in there, those bitches couldn’t get to me. They wanted me. I knew it. They all knew who I was and what I represented. Payback hits on me would give them status in their families and I wasn’t willing to give anyone that.

Am I hiding? Hell no. I’d be more than happy to take these bitches on, but not here. The shit these women snuck in when no one was looking was deadly, and my goal was to do my time and get out alive. I knew what these bitches were capable of, and they knew my capabilities, too.

I’ve had my own incidents in here. They were all club related, and getting help from inside made them happen smoothly. It was help that I had to pay for, but I did what needed to be done and didn’t regret a damn thing. I did it for my family.

I may have a pussy, but I ain’t one. I’ve got bigger balls than most guys out there. Even though I’ll never be a member of the club, because it’s not possible, I always hold my head up high. I learned at a very young age that bitches didn’t ever get patched in, and I accepted that, but I’d be damned if I acted like some pussy motorcycle club princess.

Growing up with the Ravage MC’s hasn’t been easy. The life, the world, was different than civilian life and I learned from the best. Ever since I was a baby, my life was the club. Pops has been a patched member since before I was born, and Ma’s always been by his side. Even though I was shielded as much as possible, I’ve seen my share of death, guns, drugs, sex, and blood in my twenty-five years than most people could tolerate. This was my normal. This was my reality. I accepted that a long time ago.

I missed my life, and I’ve always known my place in it. Being the Vice President’s daughter hasn’t given me any idealizations that I’m anything more than exactly that. I never get special privileges because, the bottom line, I’m not, nor will I ever be, a patched member. I’ve earned the respect I received from the brothers by learning what they have taken the time to teach me. I thrived on that and couldn’t wait to get it back.

I was ready to escape this hell-hole and finally go back to my family. Back to a life that was taken away from me for two years, back to right some wrongs. I couldn’t fucking wait.




Walking down the long corridor, the sunlight cascaded through the small rectangular window. I began blinking my eyes, getting ready for the adjustment when the door opened. I’ve never liked surprises—they get you killed, quickly. I hoped my outside instincts kicked back in after all this time. It’s the one thing I’ve been afraid of losing. I’ve learned to keep myself sharp inside to stay alive, but being free was a different kind of survival.

“Here.” The cold tone of the guard, something I’ll never miss, ordered me forward. Some of these assholes were utterly worthless individuals who preyed on women daily. Luckily, I’ve only had two encounters with said assholes. When I broke the first one’s nose, he decided I wasn’t worth the hassle. It got me locked in solitary for a few days and a few bruises, but I actually liked it there. I was left alone. I thought about doing it again, maybe get an extended stay, but my mind always reverted to survival, and getting the hell out of here the easiest way possible.

The other, I’ve tried to block out of my head. As soon as my feet step outside this door, I would forget what he did, and not a single soul would ever know.

I watched as the guard’s hand extended from his body, holding a clear plastic bag. Reaching for it, not much was inside. The clothes I was wearing when I got in this hell-hole were ripped when I didn’t move as quickly as the officer said, so only a few items remained. Inside the bag was the cross necklace I wore that night, my ID, and a few dollars in cash. The cash actually surprised me; I was sure that would have disappeared by now with all the crooked-ass people inside.

“Gavelson!” I didn’t want to turn toward the voice, not with the exit so close. But I knew they still owned me until I stepped out that door. Until then, I needed to mind myself.

“Yes, sir,” I said, slowly turning around to see the warden coming closer. His stocky build with his oversized stomach hanging over his uniform pants was nothing to get wet about, but he proved a good ally while I was inside. Warden Dunn was on Pops’s payroll and set me up with my nice surroundings. He even passed certain things along from Pops during my stay. So I respected him as much as a person could while locked up. Did I trust him? No. The moment you trusted someone in here, you ended up dead.

Looking directly into my eyes, I saw a splash of concern come across his as he tilted his head slowly to the side. His voice reminded me of a whiny teenager, even though he was nowhere near his teenage years. His voice sounded raspy as if he was going through the change all over again. “You don’t come back here, girl.”

“I’ll do my best,” I answered, immediately knowing there were never any guarantees in this life, and your word was your only bond. If you didn’t have that, you had nothing. I wasn’t about to make him a promise; I didn’t know for sure I could keep. I would definitely do my damnedest never to step foot in here again, though.

“Take care, Princess,” the warden whispered while patting my shoulder gently. My blood boiled when I turned to walk back towards the door. I’ve spent my entire life trying to prove to everyone that I was no damn princess, but that name kept following me around like shit stuck to my shoe. Many women in my world would love that title. To me, though, it represented weakness. I couldn’t afford to be associated with weakness.

When the guard opened the door, the bright light blinded me. I blinked quickly to get my bearings. Shielding my eyes with my hand, I looked around until I spotted the familiar, red ’56 Chevy with the white flames painted on the front hood. More importantly, I spotted the woman standing next to it, Casey.

“Well don’t you have a shit-eating grin on your face.” Casey’s smile was one of the most beautiful I’d ever seen on a woman. With her golden locks and flawless figure, she could get anyone she wanted, whenever she wanted, but damn if she used it to her advantage. Casey and I have been friends since we were kids, growing up at the club, right alongside each other. Her dad, Bam, was a patched member, who died a few years ago.

We’ve experienced everything together. She was my ultimate partner in crime and damn did I miss her. Grabbing her face between my hands, I stared into her emerald eyes before kissing her full on the lips. They tasted like cherries, reminding me of the little things that I’ve missed. Then I moved and kissed her once on each cheek.

“Well, hello to you too, girl.” She laughed at my gesture and wrapped her arms tightly around me squeezing the ever-loving shit out of me.

Stepping back, “I just missed ya, babe. Get me the hell out of here.” Throwing open the car door; I hopped into the beautiful piece of machinery. The sleek car was the ultimate ride, a classic. In our world, it was called a cage, since anything that isn’t a motorcycle was considered just that.

Casey’s father helped her fix it up at the shop, spending hours and hours perfecting it. He taught her everything that she’d ever have to know about fixing cars and bikes. When her father died, this car was the only connection to him she had. She treasured it more than anything on this planet and took care of it like she was loving her child.

Casey worked at the shop, Banner Automotive, attached to the Club. She may be beautiful and girly, but give her a wrench and an engine, and she was all over it. Not to mention, I’ve been told the guys really like the tight-ass jeans she wears. Men are so damn predictable.

“Sure thing, you ready to get that mop tamed?” Casey’s eyes travelled over my ugly, stringy, brassy brown hair. I knew I looked like shit, which was why it was the first order of business.


After three hours in the chair, chatting it up with Cam while she worked her magic on my hair, I felt like a new woman. My dark brown hair was back in place with the bright streaks of red, just like I liked it. Instead of stringy, it was soft and silky. The natural wave was always a plus. Keeping it long in jail was a feat I never wanted to repeat. Just because my Pops had guys on the payroll, didn’t mean that things were handed to me. I had to earn it, and damn it if I didn’t. Not that I ever wanted to relive any of that again.

The drive to our place was quick, and I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of these prison clothes. I needed to get the stench of that place off of me. Wrapping my hair up, I jumped in the shower letting the water wash away the two previous years of hell. After turning into a prune, I exited getting myself together quickly. I found my favorite pair of jeans with the thousands of holes in all the right places and my tight, black Harley t-shirt. After a bit of makeup, I was ready to go see my family.

Walking into the living room, Casey was flopped on the couch with the remote in her hand, thumbing endlessly through the channels. “Where is she?” I asked, wanting my girl back.

“Come on.” Casey got up and headed towards her room, with me following closely behind. She dug through her closet, pulling out a locked box. Casey walked the box over to her dresser and placed it softly on the top. She rummaged through her top drawer, pulling out keys and unlocking the box.

Sitting inside was my girl. 9mm’s of power that fit the palm of my hand perfectly. I learned how to shoot with this gun. My dad gave it to me when I was fourteen, and I never leave home without her.

Feeling the weight in my hand, I thumbed the beautiful piece of metal, feeling happy and at peace. I always felt protected when this was with me. It’s one of the things that kept me alive for this long. Not only am I fast, but I am a great shot. Two years was a long time with no practice, though. I needed to get to the firing range and shoot off some rounds.

Checking my gun, I made sure the bullet chamber was fully loaded. I locked the safety, gave it a soft kiss, and placed it underneath my shirt in a small holster on my back.

Casey wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly, which I returned. “I’m so glad you’re back,” she whispered softly in my ear.

“Me too. Let’s go see the boys.”

I pulled away staring into her eyes. She was the one person that I knew would always have my back no matter what. “Let’s go.” She smiled, pulling my arm through the door.

Driving through the streets of Sumner, Georgia, everything seemed exactly the same as before I left. The same shops and banks lined the center of town with people walking through the streets without a care in the world. They were free, just like I was, and how I was going to stay.

Good people lived here. They were honest people; well, for the most part. When the outsiders came in, that’s when we had problems.

Unfortunately, I’ve been kept in the dark about most of what was going on with the club. When Ma came to visit, she never discussed the brothers, and I never asked. People were always listening to us, and neither of us could risk it. I didn’t know the good or the bad of what was going on, and I felt quite lost. Ma would only say that my family loved me. I knew that.

What I didn’t know was what I would walk into once I got to the shop and the club. It was a bit unnerving, but I couldn’t let that show. I’d never show any weakness… ever.

Pulling up to the locked gates with barbed wire lacing the top, the smile that was plastered on my face was irreversible. I was finally home.

A man I’d never seen before, wearing a Prospect rag, came to the side of the window. “Hey, Casey. You working today?”

Smiling widely at him, she reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly. He was pretty hot for a newbie Prospect. His dark hair hung low covering his ears, but not quite down to his shoulders. His brown eyes were the color of chocolate, matching the smoothness of his voice. His nose looked like it had taken one too many beatings over the years and hadn’t been set quite right. He had a very hot, dangerous persona.

Squeezing Casey’s hand back to let her know I understood his hotness, she finally spoke. “Hey, Tug. I brought Harlow home.”

Tug looked me up and down, eyeing me. “Get a good look there, Bud,” I said with my signature smirk that I knew would make him putty in my hands.

“Sure thing, Sweetheart. So you’re the famous Princess, huh?” Rolling my eyes, I turned to face the windshield already done with the conversation. Spending your entire life trying to prove something wrong was exhausting, and I knew everyone here would be calling me that word.

“Let’s go,” I said, snapping my fingers in front of me, pointing to the gate.

“Your Pops is real excited to see ya, but they’re in church. They’ll be out soon.” Tug turned to the gate, throwing the switch to unlock the steel doors. They began to move, opening wide.

When the gates spread, I took in the view. To the left was the shop, Banner Automotive. This was one of the businesses the Ravage MC owned that did really well, not to mention they all needed some place to work on their bikes. My mom worked there doing the books and handling all the clients that came in and out through another entrance, opposite of where all the guys come in. She’d been doing it since I was a kid. I spent a lot of time in that office with Ma. My eyes scanned to the members and Prospect only parking to the right. One parking spot after the other and I could name the owners of almost every one of them. That’s how I knew there were five new guys, either patched in or Prospects.

Casey parked the car in front of the shop doors and killed the engine. Walking in, it actually felt eerie. I didn’t recognize anyone, but they all said hi to Casey. I should have expected a new crew of workers; they rotated quite often. Club business was kept separate from the shop. I could feel their eyes boring into me, but I kept my eyes trained on the back door. I wanted to see my man.

“Ma’am, you can’t go back there!” one of the guys called out.

“The hell I can’t.” I began marching towards the door, knowing that my own personal heaven was on the other side. I had to see him. I had to feel him between my thighs. One of the guys grabbed my arm, turning me to look at him square in the eyes. He was pretty cute, in that rough-mechanic-having-my-hands-dirty-all-the-time, kind of a way. His blonde hair was cut very short, and his green eyes were the color of leaves.

If I wasn’t so pissed that he actually put his hands on me, I might have been really attracted to him, but right now, I was livid.

“I said you’re not going back there. Why the hell did you bring this slut around?” he accused Casey. This guy went from cute to an ass in about two seconds. Before Casey could say anything, I wrenched my arm out of his grasp and swung, my fist crashing into the guy’s nose, squirting blood everywhere. “You bitch! Call Diamond!” he barked at the guys turning and coming towards me. Bring it fucker.

I’m known for my speed, and this guy coming after me was going to be a challenge, but I needed it. I needed to feel alive again.

“Don’t!” I heard Casey yell, but totally ignored her. I knew I could take him if I was smart.

He swung with this right hand, but missed, sending him off balance. Taking advantage, I laced my fingers together creating a large fist. Pulling back, I swung hard, hitting him directly in the back, making him fall to the ground on his knees. He grunted, and I was pleased with my skill. Swinging my right leg, my boot slammed his face hard, sending blood flying through the air. He fell with a thud.

Looking around the shop, I noticed the other guys were starting to come at me. I smiled. I loved this shit. It was so different fighting on my own turf than in jail.

“Please stop,” Casey said, looking at her nails as if she were bored out of her mind.

“You could help me out here; ya know,” I said, laughing.

Her eyes met mine. “You got this, and I just got a manicure while you were getting your hair done. I never get my nails done. I want to keep them nice, and I have to work with them.” Casey smiled that beautiful smile.

Hearing boot steps behind me, I glanced quickly to see another man trying to sneak up on me. I loved the ones that thought they could one up me. When the guy approached, I turned quickly, kicking my leg up high and swung hard, hitting him directly in the face.

My joy was quickly tarnished when a gun was pressed into the back of my head and cocked. Shit. Well, this was how we were gonna play this, huh?

“Sugar, you just stirred up a shit storm.” The southern drawl to his voice mixed with the smell of leather, cigarettes, and radiating testosterone would have made my pussy clench, but he ruined that by pressing a damn gun to my head.

“Low, don’t.” I ignored Casey just as I always did. Quickly, I turned my body. As my arm reached back to knock the gun out of his hand, I instantly froze. The three patch rag falling on his chest was a red light flashing in my eyes. Immediately, I stopped, putting my hands in front of me. I would never touch a brother, outside of the ring that is.

The man standing in front of me caught my breath and short-circuited my senses. His broad shoulders were covered with a skin-tight; black t-shirt and leather rag adorned with several patches that fit him like a glove. His bulging arms were covered in tattoos from the wrist up. They were flexed; one pointed the gun with precision, and the other was fisted at his side. His light caramel hair was cut short on the sides, but longer on the top, begging for a woman’s fingers to run through it. His beard was cut very short to his skin making my mouth water, wondering what it would feel like between my thighs. His sapphire eyes narrowed at me as I stared effortlessly into them, becoming entranced unable to speak.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Breaking from this man’s stare, I focused on the familiar voice I’ve missed for too long. Pops eyes swept the room quickly, and when his eyes landed on mine, the anger in them instantly faded. “What the hell’s going on?” He eyed the man with the gun pointed directly at my head, and he clenched his hands into fists.

“Hey, Pops,” I said, turning my eyes back to the beautiful specimen in front of me, wanting him to know that I wasn’t afraid. If I needed a bullet in my head, so be it. I wouldn’t shy away.

“You know this bitch?” the hot asshole in front of me clipped, and my lip curled slowly. If he wasn’t wearing that rag, I’d show him how much of a bitch I could be.

“Put the damn gun down, Cruz,” Pops said jokingly. The anger dripping off this man’s face in front of me told me he didn’t see anything funny about this. He began to take a step closer. “Cruz. Stop!” Pops barked loudly as the other guys started walking up behind him. Cruz instantly stopped but kept the gun on me. “Cruz, this is my daughter, Princess.”

“Shit. Are you fucking kidding me?” Cruz’s anger was actually pretty funny, and I had to stifle the small laugh that wanted to escape. I had too much respect to let it fly. But the shocked look on his face was pretty priceless coming from a tattooed hot-ass. I probably should have told him that sooner, but what can I say… I was born a bitch.

“No, I’m not fucking kidding you. Get the fuck away from her, and put the goddamn gun down.” Turning my head towards Pops, I could see he was fuming. Whenever Pops was mad, his forehead turned bright red, and the lines throughout it became more prominent along with the vein in his neck that ticked with his heartbeat. It’s a look I always hated growing up; it used to scare the ever-loving shit out of me.

My eyes flicked back while Cruz took one more look at me. “If you’re still pissed later, we can meet in the ring.” I smiled my damnedest. I could see the smoke threatening to come out of his ears. Confusion laced his eyes, but I wasn’t about to explain right now. I held out my hand to Cruz, “Nice to meet ya. I’m Harlow.” He stared me down as if he was hoping he could make me combust into a million pieces. Sorry Buddy, your super powers, won’t work. I’ve been here too long to let that get me.

He tentatively lowered the gun, putting it behind his back, bringing his hand to mine. My hand slipped into his warm, rough, strong grip, a shock raced through my body, beginning at our connected hands and racing all the way through to my feet setting my body on fire. “Cruz.” Snapping myself out, I pulled out of his grasp quickly not wanting him to feel the same. Breaking away from his intense eyes, I winked, brushing past him, I jumped in my Pops’ arms. He picked me up and hugged me tight.

“Hi Daddy,” I whispered in his ear, so he was the only one who could hear. I hadn’t called him that in public since I was a kid. He’s Pops to everyone around here, including me.

“Hey, Baby Girl. About time you got back here.” He squeezed me and set me down on my feet. Looking up at him, his long black beard had a lot of gray growing through it, making it look salt and pepperish. The hair on his head looked the same, but with even grayer hairs sprinkled throughout. The eyes I stared into were the most beautiful powder blue. They were the eyes that held safety for me through all of these years. Sporting a lot more lines around his eyes, I wondered how he’s been feeling.

“You okay, Pops?” I asked, tilting my head to the side and raising my eyebrows. My hands rested on his chest.

“I am now.” His beard tried to hide his smile, but I saw it there, his silver front tooth flashing at me, the smile warmed me like no other. My Pops may not lead a conventional life, but one thing was an absolute; he loved his family and would do anything for us.

“You come back, and I get nothing?” Turning towards the low voice, I launched myself into my brother’s arms, wrapping my arms around him as tight as I possibly could, squeezing the shit out of him. My brother… and this one was by blood. Growing up, we knew he’d be a member of the club as soon as he could be patched in. We were raised here together. Ma kept me further away than G.T., but that was for obvious reasons. G.T. patched in when he turned eighteen. I was so damn proud of him.

“Hi, G.T.,” I said, burrowing myself in his strong chest.

“Hey, girl. You doin’ all right?” He was utterly handsome. His short beard covered his face, while his blonde-brown hair hung low to his shoulders. He had the exact same navy eyes that I had, and every time I looked into them, I felt that same deep connection we’ve had since we were kids. I would do anything for him, and I knew he would for me. His tatted up arms were rock solid, and the shirt he was wearing was tight around the sleeves, showing every ripple. His small nose and strong jaw complete the package. Not that I was attracted to him, but the hordes of women that came and went for him definitely were.

“Yeah, Baby Brother. I’m good.” I smiled up at him, turning to see all the men that I’ve known my entire life. Pride and joy melted through my heart. After hugging Dagger, Rhys, Zed, and Becs, I looked for him. Our President. I know I’m not a member, but I am in this family, and Diamond was our head man.

“Where’s Diamond?” I asked Pops, looking behind him at the strong men I’ve grown up caring about. Yes, they were menacing, and no one would want to piss them off, but to me, they were my family. I loved each of them in their own way.

“He’s inside. We wanted to check out everything before having him come out.” Diamond was king around here. We all respected him and accepted his words as law. He took over as President after my Gramps passed away with Pops as his Vice President. He was sharp as a tack and knew his shit. He’s a very smart business man and rode with the guys regularly. You’d never know he was pushing seventy.

“I’ll see him in a minute. I need to see Sting.” I needed him more than I needed to breathe at the moment.

“Come on.” G.T. put his arm around my shoulders squeezing me as he led me to the back room.

Blocking the path in front of us was the garage man from earlier. “I’m so sorry. I was just trying to protect him.” His voice was shaky, but who could blame him, I dislocated his nose.

“I appreciate that. Thanks.” I smiled sweetly. I knew he was just doing his job. I just didn’t care, ‘cause no one keeps me away from my man. Could I have handled it differently, sure, but shit happens.

G.T. opened the door, and sitting inside was my man. In the middle of the room, my ’97 Ultra Groundpounder Hardtail stood proudly. His chrome body hard and the beautiful red and black paint graced him like a glove. He was the ultimate man. He felt great between my legs, never let me down, and was always there when I was in need. Warmth and love flowed through my body.

“Anyone been taking him out?” I asked to the roomful of men that piled in behind us.

“I have. He’s in good shape.” Pops’ voice came from behind. I knew could count on him.

“Thanks, Pops,” I said straddling my beast between my thighs. Reaching for the handlebars, I fired him up. The roar of the engine and the rough vibrations had my panties growing instantly wet. They didn’t call this machine a Milwaukee vibrator for nothing.

“Umm… You okay, Princess?” G.T. asked eyeing me, a wide grin spread across my face. “I’m not gonna sit here and watch you get off.”

Looking up at him, I responded, “Then you better get the hell out of here quick.” My body was burning for release. It’d been way too long, and the vibrations were just too damn good hitting my clit just perfectly.

“I’ll watch.” Dagger cut through, crossing his arms across his chest.

“Dagger, you’d stop to watch two dogs fuck,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

“Damn right, and the only thing better than watching you come would be my dick making you do it.” Dagger’s been in the club for years and was a monumental whore who fucked anything that had a hole, female of course, and made no qualms about it, even to his ol’ lady. Dagger’s a very rugged man. His leathery skin was masked by his long blond hair that’s braided down his back with his red, white and blue bandana covering across his forehead. He’s made no secret over the years that he’d love to take me for a ride. Too bad for him, I stay far away from brothers.

“You’re not watching my girl. Get the fuck out!” Pops barked at the men, but none of them seemed to move, surprising me. G.T. and Pops made a quick exit. I shook my head, swallowing my laughter.

Getting back to the task at hand, I felt my body almost there. My hips rubbed back and forth on the seat, feeling my strong man taking care of me. Closing my eyes, the hot rush of feelings took over while I continued rocking back and forth. I didn’t give two shits if the guys were there. I’ve seen them do more garbage in that clubhouse than I’d care to mention.

Sparks flew through my body, and my breath became sparse. Throwing my head back, I enjoyed the feelings racing through my body. Damn, I loved my man. Opening my eyes, every eye in the room was staring at me, and I couldn’t help the amusement coursing through me. I shut down Sting and pulled myself off of him, feeling my damp panties rubbing against my jeans, making me smile. I needed to take him out for a ride very soon.

“Damn girl.” My eyes landed on Zed’s wide grin. My eyes traveled down his body appraisingly. I could see a very large bulge trying to bust through his leathers. I loved that I had this effect on the guys. I may not sleep with them, but teasing never hurt anyone.

Nodding to his dick, “You may need to have that taken care of.”

“You wanna do it?” He took a step closer to me grabbing his dick. His hair was the color of muddy water, cut short in a buzz and eyes as dark as midnight penetrated me. His solid build was intimidating to most, but not me.

“In your dreams,” my voice said sternly, brushing past him, making sure my arm grazed him just enough to get a reaction out of him.

And sure enough, “Damn, Babe,” he growled making me smile.

“All right, I’m better. Let’s go see Diamond.” Looking over to the side of the room, Cruz was eyeing me. “What’s wrong Big Boy? Can’t handle it?”

“Hell yeah. Just wonder if you could.” As his stare penetrated me, I asked myself that same question, but didn’t need to answer it. My heart rate picked up giving me an answer that scared the shit out of me. But I wouldn’t let it show. Ever.

“Sure, take it out and stroke it.” I wanted to see if this man was just blowing smoke up my ass, or if he was a sure thing. Torturing myself was always fun and I knew I’d never act. Never make the mistake of sleeping with a brother.

The corner of his mouth curled up into a sexy grin as he reached down and started unbuckling his belt. “All right, everyone out. Now.” Pops barked from outside the door not bothering to take a step inside.

“Come on, Pops, Cruz and I have some unfinished business here,” I said, my eyes not leaving Cruz as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled his zipper down.

“You are not doing this shit.” Pops voice grew angry as he walked in the room, coming up next to me. His eyes solely focused on me.

Turning to Pops, I searched the depths of his eyes knowing he was protecting me. “Pops, you know my rule.” I reached up and patted his chest reassuringly.

“Fine, but you’re playing with fire with this one.” Pops stormed out of the room with the guys following behind him. Walking to the door and closing it, I listened to the snap of the handle.

I turned slowly around; Cruz held his hard thick dick in his hand stroking himself up and down methodically. Watching him had my body heating up again, catching on fire actually and my mouth watering. “You like this, Baby?” God, that deep southern twang to his voice could make me shatter into a million pieces alone.

“Oh yeah. It’s been two years too long. Maybe you could help a girl out.” I dropped my voice to a quiet, seductive purr and did that stupid girl batting eyelash thing. Guys always loved that shit.

He stepped closer. My mouth began watering as the scent of him assaulted me. I wanted him. Badly. Reaching up, I ran my nails over his chest, feeling the hard defined pecks underneath his shirt while my fingers bounced along. Before I could move away, Cruz grabbed the back of my head hard, crashing his lips to mine. The kiss was rough and seriously intense, sucking every bit of breath out of my body. My body was telling me I needed this.

But, my brain kicked in, and I knew I needed to break away. One thing I didn’t do was sleep with brothers. It caused too much tension, and I didn’t want to deal with that shit. Mustering every bit of energy I could, I pulled away from him trying to catch my non-existent breath. I stared into his penetrating blue eyes, and I for once wished my brain would shut the hell up. I wanted this man.

Licking my lips, I walked to the door reaching for the door handle. “Too bad for you, I don’t fuck the brothers.” I didn’t give him a chance to respond. I turned quickly strolling out of the shop towards the clubhouse leaving him with his dick in his hand.

My body was ignited from the taste of his lips. I wondered what that body of his could do to mine. After our brief exchange, I knew he’d turn me inside out. Sad part was; I wanted to know how his touch would feel… how he would make me scream because there was no way a man like him wouldn’t make me scream… repeatedly.

G.T. was waiting in the common area. Sitting out on the park bench, his eyes were not on me. His focus was on the hot blonde bending over the engine in the shop, Casey, which really didn’t surprise me. She’s a very beautiful woman, and my brother, God love him, loved women. “You think I can’t handle myself, Brother?” I said climbing up sitting next to him on the bench, trying to calm my raging body down, and catching his attention away from Casey.

G.T. held out his pack of smokes, and I reached for one. Placing it between my lips, he lit, and I inhaled slowly, feeling the burn. While inside, I wasn’t allowed to smoke, new rules, some shit about fire codes, whatever. I sat there actually feeling a little head rush from the nicotine, which made me suck harder.

“I know you can take care of yourself. How are you?” We stared out across the courtyard watching the action around the shop, people coming and going, mechanics working on cars and bikes. Everyone going on about their lives without a care in the world.

“I’m good, now that I’m out.” I hadn’t felt this good in a long damn time. Being locked in a cell was something one should never have to do, especially if you’re in there for something you didn’t fucking do. Blackmail, yeah, right. If I’d actually did that shit they accused me of, I wouldn’t have been so stupid to leave so much evidence around. “I’m so sorry you were in there. I should have done something,” he said shaking his head back and forth. I knew he felt guilty just like the other brothers, but there was nothing that any of them could have done. The lawyer said so.

Placing my arm on his back, I began rubbing it up and down. “There was nothing you could do. I was set up, and somehow she had her shit together. That’s no one’s fault, but hers.” And mine for not trusting my gut.

“You gonna take care of it now?” G.T.’s eyes wandered back to Casey, who was talking animatedly with her hands to one of the mechanics.

“Hell yeah. Those bitches won’t know what hit ‘em.” Spending the last two years planning their demise, I went from fast and furious to slow and painful. It would all depend on my mood that day on how it’ll all play out. It took a year of being locked up to figure out it was even Babs that did the set-up. I didn’t want to tell Ma because I knew she’d tell the brothers, and I wanted that bitch. But I did anyway, knowing they deserved to know what happened. But Babs disappeared off the radar for a while. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. “But, I need to think and get my shit together first.”

“You need to be smart. I don’t want you back there… ever.” His eyes bore into mine at the seriousness of his statement. I took it deep to heart.

“I’m not going back. I made a mistake trusting the wrong person. I should have known better. It won’t happen again.” Stomping out the smoke on the table, I leaned back feeling the heat of the sun warming my skin.

“Love you.” G.T.’s hand landed on my leg and squeezed. My heart warmed instantly.

“Love you, too.” Sitting there in silence for quite a while, we let the everyday noises of the garage fill the void. It was nice having the sun on my skin and not having to move for anyone. If I wanted to stay all damn day, I would. Yeah… never going back. “So, what’s new around here? Ma couldn’t tell me much when she came up.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t come.” None of the club members had been up to see me the entire two years. Part of me felt deserted by them, but deep down, I knew they were doing it to protect the club. One wrong word and they could all go down. I couldn’t live with that.

“No worries. Tell me.”

Blowing out a deep breath, G.T. began laying out the new shit going down and even some old shit. I knew he couldn’t tell me club business, so he just kept to the basics and more about the people and families than anything.

“What about my studio?” Two years before I went in, I started Studio X. The club owned the business, but it was mine. I built it from the ground up, making it the number one strip joint in Sumner. Every town needed one, and people came from miles around to partake, mostly married men who needed a little escape. I’m not one for cheating, but in my world, it happened all the time. As for me, I’d never tolerate it.

I took really good care of my girls and paid them exceptionally well. The club provided me with security that I was too busy to handle, and I handled the girls and money. The manager, Liv, handled all the scheduling, and whatever the girls needed she brought to me. Or that was how it was before I went inside.

The strip club was a legal way for the club to make money, and I was glad to help. Not to mention, the paychecks I received allowed me to live very comfortably. Win… win. But while I was gone, who knows what the hell happened. I knew I was ready to get back to it, though.

“X is doing great. Liv’s been running the show, keeping everything in line. Any issues we’ve taken care of. Nothing too much. Couple of the girls got roughed up. Money’s good.” G.T. said blowing out the smoke from his cigarette and paused. “You going back to work?”

“Yep. I’m gonna check in on everything tomorrow. Tonight is about partying.” Standing up, I brushed the ass of my jeans getting whatever dirt off. “I’ve gotta go say hi to Diamond.”

Out of the corner of my eye, Cruz walked out of the shop, putting his sunglasses on and making that already sexy body even sexier. Was that even possible? When his head turned, and he met my stare, he shook his head and kept walking. “What’s his story?”

“Patched in about a year ago, completely trust him. Came out of the Marines, and he’s an honorable man. He’s proven himself over and over again.” My mind flashed to Cruz in uniform, and I liked what I saw.

I spotted a man in the corner of the garage wearing a Prospect rag sweeping the blacktop and nodded his way. “What about him?” The man’s straight long hair covered his face, but his dark beard was long enough to see beyond the ends. His body was lean and lanky, but his movements were fluid and knowing. G.T.’s eyes followed mine.

“That’s Rocky. Pretty quiet, but talks when it’s important. He’s only about six months in.” I tilted my head to the side trying to get a better look at him. Something about him seemed familiar, but nothing I could pinpoint.

I turned to G.T. “I missed you,” I said, pulling my baby brother into a tight hug, which he reciprocated effortlessly. Ever since we were kids, he’s always acted like my big brother instead of younger. He taught me more than any one man in the club. He’s been in the ring with me, at the shooting range, and by my side throughout all these years coaching me to be the woman I am today. G.T., also known as Gage Thomas by birth certificate only, was the rock that I would fight for till my dying breath.

“I missed you too, Princess.”

Nodding, I began heading in the direction of the clubhouse with Cruz a few feet in front of me. “I know you’re there, girl.” I could get lost in that deep drawl of his voice. I didn’t slow my pace, but I did answer.

“I’m going to see Diamond.”

Cruz turned around suddenly, halting me in mid-step, “We will talk about this later.”

“We will, huh? You think this is how it works?” Leaning in close to him, my lips almost touched his ear. “I don’t fuck brothers. It’s not gonna change.”

He challenged me back, leaning into my ear, the smell of him and leather assaulting my senses. “Everything changes.”

I tapped down the shiver that ran through my body. I was not giving in. I couldn’t. I’ve seen so many mommas come in and out of the club, that’s what the guys called whores, club mommas. The names were interchangeable with them. I would never become one of them.

It’s one thing to find a guy outside the club, have a good time, and get away. Here… you never get away. I was not one to be passed around by the guys and deal with all the drama of seeing them with another woman. I was strong, but some things, I knew were too much.

Pulling away from him, I stepped through the clubhouse doors. The smell of stale beer and cigarettes lingered everywhere. Adjusting my eyes to the darkness, I took in everything in the room. Dark paneling encased the entire room. One was a wall of pictures, those who we have loved and lost. The other wall was the bar. Mirrors lined the walls with beer signs shining brightly. Liquor and glasses encompassed the shelves. The L-shaped bar had tons of nicks and dents, representing years of men drinking and becoming brothers.

A man about my age wearing a Prospect rag was behind the bar. “Hey, Sweetheart, can I get ya something?”

“Oh, Honey. What I want, you can’t give me,” I purred, cozying up to the bar, leaning on my elbows, giving him a good show of my tits. Yep flirting.

“I’m sure I can.” His eyes lingered on what I’ve just put out in front of him, and he licked his top lip.

A hand slammed down hard on the bar next to me, catching me off guard and causing me to jump a bit. Cruz stood next to me, eyeing the Prospect. “She yours?” he asked Cruz.

“Yeah. Hands off,” Cruz growled.

My temper flared. There was no way in hell this guy was going to lay claim to me. I knew how this shit worked. Once a brother claimed a woman, she was untouchable to anyone. I shouldn’t care since I wouldn’t get with anyone in the club, but my independence took over. This was so not happening. “Fuck off. I’m not yours. I’m not anyone’s. Let’s get that shit straight right now.” The Prospect actually looked nervous which pissed me off more. “Grow some balls,” I murmured, staring at him.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” The Prospect glared intently at me. Respect goes a long fucking way, and if these shits didn’t show it now… they’d never make it.

Before I could let the asshole know how I felt, Cruz stepped in. “Shut the fuck up. You don’t fucking talk to her like that. You hear me?” His eyes fell as he went back to cleaning the bar.

“I don’t need to be rescued. I can damn well do it myself.” I gripped the side of the bar tight enough to turn my knuckles white.

“Maybe that’s the problem. You need a man instead of the pussies who let you get away with that shit.” Cruz said grabbing the beer bottle from the bar taking a long swig. Watching his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, I held back the moan that wanted to escape my dry lips turning my insides to mush.

“You know what I need?” I leaned in close to him breathing him in, but mustering my strength. “I need a dick. One that has no association with this club, and I’ll get it tonight. After that, I’ll be just fine. Don’t worry your little heart about that.” Hearing Cruz’s breathing pick up, I turned back to the bar smiling.

“Princess?” Turning towards the church doors, Diamond stood there tall and proud. Man, these two years since I had seen him last had aged him. He was still as handsome as always, however, with his short gray hair and green sparkling eyes; it was obvious that time was wearing on him. I could sense the power radiating off of him though.

Before I was able to walk to him, Cruz reached out and gripped my arm. “We’re not done here.”

Nodding and pulling away from Cruz, I leaned into Diamond’s arms. “You all right, Old Man?”

“Never better now that you’re home.” Diamond wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing me on the cheek. “They let you do that red shit to your hair in the joint?” His own question made him laugh. He has always given me shit about my wild hair ways. Back in the day, I’d have three or four colors at a time. He just liked to give me shit.

“Yep, some bitch named Berta. Made me eat her pussy first.”

His deep laugh was music to my ears. “Glad to know your smart ass mouth came home, too.”

He squeezed me tighter. “Thanks, Di.”



Diamond led me past the large room where the brothers held church, towards his office. Sitting in the large space, he grabbed both my hands. “Princess, I’m so sorry you had to deal with that shithole.”

“I’m good, Diamond. I’m out now.” Ma told me the brothers were chomping at the bit not having any control over my fate. They hired the best lawyers, and we fought, but in the end the evil bitch won. At the time, I didn’t know it was Babs. That bitch did a bang-up job with all the evidence against me. I could feel the tension in my body starting to rise just thinking about her. This wasn’t the time for a blow up.

As he squeezed my hand, I tried to get a grasp on my anger. “First, I wanted to thank you for handling that shit for us. I know we asked quite a bit.”

Looking him right in the eye, all anger left my face. “I’d do anything for this club. You know that. Those bitches deserved what they got.” He smiled, not acknowledging it again. I knew this was his way. The things they’ve had to do were secret, and I couldn’t help the bit of pride I felt that I was privileged to my part. The fact I was let in just a sliver was enough to fuel me to do what needed to be done, which I did. Taking out those bitches that wronged the club was an honor.

“For right now, you’ll have a brother with you at all times.” I looked at him confused, wondering what was going on. I’ve been taking care of myself for years before I got locked up and never needed anyone’s help, not even the brothers.

Fire ran through my body, sending it on a course of explosion, but I controlled it and took a deep, heaving breath. I spoke as calmly as I could. “With all due respect, I don’t need a babysitter. I can take care of myself.”

Diamond’s happy nature disappeared, and I knew I had overstepped my bounds. Shit. His face turned tight, and every muscle in it pulsated. His eyes turned menacing, and no longer belonged to the warm, fun-loving guy that just hugged me a few minutes ago causing a sliver of fear to creep through my body. “This is not up for discussion, young lady. You will have a brother at all times.”

I dropped my head in shame. Disappointing Diamond sent an ache throughout my body that I could spend an eternity not feeling again. “Sorry, Diamond.”

He leaned back in his chair lacing his fingers together and placing them behind his head, reclining. “I hear you had a little run-in with some mechanics.”

Of course, he would know already. Nothing gets past this man. “Yes, Sir.”

“You know you can’t go beating up the workers.” His eyes were serious, but his warmth returned and emanated from his words.

“I’m know. I’m sorry.”

“Damn right you are. You will apologize.” Diamond and Pops were the only two that could rein me in. I was not scared of them. Well, I guess I kinda was, but for a good reason. I respected them with every fiber of my being. I trusted them and knew they had my back always.

“We have a party planned tonight for you.” A smile graced my face at this knowledge. I just knew they wouldn’t let my homecoming pass without something. I was almost disappointed when I arrived, and the welcome wagon wasn’t in full force. But I didn’t let it show.

Diamond leaned in close, stilling my hands of their rhythmic movements that I didn’t even know they were making. “We’d do anything for you. You know that, right?”

“I know.”

“You need to keep your eyes and ears open all the time.” I wondered who the hell he was warning me about, but knew I wouldn’t get any answers even though I had to ask.

“Are you gonna tell me who I’m looking out for?”

He eyed me, his expression impassive. “Everyone. Now get out of here and see your Ma.” He nodded towards the door. I knew my dismissal and took it. As I reached the door, Diamond wasn’t done. “Also, you apologize to Cruz.”

My body stood frozen; it was as if all the blood left instantly. The hand that clutched the handle on the door gripped it so tightly I thought for sure it would bust off in my hand. Not looking back, I asked, “This my punishment?”

He laughed but didn’t say a word. I knew the answer. One thing I had a hell of a hard time doing was showing weakness to the brothers. As a woman, I was already considered weak. I’ve spent my entire life trying to prove that wrong. From fighting to shooting to riding… I did everything I could come up with to make the brothers see me as strong. This was going to be a bitch.

The bar was illuminated, like always. The Prospect behind it and Cruz were the only two men in the room, but what caught my eye was the long brown-haired vixen, with small scraps of fabric barely covering her essentials, standing next to Cruz. She was definitely a club momma. They all seemed to look the same, no clothes and an eagerness about them that screamed slut. I’ve seen a lot of them throughout my time here. Did I like it? No. But they were part of it, and I ignored them. They were free pussy for the guys, all of the guys, something I refused ever to be.

The woman’s hand began snaking up and down Cruz’s bulging arm as she pushed her body up against his side, her fake tits rubbing on him relentlessly. Normally, my eyes would roll at the situation, and I’d turn and walk away, but this time, I felt rooted in my spot. The men took club mommas all the time using them for their holes and nothing more. But with this woman touching Cruz, I couldn’t help the desire to go over to her and beat the fucking shit out of her.

I knew I wouldn’t. He was not mine, and I didn’t want him to be. Right? Shaking off my thoughts, I approached the bar. Blowing out a breath, I knew I had to tackle this damn apology first, but I didn’t want to do it with her hanging all over him. I really needed to get on Sting and clear my head, which would definitely be my next order of business.

Pushing my shoulders back, strengthening my spine with all I could muster, the Prospect’s eyes widened as I approached. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were Princess.” Cruz must have filled him in on a bit of my history. What I didn’t know was why, considering Cruz didn’t know shit about me.

I smiled softly. “No problem. Nice to meet ya.”

“Howd it go?” Cruz asked, cutting in while taking a pull from his beer. The sound of his throat swallowing filled my ears and my eyes wanted desperately to watch his Adams apple move, but I tore them away.

“Fine. Can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked siding up on the stool next to him.

“You can talk to me anytime you want, Baby.” His voice melted me like butter, and I wanted to kick my ass for it. I needed to keep my head on straight around this man but feared it wouldn’t be an easy task. He turned to the woman at his side, “Get lost.”

Her high-pitched whine had me rolling my eyes in disgust. “But, Cruz. I’m horny.” Seriously? Why these women did this shit, I’d never know. It’s one thing that Casey and I vowed together never to be. We would never start sleeping with the brothers and turn into this woman standing by Cruz.

“I am, too.” His eyes found mine as the words flowed from this mouth. The woman grabbed his arm tighter, but my thoughts drifted to the intense kiss that he gave me just a while ago, and my face flushed.

“Good. Let’s go back and fix that,” she purred loud enough for everyone to hear, but I was sure it was a show for me.

“We’ll see. I’ve gotta see if someone else will help, first.” His eyes never left mine as the woman huffed. She turned and glared at me. I laughed right at her. I couldn’t stop myself. I knew it was bitchy and catty, but fuck if she wanted to put herself out there like that, this was the shit that happens.

“Take a hike,” he told the Prospect as he scurried off into the club. “What’s so fucking funny?” he asked, turning his body to me in the stool.

“You.” Shaking my head, I reached for the beer the Prospect left for me before his hasty retreat.

Me? You’re the cock tease.” His voice had a bit of humor to it but was also laced with his frustration.

I smiled ‘cause I knew I was. I was surprised he wasn’t pissed as shit and most men would be with my little game out in the shop. Needing to get this over with, I blew out a deep breath. Pulling from every bit of strength I could muster, I started strumming my fingers on the bar and suddenly it felt like the room was a thousand degrees, and I was burning alive. I just needed to get this out. “Look, sorry about earlier.” I looked down at the bar, not wanting to make eye contact.

After a few beats with him not saying a word, I turned to him, looking at a very remarkable man with a strong jaw and rough beard. It made my pussy clench, and I squeezed my thighs together trying to relieve some of the pressure. His hand grazed my chin, sending an electrical current through my body. As he pulled my head completely up, we were eye to eye. My breath caught as I stared into the most beautiful blue eyes.

He smirked as if he knew what I was thinking deep inside, making my insides flutter. Then he shocked me. “That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.” My eyes widened. I expected him to give me shit, yell at me… something. Those words were not what I thought would come out. I kept my mouth shut.

He leaned in close, his lips a hairs breath away from mine. His arms wrapped around my waist, and before I could catch my breath, he pulled me close, slamming his lips down on mine for the second time. The taste of beer, smoke, and desire invaded my mouth, sending every part of me into convulsive shivers. My arms wrapped around his neck, and I instinctively pulled him closer to me. It had been way too long, if ever, since I felt this kind of passion from a man, and I was lost in it.

We began tearing at each other’s lips, nipping, sucking and exploring. His tongue pushed its way inside my mouth, and we dueled for power. His hands tightened around my body pulling me tight against him. His rock-hard erection pressed against my body, making my pussy ache. I wanted it… needed it.

I started rubbing myself against him like a cat in heat, trying to get the smallest amount of friction. I badly needed to come, and since my brain had decided to take a vacation, I was relishing in the feel of him.

“Sis!” G.T.’s voice boomed from across the room. I jumped quickly trying to get out of Cruz’s arms. Feeling like a teenager getting caught doing something was not a feeling I liked. “What the fuck is going on here?” my brother barked.

“Nothing,” I said, wiping my lips with the back of my hand, actually feeling a bit embarrassed. Of course, he’s caught me in compromising positions before, but never with a brother. I really didn’t like this gutting feeling at all.

“The hell it’s nothing.” Cruz wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to his body tightly. I could feel his bulge resting in the crack of my ass, making my legs quiver, wanting him that much more. Shutting my eyes, I hoped my brain kicked in soon.

“Cruz, back the fuck off. She hasn’t had a dick in over two years. She doesn’t fuck brothers. Ever. She’s not a club momma.” G.T. crossed his arms over his broad chest standing as my protector, even though I didn’t need one; it was still a sweet gesture.

Cruz’s body stiffened at his words. I didn’t know if he thought maybe I’d turn into a whore for him, or if he knew I was different. I hoped the latter. He didn’t say anything, but “things change,” his voice booming in my ear.

“This shit doesn’t change. Stay the fuck away from her.” G.T. began to move closer to us, just then my brain decided to join the party.

Grabbing Cruz’s arms, I pulled them from my body, stepping away. “If you boys are done with your pissing contest, I’m going to see Ma.”

“Princess, don’t. You need to get your head on straight,” G.T. barked.

Placing my hands on my brother’s chest, I grabbed his shirt with both hands pulling him to me focusing on his eyes. “My head has been fucked up since that bitch set me up. I already have a Pops; I don’t need another. I don’t say a fucking word about all the mommas going in and out of your room. Don’t you dare start with me.”

G.T. placed his hands on my shoulders and began rubbing them up and down. “I’m sorry you went through all that. You know I have your back.” He turned to look at Cruz. “In everything.”

“I’m good, Bro. I just need to ride. I’ll be back later.” Letting go of G.T.’s shirt, I smoothed it straight, moving my hands up and down.

“Princess!” Diamond’s voice reverberated from the office.

Turning to the sound, “Yes,” I answered politely.

“Cruz rides with you,” he ordered, not skipping a beat.

“I’ll ride with her,” G.T. stated firmly.

“No. Cruz goes. End of discussion.” With those words, the issue was dropped, and I knew it would be Cruz next to me.

“I’m fine. No worries. Cruz will protect me from all the bad people out there,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“You watch out for her,” G.T. said while seeming to have a silent, private conversation with Cruz over my shoulder.

Pulling myself together, I knew I needed to get on Sting. “I’ll meet you out front,” I called back to Cruz as my pulse picked up at the thought of riding my man.




Feeling the wind in my hair and the vibration between my thighs was the ultimate high. It was better than any drug or even sex. This was the only time that I felt truly free. Even when I left those prison gates, I didn’t fully feel it. This… I feel it. Having Cruz right beside me was an extra bonus, one I wasn’t expecting. Astride his bike, he stayed in sync with me, or maybe it was me staying in sync with him. I really didn’t know, but it was beautiful.

I pulled up to Ma’s house, loving my first home. I loved the small, yellow, one-story, ranch style home. I’d grown up here, and it held so many wonderful memories for me. All along the front of the large white wraparound porch were all different kinds of flowers, which Ma loved. She’s told me repeatedly what they were, but hell if I could remember. All I knew was they were pink, purple, yellow and white, and she took exceptional care of them. Me? I killed anything green I touched. Give me a motor or a carburetor, though, and I could rebuild it like a champ.

Ma must have heard Sting’s rumble because she ran out of the house with a broad smile across her beautiful face. As she embraced me, I felt whole.



Harlow, the Princess. Fuck me. I’ve heard about her since I became a Prospect two years ago. She was all any of the brothers could think about for the longest time. They were sick to death that she had to spend time in the joint. There was nothing the lawyer could do. The bitch involved really used her head and had an air-tight case against Princess, claiming she was blackmailing the mayor because he came to the studio, threatening to tell the town. Like she’d fucking say a word about shit like that. I’ve known her for a few hours and can see the way she was with the guys. She’d do anything for them… and them for her.

Pops and G.T. were beside themselves those first few months she was in lockdown. They were chomping at the bit, to find out if she was okay. I was just a Prospect at the time and wasn’t privileged to know everything, at first. I just watched, and you’d be amazed at what one could see.

I know life in the joint was rough, and when you have a MC like Ravage at your back, shit gets a little more difficult. All it took was one disgruntled woman who’s pissed we offed he

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 744

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