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C IRRA STRETCHED AND moved out of the booth, tired of hearing the girl's muffled cry. With a quick wave of her wrist, she impatiently signaled for one of her boys to come over, his tall, skinny form poured into leather pants, no shirt, and a black bandana on his shaved head. Letting her eyes rake over his body, she let out a sigh of boredom at how unimaginative the men here really were. Pathetic losers who somehow thought she had all the answers, they couldn't think for themselves if they tried. Of course, this made for easily led sheep but still...

"Oh come on already! Get over here."

She yelled, watching him practically run to her and lower his eyes obediently.

"Mistress Cirra."

The blond reached out and grabbed him by the arm, yanking him over to the booth, her eyes flicking to the occupant laying sprawled in it.

"Watch her. If she moves, subdue her."

The guy looked over at Caitlyn's form and nodded, a smile coming to his youthful face as he spoke.

"You mean beat her."

Cirra looked up from the bustier she was adjusting on herself and eyed him, her brown gaze darkening as she narrowed her eyes.

"I mean subdue her."

She quietly and menacingly held his eyes before he nodded, lowering his own head and sliding into the booth next to the young girl. He personally had heard horror stories of Cirra's temper and had seen the end results enough to know that he was lucky not to have been knocked clear across the floor. He watched as she went over to her favorite perch above the dance floor, her eyes scanning the crowd below with studied interest, her body twitching with nervous energy. Wow, she was nuts.

Ten years, three months, five days, seven hours, thirty-eight minutes and fourteen seconds. That's how long she had been waiting for this opportunity, how long she had been planning it all. Cirra's mind raced from her memories of the past to the present moment and back again, double-checking all her arrangements, remembering the image burned so deep inside of her she often couldn't tell if it was real or something she made up. She was spiraling towards total dissociation, a rather fortuitous side effect of what happened to her long ago. It was easy, then, to remove her emotions from it all, to be totally focused on her goal. Emotions got in the way, ruined all the careful planning. Her psychotic mind decided that she would simply no longer have any of them. She would feel nothing and the pain would go away and she would have what she always wanted.

Pure, clean, simple revenge.

"Here kitty kitty kitty...."

Cirra Callistone's soft lyrical voice called out in the din of the club, the music thumping all around her and voices rising up, some in the club, some in her own head. An anxious smile started to slowly cross her face, brown eyes sparkling with lunatic glee. Pretty kitty come to mama.

* * *


Walking casually into the loud and crowded men's bar from the back hallway, Tina pulled Mariel along by her wrist cuff, the detective's gaze steady and confident. The few guys who bothered to notice just gave them a bored look and went back to their activities. It wasn't like they were the only women in the club, there were a few, but most of those women were completely dominated by their masters, bound in all sorts of outrageous ways. It was clear, though, that Tina and Mariel were the only women who were there specifically together.

Roughly, the detective pulled the smaller woman to a high table near the bar, her face a challenge to any who might question them. Moving one of the tall bar chairs out, she sat down, hooking her motorcycle boots on the low rungs of the chair before spreading her knees. Pulling the scientist in to stand sideways between her legs, she reached out one of her hands and possessively curled it around the younger woman's hip in a show for the boys. The look on her face was enough to keep any of the men from saying anything, most of them smart enough not to mess with a big leather dyke.

Mariel lowered her eyes, letting her hand rest gently on top of Tina's thigh in front of her as she tried to look as submissive as possible. The detective glared at a few on-lookers who quickly turned away before she pulled Mariel to her closer, leaning in against the side of the scientist's head as she spoke loud enough for only her to hear.

"We've got to figure out a way to get upstairs. See those guys over there near the stairs? They're not letting anyone up."

Mariel unobtrusively let her eyes look out over the crowd, seeing a set of stairs that led up but nothing else. From their vantage point, they could only see the front of the club, the upper level obscured by a low ceiling in this part of the bar. The dance floor was also between them and the stairs to the right of the club's front entrance adding more distraction between them and their destination. It wasn't going to be easy.

Nodding, Mariel pressed further between the detective's legs as she turned her head, her mouth moving up to find Tina's ear hidden behind long dark hair. With a soft voice that carried easily in the lack of space between them, she spoke.

"Wouldn't there be more than one exit from up there? Most cities have pretty strict fire codes, don't they?"

Tina let her fingers squeeze against the scientist's hip, feeling both bare skin and leather. The sound of Mariel's voice in her ear and the incredible proximity of her body to the investigator's was certainly raising a few alarms in her as it was. She was still a bit amped by their previous encounters in the back of the club and this was most definitely not making her body calm down. And the way the young doctor smelled...her hair still held a hint of whatever that was she had noticed earlier in the day on the way to lunch. That smell, in and of itself, was intoxicating enough to simply pass out from and the detective was no slouch when it came to drinking she had to admit. Pulling back, Tina reached her other hand up and let her fingers curve along the scientist's jawline and down the side of her neck before she looked directly into Mariel's eyes.

"Do you know just how hard it is to concentrate on this case?"

Mariel smiled, her hand lightly trailing along the dark grey cloth that covered the detective's thigh. She had long ago given up on any pretense of reservation. As new as she might be to this whole dynamic, she was, fundamentally, a feeling person and right now, she was feeling everything, her own heart pounding in her chest. Still standing between the detective's legs, she turned to face Tina and reached her arms up, draping them around the investigator's neck, feeling strong hands gripping her hips in return. Coming in close, the young doctor leaned up on her tiptoes and let her forehead rest against the dark brow of the detective before she breathed out.

"Yes, I do."

They were an inch away from each other, everyone else forgotten in the din of the music and crowd before one rather insistent waiter came up and tapped Tina on the shoulder, his high-pitched voice breaking the moment.

"You ladies need a drink?"

Mariel felt the muscles in the body next to her shift, preparing to strike. With a smile, she eased back, her hands smoothing down along the leather covering Tina's broad shoulders. Letting her hands come to rest on the tops of the investigator's thighs, she raised her eyebrow and let her green gaze fall directly into the detective's. Reluctantly, Tina turned her gaze, giving the waiter one of her best Looks before she spoke gruffly, her hands never leaving where they were and her knees coming together to make sure the woman in front of her wasn't planning on going anywhere. As if.

"Two waters."

The man took one look at Tina's expression and moved quickly, having the good sense to know when he was interrupting something. Letting her hands move up along the scientist's bare sides under her jacket, Tina smiled slowly, her voice low.

"Now, where were we?"

At that instant, Mariel's eyes narrowed as she looked over the taller detective's shoulder towards the bar. On her tiptoes, she peered past Tina, taking in movement in the darkened club. Looking back at the investigator excitedly, she leaned in and moved her hands back around Tina's neck, her face burrowing in against the warm darkness of the detective's hair.

"I found it! The other set of steps is right near the bar, there's a door off to the side. I just saw someone come down from there."

Casually, Tina leaned her elbow back on the table behind her and pretended to stretch her neck, a bored expression on her face as her eyes took in the scene behind her. The bar was busy, which was good, easier to slip by unnoticed. The door itself was at the very end, unobtrusive and unguarded. There were lots of men crowded around the space surrounding the semi-lit bar, waiting for drinks or socializing. The one good thing about a leather crowd in this situation was that the black of their outfits made it that much easier not to be noticed in the darkness. Tina turned as the waiter came up with their little bottled waters and put them on the table, his voice pleasantly social.

"Four dollars, please."

Mariel's expression was one of horror as she blurted out, forgetting for a minute where they were and what they were doing.

"Four dollars? You've got to be kidding! Water used to be free, didn't it?"

The scientist felt hands move against her bare sides, lightly squeezing but enough to get her attention. Turning to Tina, her eyes caught the gently scolding look on the detective's face as Tina cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow. Smiling slyly, the detective rolled her head over to the waiter and drawled in an amused voice.

"She's uppity, what are you gonna do?"

The waiter laughed and shook his head, being that way himself, he knew exactly what this woman would probably do to her cute little blond friend. He smiled back as the detective reached in her jacket pocket and pulled out a five, handing it over to him with a nod before he moved off.


Mariel's voice was remorseful as she grimaced, knowing she had spoken out of turn in this club. She felt Tina chuckle as the detective stood up and stretched, her tall body looming over her. Putting her arm around the young doctor's shoulder, Tina pulled her close and leaned down, speaking near Mariel's ear.

"You do realize I'll have to punish you later for that, don't you?"

The scientist pulled back to get a look at the gently teasing expression on Tina's face, perfect lips curved in a smile. Letting a smile of her own form, Mariel leaned up and spoke, her own arm slipping up and wrapping around the detective's waist.

"Is that a promise?"

Tina's eyes caught Mariel's and she held them for a second before she spoke, her voice low and serious.

"Do you want it to be?"

Mariel swallowed, knowing that the question Tina was asking had very little to do with actual 'punishment' and very much to do with what would happen once this case was resolved. Whatever doubt she might have had (and there was very little of that) faded when she looked into deep blue gazing back at her without any pressure or any expectations, just honest and unassuming regard. Tina was asking her if she felt the undeniable attraction between them and whether this was something she wanted. And, Mariel inwardly decided as she squeezed against the detective's solid, comforting body, this was something she wanted very much. With a soft nod, she let her heart slowly and cautiously come out of its long hibernation to show on her face and in her eyes.

Tina looked at her a moment longer, seeing that the young scientist was serious. It had been a long time since she had felt this way, since Mala years ago, and as strong as she appeared on the outside, her own heart was feeling very weak when it came to this one young small town woman who appeared out of nowhere in her life and had simply charmed her way inside the walls detective had built. She could fight the toughest thugs on the streets, go one on one with the most cunningly corrupt businessman or politician, but she simply had no defenses against Mariel Potidean. And right now, the last thing she wanted to do was fight against this....fighting for it was another matter altogether. With a nod of her own, Tina pulled Mariel closer to her and started to move them towards the bar, anxious to get things taken care of and get the scientist out of a place like this.

"Come on...let's check out those stairs."

Before they got very far, Mariel pulled them up short and reached back to the table they had just left, grabbing one of the waters and taking a long drink, almost draining the small bottle. Putting the almost empty container back on the table, she turned and looked at Tina who had an amused smile on her face and a raised brow. Mariel shrugged her shoulders and smiled, commenting in a light voice.

"What? I wanted to know what two dollar water tastes like."

They both chuckled, pushing their way through the crowd to the bar, unaware that a set of eyes were watching them. The figure turned and made his way towards the front of the club and the stairs there.

* * *


Cirra heard a sound just behind her, a hesitant cough and clearing of a throat. Drawing her eyes away from the scene below her she turned, looking down at the little man with a mixture of boredom and annoyance, her voice conveying that in a single word.


The waiter lowered his eyes respectfully.

"She's here."

Cirra suddenly let out a little scream of delight before she reached over and roughly grabbed the waiter, her hands grasping his shoulders and her fingernails digging into his skin. Pulling him close, she spoke excitedly.

"Are you sure it's her?!"

The waiter winced, feeling Cirra's claws starting to break the skin on his bare shoulders. With his eyes raising slightly, he nodded.

"She's just like you described. Tall, long black hair, blue eyes....very beautiful."

The blond's face contorted in rage as she backhanded the waiter, her voice a harsh yell.

"She is not beautiful, you stupid fucking piece of shit! Do you hear me?!"

It was clear to the waiter as his head snapped to the side and his lip burst open that Cirra had finally started to crack. As long as he had known her, all the guys had taken bets to see when she would finally go over the edge. Up until this point, everything she did was calculating and cruel, yes, but she had maintained a certain distance and lack of involvement. Selling kids was like a hobby for her, her real career focused on some other thing no one really knew. The waiter realized that other thing was the woman downstairs.

Cirra pulled back, letting him go as she collected herself, a smile crazily coming across her face as she ran a hand through her hair and smoothed her hands over her leather pants, murmuring to herself.

"I've got to look my best for you, my sweet, don't I? Oh, I promise you that you'll enjoy our reunion."

She knew it was only a matter of time before Tina Amphipoli would find her. The kitty was coming, the kitty was coming!

Pushing past the waiter without a second thought, she walked over to the booth and leaned in, grabbing Caitlyn by the hair and yanking the startled girl out. Stumbling and trying to get to her feet, Caitlyn lurched as Cirra reached down to her boot and pulled out a shining blade of silver. With a laugh, she dragged the young girl over to the balcony and pushed her against the railing, standing slightly behind her. With a swift move, she reached around and let the blade rest against the wildly beating pulse of Caitlyn's neck.

And waited.


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 543

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