Continental CongressesThe British parliament passed a new sets of laws called the Intolerable Acts - closed the Boston Harbor until the tea was paid in full; the Americans could not hold town meetings; the Americans were forced to house the British soldiers.
All colonists except Georgia sent men to Philadelphia to talk about the Intolerable Acts.
This group was called the First Continental Congress ( September, 1774).
****The Congress decided
They began arming themselves, their soldiers were called Minutemen. The first battle was
in Lexington and Concord( April, 1775)
The Second Continental Congress(began in May, 1775)) was held in Philadelphia.
The committee consisted of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston. The text of the Declaration was written by T. Jefferson.
The Declaration was approved by the Second Continental Congress on the 4th of July 1776
5. War of Independence
*The main aim of the war( American Revolution)
**Moving forces: Patriots
The leaders-
Peculiarity of the revolution-
Military actions in 1776-77 were held in the North of the country. The American army was not well equipped; it was short of food and clothing. America received support from France, Spain, Holland, Russia; 7 thousand volunteers came to America from other countries. In October 1777 the Americans beat a large British forces at Saratoga. After victory of American and French armies at Yorktown, the war was over in October 1781.
In 1783 the Americans and the British signed a peace treaty in Paris.
Constitution of 1787 adopted in Philadelphia proclaimed republic in the USA.
√Executive power-
√Legislative power
√Judicial power
Checks and Balances
• Congress makes the laws but Presidents may veto laws passed by Congress.
• Presidents may veto laws but Congress may over-ride a veto by a 2/3’s vote of both Houses.
• The Courts may find a law passed by Congress and signed by the President UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Each state had its own legislative body, which ruled in local affairs.
This system is called federation. Bill of Rights, an addition to Constitution, proclaimed democratic liberties for the American citizens. But many poor people, Blacks, Indians and women did not receive the right to vote.

Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1062