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Ancient and Medieval Authors

Ancient authors are normally cited in the footnotes and parenthetical references in the text by means of standard abbreviations. These are those listed in the Oxford Classical Dictionary , supplemented where necessary by those from LSJ or by others made up for the purpose. References include designations of the traditional divisions of the text: e.g., book and line for Homer; book (where relevant), Stephanus page, and page-division for Plato; Ennead , essay, and paragraph for Plotinus. In many cases, line numbers have been added for convenience, after the other designations, and for certain works, including the commentaries of Proclus, the volume, page, and line number of the modern text are used to locate citations and references.

Because some of the ancient texts discussed are not easily available and have seldom been edited, it has seemed most convenient to attach a list of some of the editions actually cited. Moreover, where reference has been made to the comments of a modern editor or scholarly translator, the annotated edition or translation in question may be located through the following list. Some familiar series are designated in brief form (e.g., Loeb, OCT, etc.). This list is far from exhaustive and is, intended primarily to clarify references that might otherwise be troublesome. Most Christian authors are cited from the series Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte (= GCS), from the Sources chrétiennes editions (= SC), or from Migne's Patrologia Graeca (= PG) or Patrologia Latina (= PL).

Dubiously attributed texts and pseudepigrapha are alphabetized

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under the name of the author to whom the text has been attributed, following any authentic works occurring in this list.

Aristotle. Metaphysics . Edited with commentary by W. D. Ross. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1924.

———. Poetics . Translated with an introduction and notes by Gerald E Else. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1967.

Ps.-Aristotle. [Liber de causis .] Die pseudo-Aristotelische Schrift über das reine Gute, bekannt unter dem Namen Liber de causis . Edited by Otto Bardenhewer, 1882. Reprint. Frankfurt: Minerva, n.d.

———. Liber de pomo . Edited by Marianus Plezia. Eos 47 (1954): 197-217. Also note The Apple; or, Aristotle's Death , translated with an introduction by Mary F. Rousseau. Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation, no. 18. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1968.

Aristoxenus. [Fragments .] Die Schule des Aristoteles, ii: Aristoxenos . Edited by Fritz Wehrli. Basel: Benno Schwabe, 1945.

Augustine. The City of God Against the Pagans . Edited by George E. McCracken, W. M. Green et al. London and Cambridge, Mass.: Heinemann and Harvard University Press (Loeb), 2957-72.

[Bernard Silvestris.] The Commentary on the First Six Books of the Aeneid of Vergil Commonly Attributed to Bernardus Silvestris . Edited by Julian Ward Jones and Elizabeth Frances Jones. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1977.

Boethius. Philosophiae consolationis libri quinque . Edited by Karl Büchner. 2nd ed. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1960.

Calcidius. Timaeus a Calcidio translatus commentarioque instructus . Edited by J. H. Waszink. Corpus Platonicum Medii Aevi: Plato Latinus, vol. 4. London and Leiden: Warburg Institute and Brill, 1962. Reference is also made to Platonis Timaeus interprete Chalcidio cum eiusdem commentario . Edited by Johann Wrobel. Leipzig: Teubner, 1876.

Certamen : See Homer, below.

Dante. Tutte le opere . Edited by E. Moore and Paget Toynbee. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1904. All citations are from this edition with the following exception:

———. Epistolae . Edited by Paget Toynbee. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1920.

[Demetrius of Phaleron.] De elocutione . Edited by W. Rhys Roberts, 1902. Reprint. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1969.

Ps.-Dionysius Areopagites: Quotations are from PG, with the following exceptions:

———. Divine Names and Mystical Theology . Reference is made to the translation with introduction by John D. Jones. Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation, no. 21. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1980.

———. Epistles . See "Works Cited: Modern Authors" under Ronald E Hathaway for both text and translation.

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———. La Hiérarchie céleste . Edited by Günter Heil with introduction by René Roques and notes by Maurice de Gandillac. SC no. 58. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1958.

Dunchad. Glossae in Martianum . Edited by Cora Lutz. APA Philological Monographs, no. 12. Lancaster, Pa.: American Philological Association, 1944.

Eusebius. Preparatio Evangelica. Eusebius' Werke, 8er Band. Edited by Karl Mras. GCS vol. 43, parts 1 and 2. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1954-56.

Eustathius. Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem / Odysseam . . . ad fidem exempli Romani editi . 7 vols. Leipzig: Weigel, 1825-28.

Favonius Eulogius. Disputatio de somnio Scipionis . Edited and translated by Roger E. van Weddington. Collection Latomus, no. 27. Brussels: Latomus, 1957.

Fulgentius. Opera . Edited by Rudolph Helm. Leipzig: Teubner, 1898.

Heliodorus. Les Ethiopiques . Edited by R. M. Rattenbury and T. W. Lumb and translated by J. Maillon. 3 vols. Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Budé), 1935-43. Reference is also made to Heliodori Ethiopica , edited by Aristides Colonna. Rome: Typis regiae officinae polygraphicae, 1938.

Heraclitus. Allegories d'Homère . Edited and translated by Félix Buffière. Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Budé), 1962.

[Hermes Trismegistus.] Corpus Hermeticum . Edited by A. D. Nock and translated by A.-J. Festugière. 4 vols. Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Budé), 1945-54.

Hermias. In Platonis Phaedrum Scholia . Edited by P. Couvreur, 1901. Reprint. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1971.

Homer. All citations are from Opera , edited by Thomas W. Allen. 5 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press (OCT), 1902-12. The lesser Homerica, lives, and Certamen are in vol. 5. Reference is also made to The Iliad , edited by Walter Leaf. 2nd ed. 1900-1902. Reprint. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1971. See also Chapman's Homer , edited by Allardyce Nicoll. Bollingen Series, vol. 41. New York: Pantheon, 1956. The Homeric scholia are cited from the following editions: Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem . Edited by Hartmut Erbse. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1969-77. Reference is occasionally made to the edition by Wilhelm Dindorf. 4 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1875-77. Scholia Graeca in Homeri Odysseam . Edited by Wilhelm Dindorf. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1855.

Julian. Works . Edited and translated by Wilmer Cave Wright. 3 vols. London and New York: Heinemann and Macmillan (Loeb), 1913-23.

Lucretius. De rerum natura libri sex . Edited with apparatus and notes by Cyril Bailey. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1947.

Lydus, Ioannes. De mensibus . Edited by R. Wuench, 1898. Reprint. Stuttgart: Teubner, 1967. References are to page and line of this edition.

Macrobius. Commentarii in somnium Scipionis. Opera , vol. 2. Edited by I. Willis. Leipzig: Teubner, 1970. Reference is also made to Commentary on the Dream of

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Scipio , translated with introduction and notes by William Harris Stahl. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952.

———. Les Saturnales . Edited with translation and notes by Henri Bournecque. Paris: Garnier, n.d. [1937].

Magical Papyri (Greek). Die griechischen Zauberpapyri . Edited by K. Preisendanz. 2 vols. Stuttgart: Teubner, 1972-73.

Marinus. Vita Procli . Edited by J.-F. Boissonnade. Appended to Diogenis Laertii de clarorum philosophorum vitis . . ., edited by C. Gabriel Cobet. Paris: Didot, 1850.

Martianus Capella. De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii . Edited by Adolphus Dick. Leipzig: Teubner, 1925. For glosses, see Dunchad, above.

Musaeus. Hero and Leander . Edited by Thomas Gelzer and translated by Cedric Whitman. Appended to recent printings of Callimachus, Aetia . . . , edited and translated by C. A. Trypanis. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press and Heinemann (Loeb), 1975.

Numenius. Fragments . Edited and translated by E. Des Places. Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Budé), 1973. Reference is also made to E.-A. Leemans, Studie over den Wijsgeer Numenius van Apamea met Uitgave der Fragmenten . Académie royale de Belgique, Mémoires, Classe des Lettres, 27, part 2 (1937).

Olympiodorus. In Platonis Phaedonem Commentaria . Edited by William Norvin, 1913. Reprint. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1968.

Oracles Chaldaïques . With a selection of ancient commentaries. Edited and translated by E. Des Places. Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Budé), 1971.

Origen. All citations are from the GCS or SC editions. Reference is also made to Contra Celsum , translated with an introduction and notes by Henry Chadwick. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1953.

[Orpheus.] Orphica . Edited by E. Abel, 1885. Reprint. Hildesheim: Gerstenberg, 1971. Reference is also made to Orphicorum fragmenta . Edited by Otto Kern. Berlin: Weidmann, 1922.

[Philip the Philosopher.]

Edited by R. Hercher. Hermes 3 (1869): 382-88. See also the version in Colonna's edition of Heliodorus.

Philo. Works . Edited and translated by F. H. Colson and G. H. Whittaker. 10 vols. with 2 supplementary vols., the latter edited by Ralph Markus. London and New York (later Cambridge, Mass.): Heinemann and G. P. Putnam's Sons (later Harvard University Press) (Loeb), 1929-62. Philo's De providentia , preserved for the most part only in Armenian, is published with Latin translation in Philonis Judaei sermones tres hactenus inediti , edited by Johannes Baptista Aucher (= Mkrtichc Aukerian). Venice: Press of the Coenobitic Armenian Fathers in the Island of San Lazzaro, 1822. There is a complete German translation of Aucher's Latin in the seventh volume of Philo von Alexandria: Die Werke in deutscher Ürbersetzung , edited by Leopold Cohn, et al. 7 vols. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1909-64.

Plato. All citations are from Opera , edited by John Burnet. 5 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press (OCT), 5900-1907. Reference is also made to Plato's Repub-

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lic , edited with notes and essays by B. Jowett and Lewis Campbell. 3 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1894.

Plotinus. Opera . Edited by Paul Henry and Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer (editio maior ). 3 vols. Paris: Desclée et Brouwer, 1951-73. The editio minor of the same editors is the new OCT (1964-82), which incorporates some new readings and has occasionally been used in the present study. Reference is also made to the edition with translation by Emile Bréhier. 6 vols. in 7. 3rd ed. Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Budé), 1956-63.

Plutarch. Moralia . Edited by F. C. Babbitt et al. 15 vols. London and New York (later Cambridge, Mass.): Heinemann and G. P. Putnam's Sons (later Harvard University Press) (Loeb), 1927-69.

Ps.-Plutarch. The Life and Poetry of Homer . In Opera , edited by F. Dübner. 5 vols. Paris: Didot, 1855-57. The most recent version, in Moralia , edited by G. N. Bernardakis, vol. 7 (Leipzig: Teubner, 1896), makes minor improvements on Dübner's text. Reference is also made to E. Clavier's French translation in vol. 23 of Oeuvres de Plutarque , translated by Jacques Amyot with notes and observations by G. Brotier and J.-F. Vauvilliers. New ed., corrected and augmented by E. Clavier. 25 vols. Paris: Cussac, 1801-5.

Porphyry. De antro nympharum . In Opuscula selecta , edited by August Nauck. Leipzig: Teubner, 1886. Reference is also made to The Cave of the Nymphs in the Odyssey , a revised text with translation by Seminar Classics 609 (Arethusa Monographs, no. 1. Buffalo: State University of New York, 1969), and to Porphyry on the Cave of the Nymphs , translated with introduction and notes by Robert Lamberton. Barrytown, N.Y.: Station Hill, 1983.

———. Life of Plotinus . In vol. 1 of both of the Henry and Schwyzer editions of the Enneads of Plotinus.


. Fragments collected by Joseph Bidez in his Vie de Porphyre (see "Works Cited: Modern Authors").


, Edited with introduction, translation, and notes by Walter Pötscher. Philosophia Antiqua, vol. 15. Leiden: Brill, 1969.

———. Quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem / Odysseam Reliquiae . Edited by Hermann Schrader. 2 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1880-90. Reference is also made to Quaestionum Homericarum liber I , edited with introduction by A. R. Sodano. Naples: Giannini, 1970.

Proclus. Commentary on the First Alcibiades of Plato . Edited by L. G. Westerink. Amsterdam: Nijhoff, 1954. Note that this and the other commentaries of Proclus are referred to in the text and notes by volume (where relevant), page, and line of the modern editions listed here. In most instances, there are no traditional divisions of the texts fine enough to be useful in locating passages.

———. Elements of Theology . Edited with introduction, translation, and commentary by E. R. Dodds. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963

———. Hymns . Several editions are mentioned in the text but the best is that of Ernest Vogt. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1957.

———. In Platonis Cratylum commentaria . Edited by G. Pasquali. Leipzig: Teubner, 1908.

———. In Platonis Parmenidem commentaria . In Opera inedita . Edited by V. Cousin, 1864. Reprint. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1961.

———. In Platonis Rem publicam commentarii . Edited by G. Kroll. 2 VOLS., 1899-

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1901. Reprint. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1965. Reference is also made to Commentaire sur la République , translated with notes by A. J. Festugière. 3 vols. Paris: Vrin, 1970.

———. In Platonis Timaeum commentaria . Edited by E. Diehl. 3 vols., 1903-6. Reprint. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1965. Reference is also made to Commentaire sur le Timée , translated with notes by A. J. Festugière. 5 vols. Paris: Vrin, 1966-68.

———. In Primum Euclidis elementorum librum commentarii . Edited by G. Friedlein. Leipzig: Teubner, 1873. Reference is also made to A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements , translated with notes by Glenn R. Morrow. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970.

———. Théologie platonicienne . Edited and translated by H. D. Saffrey and L. G. Westerink. Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Budé, 1968-in progress.

Prudentius. Works . Edited by M. Lavarenne. 4 vols. Paris: Les Belles Lettres (Budé), 1943-63.

Rhetorical Texts (Greek). Rhetores Graeci . Edited by Leonard Spengel et al. 16 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1856- 1931.

Sallustius. Concerning the Gods and the Universe . Edited and translated by A. D. Nock, 1926. Reprint. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1966.

Stobaeus, Ioannes. Eclogarum physicarum et ethicarum libri duo . Edited by August Meinecke. Leipzig: Teubner, 1860-64.

Stoicorum veterum fragmenta . Collected and edited by Joh. von Arnim. 4 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1905-24.

Theosophies (Greek). Fragmente griechischer Theosophien . Edited by Hartmut Erbse. Hamburg: Hansischer Gildenverlag, 1941.

Modern Authors

Alexandre, Monique. "La Culture profane chez Philon." In Philon d'Alexandrie . Colloques nationaux du C. N. R. S. Paris: C. N. R. S., 1967.

Armstrong, A. J. The Architecture of the Intelligible Universe in the Philosophy of Plotinus . 1940. Reprint. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1967.

———, ed. The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967. (Here abbreviated CHLGEMP.)

Athanassiadi-Fowden, Polymnia. Julian and Hellenism: An Intellectual Biography . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

Auerbach, Erich. Mimesis . Berne: A. Francke, 1946. More easily available is the translation by Willard Trask. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953.

Babut, Daniel. Plutarque et le Stoïcisme . Publications de l'Université de Lyon. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1969.

Bartelink, G. J. M. "Homerismen in Nikolaos Mesarites' Beschreibung der Apostelkirche in Konstantinopel." Byzantinische Zeitschrift 70 (1977): 306-9.

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Basilikopoulou-Ioannidou, Agni. 'H


Beierwaltes, Werner. "Das Problem der Erkenntnis bei Proklos." In De Jamblique à Proclus . Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique, no. 21. Vandoeuvres-Geneva: Fondation Hardt, 1974.

———. Proklos: Grundzüge seiner Metaphysik . Frankfurt: V. Klostermann, 1965.

Benton, Sylvia. "Excavations in Ithaca, iii: The Cave at Polls, i." The Annual of the British School at Athens 35 (session 1934-35, publ. 1938): 45-73.

———. "Excavations in Ithaca, iii: The Cave at Polis, ii." The Annual of the British School at Athens 39 (session 2938-39, publ. 1942): 1-51.

Beutler, Rudolf. "Numenios (9)." P-W supplementary vol. 7 (1940): 664-78.

———. "Proklos." P-W 23.1 (1957): cols. 186-247.

Bidez, Joseph. Vie de Porphyre, le philosophe néoplatonicien . 1913. Reprint. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1964.

Bloch, Herbert. "The Pagan Revival in the West at the End of the Fourth Century." In The Conflict Between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century , edited by A. Momigliano. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963.

Blumenthal, Henry J. "Plutarch's Exposition of the De anima and the Psychology of Proclus." In De Jamblique à Proclus . Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique, no. 21. Vandoeuvres-Geneva: Fondation Hardt, 1974.

Bolgar, R.R. The Classical Heritage and its Beneficiaries . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1963.

Bouché-Leclerc, A. Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquité . 4 vols. Paris: Leroux, 1879-82.

Boyancé, Pierre. Le Culte des Muses chez les philosophes grecs: Etudes d'histoire et de psychologie religieuses . Bibl. des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, fasc. 141. Paris: E. de Boccard, 1937.

———. "La 'Doctrine d'Euthyphron' dans le Cratyle." Revue des études grecques 54 (1941): 141-75.

———. "Echo des exégèses de la mythologie grecque chez Philon." In Philon d'Alexandrie . Colloques nationaux du C. N. R. S. Paris: C. N. R. S., 1967.

———. "Etymologie et théologie chez Varron." Revue des études latines 53 (1975): 99-115.

———. "Les Muses et l'harmonie des sphères." In Mélanges dédiès à la mémoire de Félix Grat . Paris: E. de Boccard, 1946.

Bréhier, Emile. Les Idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d'Alexandrie . Paris: Picard, 1908.

Brinkmann, August. "Beiträge zur Kritik und Erklärung des Dialogs Axiochos." Rheinisches Museum , n.s., 51 (1896): 441-45.

Browning, Robert. "Homer in Byzantium." Viator 6 (1975): 15-33.

Buchheit, V. "Homer bei Methodius von Olympos." Rheinisches Museum , n.s., 99 (1956): 17-36.

Buffière, Félix. Les Mythes d'Homère et la pensée grecque . Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1956. See also "Works Cited: Ancient Authors" under Heraclitus.

Burkert, Walter. Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism . Translated by Edward Minar, Jr. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972. This English translation represents a somewhat revised version of the German original,

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prepared by the author in collaboration with the translator, and is therefore more useful than the original work, Weisheit und Wissenschaft: Studien zu Pythagoras, Philolaos und Platon . Nuremberg: Hans Carl, 1962.

Butlin, Martin The Paintings and Drawings of William Blake . New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981.

Cameron, Alan. "The Date and Identity of Macrobius." Journal of Roman Studies 56 (1966): 25-38.

Carcopino, Jérôme. La Basilique de la Porte Majeure . Paris: L'Artisan du Livre, 1926.

———. De Pythagore aux apôtres: Etudes sur la conversion du monde romain . Paris: Flammarion, 1956.

Carne-Ross, D. S. "The Means and the Moment." Arion 7 (1968): 549-57.

Christiansen, Irmgard. Die Technik der allegorischen Auslegungswissenschaft bei Philon von Alexandrien . Beiträge zur Geschichte der biblischen Hermeneutik, no. 7- Tübingen: Mohr, 1969.

Ciaffi, Vincenzo. Fulgenzio e Petronio . Turin: Giappichelli, 1963.

Cilento, Vincenzo. "Mito e poesia nelle Enneadi di Plotino." In Les Sources de Plotin . Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique, no. 5. Vandoeuvres-Geneva: Fondation Hardt, 1957.

Clark, Mary T. "The Neoplatonism of Marius Victorinus the Christian." In Neoplatonism and Early Christian Thought: Essays in Honor of A. H. Armstrong , edited by M. J. Blumenthal and R. A. Markus. London: Variorum, 1981.

Clifford, Gay. The Transformations of Allegory . London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974.

Comparetti, Domenico. Virgilio nel medio evo . 1872. Reprint. Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1943.

Coulter, James A. The Literary Microcosm: Theories of Interpretation of the Later Neoplatonists . Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, no. 2. Leiden: Brill, 1976.

Courcelle, Pierre. Les Lettres grecques en occident, de Macrobe à Cassiodore . Paris: E. de Boccard, 1948.

———. "Quelques symboles funéraires du néo-platonisme latin: Le Vol de Dé dale, Ulysse et les Sirènes." Revue des études anciennes 46 (1944): 65-93.

Crombie, I. M. An Examination of Plato's Doctrines . 2 vols. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962.

Cumont, Franz. Etudes syriennes . Paris: Picard, 1927.

———. Recherches sur le symbolisme funéraire des Romains . Paris: Geuthner, 1942.

Curtius, Ernst Robert. European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages . Translated by Willard R. Trask. Bollingen Series, no. 36. New York: Pantheon, 1953.

Dahiyat, Ismail M. Avicenna's Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle . Leiden: Brill, 1974.

Dalsgaard Larsen, Bent. "Jamblique dans la philosophie antique tardive." In De Jamblique à Proclus . Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique, no. 21. Vandoeuvres-Geneva: Fondation Hardt, 1974.

———. Jamblique de Chalcis, Exégète et philosophe . Thesis. 2 vols. Aarhus: Universitetsforlaget, 1972.

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DeLacy, Phillip. "Plato and the Intellectual Life of the Second Century A.D ." in Approaches to the Second Sophistic , edited by Glen W. Bowersock. University Park, Pa.: American Philological Association, 1974.

———. "Stoic Views of Poetry." American Journal of Philology 69 (1948): 241-71.

Delatte, Armand. Etudes sur la littérature pythagoricienne . Bibl. de l'Ecole des hautes études, fasc. 217. Paris: Champion, 1915.

De Lubac, Henri. Exégèse médièvale, les quatre sens de l'écriture . 2 vols. Paris: Au-bier, 1959-61.

Des Places, Edouard. See "Works Cited: Ancient Authors" under Numenius.

Detienne, Marcel. Homère, Hésiode, et Pythagore . Collection Latomus, vol. 57. Brussels: Latomus, 1962.

De Vogel, C. J. "The Soma-Sema Formula: its Function in Plato and Plotinus Compared to Christian Writers." In Neoplatonism and Early Christian Thought: Essays in Honor of A. H. Armstrong , edited by M. J. Blumenthal and R. A. Markus. London: Variorum, 1981.

Dillon, John. "Ganymede as the Logos: Traces of a Forgotten Allegorization in Philo?" Classical Quarterly 31 (1981): 183-85.

———. The Middle Platonists . London: Duckworth, 1977.

Dodds, E. R. "Numenius and Ammonius." In Les Sources de Plotin . Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique, no. 5. Vandoeuvres-Geneva: Fondation Hardt, 1957. See also "Works Cited: Ancient Authors" under Proclus.

Dörrie, Heinrich. "Die griechischen Romane und das Christentum." Philologus 93 (n.s. 47) (1938): 273-76.

———. "Zur Methodik antiker Exegese." Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 65 (1974): 121-38.

Dronke, Peter. Fabula: Explorations into the Uses of Myth in Medieval Platonism . Mittellateinische Studien und Texte, vol. 9. Leiden: Brill, 1974.

Else, Gerald F. See "Works Cited: Ancient Authors" under Aristotle.

Ensslin, W. "Praetextatus (1)." P-W 22.1 (1954): cols. 1575-79.

Fergusson, Francis. Dante . New York: Macmillan, 1966.

Ferwerda, R. La Signification des images et des métaphores dans la pensée de Plotin . Groningen: J. B. Wolters, 1965.

Festugière, A. J. See "Works Cited: Ancient Authors" under Proclus.

Feuillatre, E. Etudes sur les Ethiopiques d'Héliodore . Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1966.

Finsler, G. Homer in der Neuzeit von Dante bis Goethe . 1912. Reprint. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1973.

Flacelière, Robert. "La Théologie selon Plutarque." In Mélanges de philosophie, de littérature et d'histoire ancienne offerts ô Pierre Boyancé , edited by J.-P. Boucher et al. Rome: Ecole française de Rome, 1974.

Flamant, Jacques. Macrobe et le néoplatonisme latin à la fin du ive siècle. Etudes pré-liminaires aux religions orientales dans l'empire romain, vol. 58. Leiden: Brill, 1977.

Flashar, Hellmut, Karlfried Grunder,, and Axel Horstmann, eds. Philologie und Hermeneutik im 19. Jahrhundert . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1979.

Fortin, Ernest L. "Christianity and Hellenism in Basil the Great's Address Ad

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adulescentes. " In Neoplatonism and Early Christian Thought: Essays in Honor of A. H. Armstrong , edited by M. J. Blumenthal and R. A. Markus. London: Variorum, 1981.

Fowden, Garth. "The Pagan Holy Man in Late Antique Society." Journal of Hellenic Studies 102 (1982): 33-59.

Frank, Erich. Plato und die sogenannten Pythagoreer: Ein Kapitel aus der Geschichte des griechischen Geistes . Halle: Niemayer, 1923.

Friedl, Ansgar Josef. Die Homer-Interpretation des Neuplatonikers Proklos . Inaugural dissertation. [Würzburg]: Dittert [1932?].

Gadamer, Hans-Georg. "Hermeneutik." In Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie , edited by Joachim Ritter. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1971—. In progress.

———. Wahrheit und Methode: Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik . 2nd ed. Tübingen: Mohr, 1965. Translation of the first edition: Truth and Method . New York: Seabury, 1975.

Gelzer, Thomas. "Die Epigramme des Neuplatonikers Proklos." Museum Helveticum 23 (1966): 1-36. See also "Works Cited: Ancient Authors" under Musaeus.

Gersh, Stephen. From Iamblichus to Eriugena: An Investigation of the Prehistory and Evolution of the Pseudo-Dionysian Tradition . Studien zur Problemgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen Philosophie, vol. 8. Leiden: Brill, 1978.

Goldschmidt, Victor. "Théologia." Revue des études grecques 63 (1950): 20-42.

Grube, G. M. A. The Greek and Roman Critics . London: Methuen, 1965.

———. "How Did the Greeks Look at Literature?" In Lectures in Memory of Louise Taft Semple, 2nd Series, 1966-70 , edited by C. G. Boulter et al. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press for the University of Cincinnati, 1973.

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