Kathy didn’t mind me pulling.“Get used to it,” I said, and placed him in a sit
position. I adjusted the choke chain so it rode high
on his neck, where experience had taught me it
had the most effect. “Okay, let’s try this again,” I
said. He looked at me with cool skepticism.
“Marley, heel!” I ordered, and stepped briskly
off on my left foot with his leash so short my left
hand was actually gripping the end of his choke
chain. He lurched and I tugged sharply, tightening
the stranglehold without mercy. “Taking advan-
tage of a poor woman like that,” I mumbled. “You
Marley & Me
ought to be ashamed of yourself.” By the end of
the walk, my grip on the leash so tight that my
knuckles had turned white, I finally managed to
convince him I wasn’t fooling around. This was no
game but rather a real-life lesson in actions and
consequences. If he wanted to lurch, I would
choke him. Every time, without exception. If he
wanted to cooperate and walk by my side, I would
loosen my grip and he would barely feel the chain
around his neck. Lurch, choke; heel, breathe. It
was simple enough for even Marley to grasp. Over
and over and over again we repeated the sequence
as we marched up and down the bike path. Lurch,
choke; heel, breathe. Slowly it was dawning on
him that I was the master and he was the pet, and
that was the way it was going to stay. As we turned
in to the driveway, my recalcitrant dog trotted
along beside me, not perfectly but respectably. For
the first time in his life he was actually heeling, or
at least attempting a close proximity of it. I would
take it as a victory. “Oh, yes,” I sang joyously.
“The boss is back.”
Several days later Jenny called me at the office.
She had just been to see Dr. Sherman. “Luck of
the Irish,” she said. “Here we go again.”
C H A P T E R 1 1
The Things He Ate
This pregnancy was different. Our miscarriage
had taught us some important lessons, and
this time we had no intention of repeating our
mistakes. Most important, we kept our news the
most closely guarded secret since D-day. Except
for Jenny’s doctors and nurses, no one, not even
our parents, was brought into our confidence.
When we had friends over, Jenny sipped grape
juice from a wineglass so as not to raise suspicions.
In addition to the secrecy, we were simply more
measured in our excitement, even when we were
alone. We began sentences with conditional
clauses, such as “If everything works out . . .”
and “Assuming all goes well.” It was as though we
could jinx the pregnancy simply by gushing about
it. We didn’t dare let our joy out of check lest it
turn and bite us.
John Grogan
We locked away all the chemical cleaners and
pesticides. We weren’t going down that road
again. Jenny became a convert to the natural
cleaning powers of vinegar, which was up to even
the ultimate challenge of dissolving Marley’s
dried saliva off the walls. We found that boric acid,
a white powder lethal to bugs and harmless to hu-
mans, worked pretty well at keeping Marley and
his bedding flea-free. And if he needed an occa-
sional flea dip, we would leave it to professionals.
Jenny rose at dawn each morning and took Mar-
ley for a brisk walk along the water. I would just
be waking up when they returned, smelling of
briny ocean air. My wife was the picture of robust
health in all ways but one. She spent most days, all
day long, on the verge of throwing up. But she
wasn’t complaining; she greeted each wave of
nausea with what can only be described as gleeful
acceptance, for it was a sign that the tiny experi-
ment inside her was chugging along just fine.
Indeed it was. This time around, Essie took my
videotape and recorded the first faint, grainy im-
ages of our baby. We could hear the heart beating,
see its four tiny chambers pulsing. We could trace
the outline of the head and count all four limbs.
Dr. Sherman popped his head into the sonogram
room to pronounce everything perfect, and then
looked at Jenny and said in that booming voice of
Marley & Me
his, “What are you crying for, kid? You’re sup-
posed to be happy.” Essie whacked him with her
clipboard and scolded, “You go away and leave her
alone,” then rolled her eyes at Jenny as if to say,
“Men! They are so clueless.”
When it came to dealing with pregnant wives,
clueless would describe me. I gave Jenny her
space, sympathized with her in her nausea and
pain, and tried not to grimace noticeably when she
insisted on reading her What to Expect When
You’re Expectingbook aloud to me. I compli-
mented her figure as her belly swelled, saying
things like “You look great. Really. You look like a
svelte little shoplifter who just slipped a basketball
under her shirt.” I even tried my best to indulge
her increasingly bizarre and irrational behavior. I
was soon on a first-name basis with the overnight
clerk at the twenty-four-hour market as I stopped
in at all hours for ice cream or apples or celery or
chewing gum in flavors I never knew existed. “Are
you sure this is clove?” I would ask him. “She says
it has to be clove.”
One night when Jenny was about five months
pregnant she got it in her head that we needed
baby socks. Well, sure we did, I agreed, and of
course we would lay in a full complement before
the baby arrived. But she didn’t mean we would
need them eventually; she meant we needed them
John Grogan
right now. “We won’t have anything to put on the
baby’s feet when we come home from the hospi-
tal,” she said in a quavering voice.
Never mind that the due date was still four
months away. Never mind that by then the outside
temperature would be a frosty ninety-six degrees.
Never mind that even a clueless guy like me knew
a baby would be bundled head to toe in a receiving
blanket when released from the maternity ward.
“Honey, c’mon,” I said. “Be reasonable. It’s
eight o’clock on Sunday night. Where am I sup-
posed to find baby socks?”
“We need socks,” she repeated.
“We have weeks to get socks,” I countered.
“Months to get socks.”
“I just see those little tiny toes,” she whimpered.
It was no use. I drove around grumbling until I
found a Kmart that was open and picked out a fes-
tive selection of socks that were so ridiculously
minuscule they looked like matching thumb
warmers. When I got home and poured them out
of the bag, Jenny was finally satisfied. At last we
had socks. And thank God we had managed to
grab up the last few available pair before the na-
tional supply ran dry, which could have happened
at any moment without warning. Our baby’s frag-
ile little digits were now safe. We could go to bed
and sleep in peace.
Marley & Me
❉ ❉ ❉
As the pregnancy progressed, so did Marley’s
training. I worked with him every day, and now I
was able to entertain our friends by yelling, “In-
coming!” and watching him crash to the floor, all
four limbs splayed. He came consistently on com-
mand (unless there was something riveting his
attention, such as another dog, cat, squirrel, but-
terfly, mailman, or floating weed seed); he sat con-
sistently (unless he felt strongly like standing); and
heeled reliably (unless there was something so
tempting it was worth strangling himself over—
see dogs, cats, squirrels, etc., above). He was com-
ing along, but that’s not to say he was mellowing
into a calm, well-behaved dog. If I towered over
him and barked stern orders, he would obey,
sometimes even eagerly. But his default setting
was stuck on eternal incorrigibility.
He also had an insatiable appetite for mangoes,
which fell by the dozens in the backyard. Each
weighed a pound or more and was so sweet it
could make your teeth ache. Marley would stretch
out in the grass, anchor a ripe mango between his
front paws, and go about surgically removing
every speck of flesh from the skin. He would hold
the large pits in his mouth like lozenges, and when
he finally spit them out they looked like they had
John Grogan
been cleaned in an acid bath. Some days he would
be out there for hours, noshing away in a fruit-
and-fiber frenzy.
As with anyone who eats too much fruit, his
constitution began to change. Soon our backyard
was littered with large piles of loose, festively col-
ored dog droppings. The one advantage to this
was that you would have to be legally blind to ac-
cidentally step in a heap of his poop, which in
mango season took on the radiant fluorescence of
orange traffic cones.
He ate other things as well. And these, too, did
pass. I saw the evidence each morning as I shov-
eled up his piles. Here a toy plastic soldier, there a
rubber band. In one load a mangled soda-bottle
top. In another the gnawed cap to a ballpoint pen.
“So that’s where my comb went!” I exclaimed one
He ate bath towels, sponges, socks, used
Kleenex. Handi Wipes were a particular favorite,
and when they eventually came out the other end,
they looked like little blue flags marking each fluo-
rescent orange mountain.
Not everything went down easily, and Marley
vomited with the ease and regularity of a hard-
core bulimic. We would hear him let out a loud
gaaaaack!in the next room, and by the time we
rushed in, there would be another household item,
Marley & Me
sitting in a puddle of half-digested mangoes and
dog chow. Being considerate, Marley never puked
on the hardwood floors or even the kitchen
linoleum if he could help it. He always aimed for
the Persian rug.
Jenny and I had the foolish notion that it would be
nice to have a dog we could trust to be alone in the
house for short periods. Locking him in the
bunker every time we stepped out was becoming
tedious, and as Jenny said, “What’s the point of
having a dog if he can’t greet you at the door when
you get home?” We knew full well we didn’t dare
leave him in the house unaccompanied if there
was any possibility of a rainstorm. Even with his
doggie downers, he still proved himself capable of
digging quite energetically for China. When the
weather was clear, though, we didn’t want to have
to lock him in the garage every time we stepped
out for a few minutes.
We began leaving him briefly while we ran to
the store or dropped by a neighbor’s house. Some-
times he did just fine and we would return to find
the house unscathed. On these days, we would
spot his black nose pushed through the miniblinds
as he stared out the living room window waiting
for us. Other days he didn’t do quite so well, and
John Grogan
we usually knew trouble awaited us before we
even opened the door because he was not at the
window but off hiding somewhere.
In Jenny’s sixth month of pregnancy, we re-
turned after being away for less than an hour to
find Marley under the bed—at his size, he really
had to work to get under there—looking like he’d
just murdered the mailman. Guilt radiated off
him. The house seemed fine, but we knew he was
hiding some dark secret, and we walked from
room to room, trying to ascertain just what he had
done wrong. Then I noticed that the foam cover to
one of the stereo speakers was missing. We looked
everywhere for it. Gone without a trace. Marley
just might have gotten away with it had I not
found incontrovertible evidence of his guilt when
I went on poop patrol the next morning. Rem-
nants of the speaker cover surfaced for days.
During our next outing, Marley surgically re-
moved the woofer cone from the same speaker.
The speaker wasn’t knocked over or in any way
amiss; the paper cone was simply gone, as if
someone had sliced it out with a razor blade.
Eventually he got around to doing the same to the
other speaker. Another time, we came home to
find that our four-legged footstool was now three-
legged, and there was no sign whatsoever—not a
single splinter—of the missing limb.
Marley & Me
We swore it could never snow in South Florida,
but one day we opened the front door to find a full
blizzard in the living room. The air was filled with
soft white fluff floating down. Through the near
whiteout conditions we spotted Marley in front of
the fireplace, half buried in a snowdrift, violently
shaking a large feather pillow from side to side as
though he had just bagged an ostrich.
For the most part we were philosophical about
the damage. In every dog owner’s life a few cher-
ished family heirlooms must fall. Only once was I
ready to slice him open to retrieve what was right-
fully mine.
For her birthday I bought Jenny an eighteen-
karat gold necklace, a delicate chain with a tiny
clasp, and she immediately put it on. But a few
hours later she pressed her hand to her throat and
screamed, “My necklace! It’s gone.” The clasp
must have given out or never been fully secured.
“Don’t panic,” I told her. “We haven’t left the
house. It’s got to be right here somewhere.” We
began scouring the house, room by room. As we
searched, I gradually became aware that Marley
was more rambunctious than usual. I straightened
up and looked at him. He was squirming like a cen-
tipede. When he noticed I had him in my sights, he
began evasive action. Oh, no,I thought—the Mar-
ley Mambo. It could mean only one thing.
John Grogan
“What’s that,” Jenny asked, panic rising in her
voice, “hanging out of his mouth?”
It was thin and delicate. And gold. “Oh, shit!”
I said.
“No sudden moves,” she ordered, her voice
dropping to a whisper. We both froze.
“Okay, boy, it’s all right,” I coaxed like a hostage
negotiator on a SWAT team. “We’re not mad at
you. Come on now. We just want the necklace
back.” Instinctively, Jenny and I began to circle
him from opposite directions, moving with glacial
slowness. It was as if he were wired with high ex-
plosives and one false move could set him off.
“Easy, Marley,” Jenny said in her calmest voice.
“Easy now. Drop the necklace and no one gets
Marley eyed us suspiciously, his head darting
back and forth between us. We had him cornered,
but he knew he had something we wanted. I could
see him weighing his options, a ransom demand,
perhaps. Leave two hundred unmarked Milk-
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