Provide comic relief for the rest of the class.Neither of us breathed a word. We just retreated
to the car in humiliation and drove home in si-
lence, the only sound Marley’s loud panting as he
tried to come down from the high of his first
structured classroom experience. Finally I said,
“One thing you can say for him, he sure loves
The next week Marley and I were back, this time
without Jenny. When I suggested to her that I was
probably the closest thing to an alpha dog we were
John Grogan
going to find in our home, she gladly relinquished
her brief title as master and commander and
vowed to never show her face in public again. Be-
fore leaving the house, I flipped Marley over on his
back, towered over him, and growled in my most
intimidating voice, “I’m the boss! You’re not the
boss! I’m the boss! Got it, Alpha Dog?” He
thumped his tail on the floor and tried to gnaw on
my wrists.
The night’s lesson was walking on heel, one I
was especially keen on mastering. I was tired of
fighting Marley every step of every walk. He al-
ready had yanked Jenny off her feet once when he
took off after a cat, leaving her with bloody knees.
It was time he learned to trot placidly along by our
sides. I wrestled him to our spot on the tarmac,
yanking him back from every dog we passed along
the way. Miss Dominatrix handed each of us a
short length of chain with a steel ring welded to
each end. These, she told us, were choker collars
and would be our secret weapons for teaching our
dogs to heel effortlessly at our sides. The choker
chain was brilliantly simple in design. When the
dog behaved and walked beside its master as it was
supposed to, with slack in its lead, the chain hung
limply around its neck. But if the dog lunged for-
ward or veered off course, the chain tightened like
a noose, choking the errant hound into gasping
Marley & Me
submission. It didn’t take long, our instructor
promised, before dogs learned to submit or die of
asphyxia. Wickedly delicious,I thought.
I started to slip the choker chain over Marley’s
head, but he saw it coming and grabbed it in his
teeth. I pried his jaw open to pull it out and tried
again. He grabbed it again. All the other dogs had
their chains on; everyone was waiting. I grabbed
his muzzle with one hand and with the other tried
to lasso the chain over his snout. He was pulling
backward, trying to get his mouth open so he
could attack the mysterious coiled silver snake
again. I finally forced the chain over his head, and
he dropped to the ground, thrashing and snap-
ping, his paws in the air, his head jerking from side
to side, until he managed to get the chain in his
teeth again. I looked up at the teacher. “He likes
it,” I said.
As instructed, I got Marley to his feet and got
the chain out of his mouth. Then, as instructed, I
pushed his butt down into a sit position and stood
beside him, my left leg brushing his right shoul-
der. On the count of three, I was to say, “Marley,
heel!” and step off with my left—never my
right—foot. If he began to wander off course, a
series of minor corrections—sharp little tugs on
the leash—would bring him back into line. “Class,
on the count of three,” Miss Dominatrix called
John Grogan
out. Marley was quivering with excitement. The
shiny foreign object around his neck had him in a
complete lather. “One . . . two . . . three.”
“Marley, heel!” I commanded. As soon as I took
my first step, he took off like a fighter jet from an
aircraft carrier. I yanked back hard on the leash
and he made an awful coughing gasp as the chain
tightened around his airway. He sprang back for
an instant, but as soon as the chain loosened, the
momentary choking was behind him, ancient his-
tory in that tiny compartment of his brain dedi-
cated to life lessons learned. He lunged forward
again. I yanked back and he gasped once more. We
continued like this the entire length of the parking
lot, Marley yanking ahead, me yanking back, each
time with increasing vigor. He was coughing and
panting; I was grunting and sweating.
“Rein that dog in!” Miss Dominatrix yelled. I
tried to with all my might, but the lesson wasn’t
sinking in, and I considered that Marley just
might strangle himself before he figured it out.
Meanwhile, the other dogs were prancing along at
their owners’ sides, responding to minor correc-
tions just as Miss Dominatrix said they would.
“For God’s sake, Marley,” I whispered. “Our fam-
ily pride is on the line.”
The instructor had the class queue up and try it
again. Once again, Marley lurched his way mani-
Marley & Me
cally across the blacktop, eyes bulging, strangling
himself as he went. At the other end, Miss Domi-
natrix held Marley and me up to the class as an ex-
ample of how not to heel a dog. “Here,” she said
impatiently, holding out her hand. “Let me show
you.” I handed the leash to her, and she efficiently
tugged Marley around into position, pulling up on
the choker as she ordered him to sit. Sure enough,
he sank back on his haunches, eagerly looking up
at her. Damn.
With a smart yank of the lead, Miss Dominatrix
set off with him. But almost instantly he barreled
ahead as if he were pulling the lead sled in the Id-
itarod. The instructor corrected hard, pulling him
off balance; he stumbled, wheezed, then lunged
forward again. It looked like he was going to pull
her arm out of its socket. I should have been em-
barrassed, but I felt an odd sort of satisfaction that
often comes with vindication. She wasn’t having
any more success than I was. My classmates snick-
ered, and I beamed with perverse pride. See, my
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 805