You want the stick back that bad, YOU jump inThe water for it.
He came charging back up onto the beach with
his prize in his teeth. “Bring it here!” I yelled,
slapping my hands together. “C’mon, boy, give it
to me!” He pranced over, his whole body wagging
with excitement, and promptly shook water and
sand all over me. Then to my surprise he dropped
the stick at my feet. Wow,I thought. How’s that
for service?I looked back at Jenny, sitting on a
bench beneath an Australian pine, and gave her a
thumbs-up. But when I reached down to pick up
the stick, Marley was ready. He dove in, grabbed
it, and raced across the beach in crazy figure-
eights. He swerved back, nearly colliding with me,
taunting me to chase him. I made a few lunges at
him, but it was clear he had both speed and agility
on his side. “You’re supposed to be a Labrador re-
triever!” I shouted. “Not a Labrador evader!”
But what I had that my dog didn’t was an
evolved brain that at least slightly exceeded my
brawn. I grabbed a second stick and made a
tremendous fuss over it. I held it over my head and
tossed it from hand to hand. I swung it from side
to side. I could see Marley’s resolve softening.
John Grogan
Suddenly, the stick in his mouth, just moments
earlier the most prized possession he could imag-
ine on earth, had lost its cachet. My stick drew
him in like a temptress. He crept closer and closer
until he was just inches in front of me. “Oh, a
sucker is born every day, isn’t he, Marley?” I cack-
led, rubbing the stick across his snout and watch-
ing as he went cross-eyed trying to keep it in his
I could see the little cogs going in his head as he
tried to figure out how he could grab the new stick
without relinquishing the old one. His upper lip
quivered as he tested the concept of making a
quick two-for-one grab. Soon I had my free hand
firmly around the end of the stick in his mouth. I
tugged and he tugged back, growling. I pressed
the second stick against his nostrils. “You know
you want it,” I whispered. And did he ever; the
temptation was too much to bear. I could feel his
grip loosening. And then he made his move. He
opened his jaws to try to grab the second stick
without losing the first. In a heartbeat, I whipped
both sticks high above my head. He leaped in the
air, barking and spinning, obviously at a loss as to
how such a carefully laid battle strategy could have
gone so badly awry. “This is why I am the master
and you are the beast,” I told him. And with that
he shook more water and sand in my face.
Marley & Me
I threw one of the sticks out into the water and
he raced after it, yelping madly as he went. He re-
turned a new, wiser opponent. This time he was
cautious and refused to come anywhere near me.
He stood about ten yards away, stick in mouth, ey-
ing the new object of his desire, which just hap-
pened to be the old object of his desire, his first
stick, now perched high above my head. I could see
the cogs moving again. He was thinking, This
time I’ll just wait right here until he throws it,
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1320