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/. Bodies of external relations of the United States of America Under the constitution of the USA the realisation of the external

policy of" a state is assigned to a President. Main external policy body

of the USA since 1789 is State department. Its head is State secretary.

The state department carries out external policy course, developed by

the President and the US Congress.

The US State secretary is the second person conducting directly

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operative activity in the field of external relations. He is responsible for development and realisation of the external policy of the USA before the President, officially he is the main external policy adviser, he supervises the activity of the State department and Foreign service, he enters into the structure of the US National security council. Besides the management of external policy body, the State Secretary coordinates the international activity over forty federal departments, caries out the political control of an Agency under the control above arms and disarmament, an Agency of the international development, the US News agency, " Corps of peace " etc.

The State department is the main part of the external policy staff of America. The State secretary has five first assistants. The First assistant of the State secretary conducts the deals of the ministry, the second supervises foreign economic relations, the third - international problems, including the system of American security, the fourth - budget and administrative sphere and the fifth conducts global businesses (international negotiations, under the instruction of the State secretary). In modern State department there are territorial managements. The supervision of the managements are the Assistant of the state Secretary and 4-6 his assistants (assistants of the assistants), who are responsible for separate sites of works. The territorial managements consist of divisions dealing with one country or the group of countries.

The classification of managements by a territorial and functional principle is typical for the bodies of foreign affairs of any state. In the US State department there are 14 functional managements, the creation of which are connected with the development of international relations, the participation in the UN activity and its specialized establishments, the coordination of the activity of international regional organizations. State department takes part in the intelligence and military-political activities. The management of intelligence and research service is engaged in collecting and analysing of information received from the US foreign representations. Consular management, administration managerial control and management of the staff concern to number of functional managements.

The USA occupies the firs! place in the world on number of consular representations. Now the State department has more than 100 consular

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points in the world. The activity of them is directed not only on performance of passport-visa duties, but also realisation of works of political and economic character. Consular points cover the key centers of economic and political life in Europe, Asia, and Southern America.

The administration managerial control consisting of seven divisions, provides uninterrupted work of all parts of the State department staff and its representations abroad.

The management of the staff is engaged in all complex of problems connected with the personnel diplomatic staff. The director of the Management of the staff simultaneously is the General director of a Foreign service.

The main educational center of the State department is the Institute of Foreign Service, The task of institute is to give professional skills to the students at presence of fundamental knowledge. At those faculties of institute the diplomat can study one of disciplines: economic and trade problems, consular practice, theory of the international relations, the technique of international negotiations, besides that it proves the study of languages and problems of the country.

2. Bodies of external relations of the Russian Federation

The central body of external relations is the ministry of foreign affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation carrying out state management in the field of external relations of Russia with foreign states and international organizations.

The rule "About the ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation " is authorised by the Russian Federation President on March 14,1995. According to the Rule the basic tasks of the ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation are the development of general strategy of external policy of Russia, the realisation of external policy of the Russian Federation.

The basic task of the Russian Federation MFA is the realisation of the external policy course of the country. MFA provides with diplomatic means the protection of sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and other interests of the country on the global arena. The diplomatic efforts of the Russian Federation MFA are directed on maintenance of the international peace, global and regional security. MFA of the Russian

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Federation carries out the coordination of international communications of the Federation. In the system of executive authority federal bodies MFA is a head body in the field of relations with the foreign states and international organizations. The negotiations of interdepartmental character are coordinated by MFA before the representation to the President or Government in the obligatory order.

The ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation is headed by the minister of foreign affairs, who is appointed to the post and is released by the President of the Russian Federation. The minister has his assistants, who are also nominated and released from their posts by the President of the Russian Federation, In MFA there is the board, structure of which the Minister (chairman), his assistants and other executives of the Ministry system is formed. After the Assistants of the minister there are Directors of departments. The Secretariat of the Minister and the Executive secretariat are allocated in separate departments. In the ministry there are 35 departments and 8 managements in total.

The structure of the external policy body of the Russian Federation essentially does not differ from the structures of other countries. There are territorial and functional departments. 4 departments of the CIS countries are created, the department on communications with the subjects of the Federation, parliament and political organizations is separately allocated. In conducting of other 4 European departments there are problems of the international co-operation with the countries of Europe. Three departments are engaged in the problems of external relations with Asian countries. Territorial departments are the departments of Northern America, Latin American, Near East and Northern Africa, Africa. The departments of All-F.uropean co-operation, international organizations, external policy planning, on security and disarmament, on humanitarian co-operation and human rights, on cultural communications and UNESCO, information and press, economic co-operation, legal department, consular service and state protocol concern to functional departments. In the structure of the Russian Federation MFA there are departments, which do not carry out external relations, but have direct relations to external policy. The departments of history-documentary, translation service, security,

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managements of information, communication, diplomatic-currier communication etc. belong to them. Except the above listed departments and managements of the Russian Federation MFA there is commercial management on service of the diplomatic corps at the Russian ministry. The main educational establishments are the Mo8cow state institute of the international relations and the Diplomatic Academy. The diplomatic Academy carries out functions of the main center of the preparation of average and senior parts of the Russian diplomats.

3. Bodies of external relations of Great Britain

In Great Britain the Queen is the head of a state representing the country in the international relations. In practice the Queen postpones the basic functions to a Government. Parliament of Great Britain -Chamber of the lords and the Chamber of communities has the certain functions in definition of the external policy of the country. It is the discussion and the acceptance of the important international treaties and agreements. Government and its Cabinet have the decisive role in the definition and the realisation of an external policy. Official external policy statements proceed from the Cabinet, though there were prepared by professional diplomats.

Operative body of the Great Britain external relations is the body of foreign affairs - Foreign office, which develops the proposals for the Cabinet and carries out the current diplomatic activity. The main role in the definition of problems of an external policy and the realisation of external policy course is played by the Prime Minister, Minister of foreign affairs and on deals of Commonwealth and professional heads of the diplomatic staff.

Now the structure of the central staff looks as follows. The head of the Ministry of foreign affairs and on deals of Commonwealth (MFAC) is the state secretary of Her majesty on foreign affairs and on deals of Commonwealth, who is named as a Minister of foreign affairs. The Minister is the member of the Parliament and a Cabinet and also he is responsible for the activity of MFAC before the Parliament,

The Minister has seven secretaries, from which four are professional diplomats. The head of the Minister secretariat is the main personal secretary, who is also professional diplomat in the rank of a councilor.

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After the Minister there are three state ministers and Assistant of the State secretary on work with Parliament. The constant Assistant of the State secretary of MFAC serves the duty of the head of a diplomatic service. He is responsible for the realisation of the external policy activity of MFAC together with his assistants supervises and coordinates the operative activity of the Foreign office central staff and its representations abroad.

The basic operative work of the Ministry of foreign affairs is conducted in territorial and functional departments. The employees of territorial departments, except the information of embassies, use the messages of the English correspondents, materials from the partners in NATO, EU and Commonwealth, help materials from research organizations and universities,

The employees of functional departments are engaged in urgent problems of modern global policy. The number of the employees of functional departments exceeds the personnel of territorial departments three times. The role of a diplomatic service in assistance to the British external policy consists in the preparation of political information.

In the central diplomatic body there is a Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), engaged by political intelligence. Joining to a diplomatic service is made on the basis of open competition, which is carried out by the selection commission of Civil service with attraction of the responsible employees of Foreign Service. The structure of the selection commission includes the representatives of a professional diplomatic service. High Oxford-Cambridge education and acquaintance with diplomatic work under the direction of skilled diplomats is the traditional method of preparation of the diplomatic staff in Great Britain.

4. Bodies of external relations of France and Japan

The bodies of external relations of other countries of the world have much in common with the structures described above. In brief we'll stop on bodies of external relations of France and Japan.

The president of France is main person in the field of external relations. The daily operative activity on the realisation of external policy is assigned to Ministry of foreign affairs.

Minister of foreign affairs is the head of the body and supervises the

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activity of the central staff and representations abroad. He supports constant communications with the Secretary General of the President of the country, with parliament, with the cabinet of a Prime Minister and secretariats of other ministries. Simultaneously in external policy service there are a Minister - delegate on the European businesses with his cabinet and Minister - delegate in co-operation and francophone.

After the Minister in the structure of MFA there is a State secretary on foreign affairs being the second political chief. He conducts all operative - current work of the ministry to whom the chiefs of managements and other divisions are subordinated.

As against the external policy body structure of other countries, simultaneously with territorial and functional departments, in the structure the France MFA there is a department- " the French house ". This department is headed by the director, who is engaged in problems of the French citizens abroad and foreigners in France.

In Japan the realisation of daily external policy activity is carried out by the ministry of foreign affairs of the country.

The Ministry is headed by the Minister, then there are the First deputy minister, Parliamentary deputy minister, two Assistants of the first deputy minister, Chief of the secretariat of the Minister, directors of departments, heads of managements and sections. In the structure there are in total 63 departments, from which - 20 territorial and 2 managements (cultural exchanges and consulate-emigration). The distinctive feature of the activity of MFA of Japan is the realisation of the control over the international relations of western countries with the Japanese public organizations. It is the purpose of Ministry on expansion of its influence on wide range of the population. It is necessary to stop at one feature of the diplomatic service activity of Japan. MFA of Japan encourages the diplomatic dynasties for steady development of the diplomatic service. Now it is possible to meet the employees of MFA of Japan being the representatives of the third or fourth generations of diplomats.

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/. Bodies of external relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The official activity of the President, the Head of the Government, and the Ministry of foreign affairs, diplomatic representations abroad, and delegations at international conferences are the means of realisation of external policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Head of the state daily supervises over its all-external communications, represents the country in the international relations, and supports contacts with the heads of other states on external policy. The major interstate treaties, external policy acts and applications are signed by the Head of the state.

The Head of the Government also can represent the state in the international arena.

"The uniform system of a diplomatic service is formed by the Departments of Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, diplomatic representations and consular establishments of RK abroad, representations of RK at the international organizations, representations of the Ministry in the territory of the Republic, Department on service of the Diplomatic corps, subordinated organizations created for maintenance of the activity of the Ministry, Diplomatic Academy and other educational establishments, which are under the supervision of the Ministry of foreign affairs " according to the law "About a diplomatic service" (clause 3),

2. Central staff of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Ministry of foreign affairs of Kazakhstan is the central executive body, it carries out external policy activity and leads the uniform system of a diplomatic service of the Republic. The MFA activity is carried out according to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laws and international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President and the Government and other normative certificates.

The basic MFA functions are the representation of the Republic of

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Kazakhstan in the relations with the foreign states and international organizations and signing the international agreements, the realisation of the Kazakhstan efforts by diplomatic methods on maintenance of the international peace, global and regional security, raise the role of the Republic of Kazakhstan as member of the international community in the decision of global and regional problems, the realisation of other functions, stipulated by the legislation of the Republic.

The central staff of the Ministry of foreign affairs is constructed under the standard structure of the majority countries. The ministry of foreign affairs is headed by the Minister of foreign affairs. He has personal responsibility for performance of tasks assigned to MFA.

The Minister supervises over the work of MFA and its establishments abroad, gives proposals to the President about the assignment, calling bach and the prolongation of terms of a stay in the rank of the Ambassadors and Permanent representatives at international organizations, also carries out other functions.

In the central staff there is a consultative body- the board of MFA RK. The board examines the most important problems of MFA activity and accepts the appropriate decisions. One of their basic functions of the board is the development of ways of the realization of external policy course of the Republic. The board affirms the staff of diplomatic posts above than Councilor and also examines the proposals of the resignation of the persons, having the diplomatic ranks of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador and the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Envoy of the First and the Second classes. The decisions of the board are accepted by the majority of its member's votes in the form of a resolution and are realized by the order of the Minister.

MFA RK passes the structural reorganisation of the staff of during all period of existence of the external policy body. In connection with expansion of the international relations, the increase of the volume of external policy tasks facing before Kazakhstan, carries out the reorganization of the Central staff with allocation of leading and functional divisions.

At the initial period of external policy activity, the basic efforts were directed to the standard-legal registration of political, trade-economic,

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financial, military, scientific and technical and humanitarian documents of co-operation with foreign countries. The Central staff of MFA RK, created in a short term. The bases of the structural constructions of external policy bodies of the leading countries of the world were fixed for this. It allowed ensuring the preparation of the first official visits of the President of Kazakhstan, management of the Government; it was so necessary for recognition of our country by world community and adjustment of its international communications. During these visits the bases of the interstate relations were established, the various agreements and treaties were signed. These international treaties on friendship, cooperation and mutual help made in the first years of independence, allowed Kazakhstan to enter world community and determined the priority directions of long-term co-operation of the Republic with other countries.

The structure of MFA of that period looked as follows. MFA was headed by the Minister, further on a service ladder the First assistant and two Assistants of the Minister went. Structure of the Ministry included territorial and functional divisions becoming subsequently managements. The territorial departments (America and Europe, Asia, Near and Middle East, CIS), hold by all spectrum of problems of the bilateral relations with the various foreign countries. Among functional divisions- the divisions of standard-legal, international and international-economic relations organizations occupied an outstanding place. Al the head of all those divisions were responsible employees, who were once invited from the staff of the Russian Federation MFA (Moscow).

The structure of the central staff of MFA RK was reorganised in 1994. In the new structure the post of the First deputy minister was abolished, the status of the Ambassadors under the special assignments was created, the managements of CIS, Baltic countries, the UN, international security control on arms and management of political analysis and planning were organized.

The following structural reorganisation refers to 1996, when the new management of international organizations and international economic relations, management of cultural relations, humanitarian co­operation and on UNESCO, translation group, management of regional co-operation, the Caspian problems and power resources were created.

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After the acceptance of the Law " About a diplomatic service a there was a necessity for the acceptance of a new rule 'About the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan " 0nl2.11.1997, which should promote increase of an efficiency of the activity of MFA RK.

The structure of MFA RK looks according to this rule as follows: department of an administration and a control, department of a consular service, department on the maintenance of central staff activity and representations of MFA, the first department, where management of the UN and international economic co-operation, management of the international security enter. Management of the Countries of independent states (CIS), management of multilateral co-operation in CIS belongs to the second department. The third department is subdivided into management of Europe and America and management of the state protocol. The Fourth department consists of managements of Asia, the Middle East and Africa, treaty-legal.

Now structure of the Central staff can be submitted thus: the Minister and his secretariat, the First vice-minister, four Vice-Ministers, Ambassadors under the special assignments, Advisers of the minister, service of the State protocol.

The service of the RK state protocol adjusts procedural rules, according to the international norms, the realization of official internal and international measures, The protocol service is the political tool, as the ambassadors and other foreign representatives establish the fust contacts with a host country through this service. The employees of the protocol service are a link between foreign embassies and the Minister of foreign affairs of RK, and also in the relations of an embassy with official bodies and public organizations of a host country. The protocol service organizes the appropriate ceremonies in connection with arriva) of the Heads of foreign states, governments, ministers of foreign affairs, officials of special governmental organizations in the country.

During the work of the central staff some changes to the accepted structure were brought in. Instead of the Second department the Committee on CIS is created. Management of bilateral relations with divisions of Russia, European CIS countries, Central Asian and Tran Caucasian countries; Management of multilateral relations with


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divisions of CIS and Custom union, countries of the Central-Asian economic union and regional programs enter into the Committee.

The department of bilateral relations is created to a territorial attribute and consists of two managements of the countries of Europe and America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, The management of the countries of Europe and America consists of divisions of the countries Central and East Europe, Western Europe, America. The management of the countries of Asia, the Middle East and Africa includes departments of East Asia, Southern and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, countries of Magrip, Africa. Their basic function consists in collecting and analysing of information, development of the proposals for leaders of MFA on bilateral relations of Kazakhstan with this or that country, study of regional problems.

The Department of the international economic relations consists of managements of the economic projects both investments and management of the international economic organizations. The managements are subdivided into divisions of the economic projects, investments, international economic and financial organizations and regional trade-economic relations. The strengthening of the international positions of Kazakhstan at the present stage required a combination of political and economic methods in the realization of the international policy. The activity of the Department is directed to an adjustment and strengthening of relations with the international financial institutions (the World Bank, EBRD, ADB, and IDB), countries - donors (the USA. Germany, France, Japan) for the attraction of investments in the economy of the Republic under governmental guarantees, participation in the economic program, use political and economic potential of OIC and ECO for the realization of interests of the Republic in transport and trade-economic spheres.

The Department of multilateral relations includes two managements: management of the international organizations and international security. The managements are subdivided into divisions of the UN, specialized international organizations, OSCE and international structures of security, Asian security. The Department provides the participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the activity of the UN and its specialized establishments, in the international organizations

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and conferences. The employees of this functional Department are engaged in urgent problems of modern international policy. Multilateral relations in the frameworks of the UN and specialized establishments, international financial institutions and other organizations strengthen Kazakhstan authority and promote integration in global economic system. The efforts of Kazakhstan diplomats are directed to strengthening of relations with authoritative international organizations for acquaintance of world community with economic, social and ecological problems, which decision depends on the assistance of country donors. Kazakhstan diplomats actively work in the international structures of security - OSCE, strengthening the Asian security, to convene the Conference on Interaction and Measures of Trusteeship in Asia (CIMTA).

The Treaty-legal Department consists of four divisions of the international agreements, control of performance of state procedures, state borders and transit border problems, legal examination. The diplomats of the Treaty-legal department generate the base of treaty-legal relations with all countries, having the diplomatic relations with RK, Besides, the large work on demarcation and redemorcation of the Kazakhstan border with the neighboring states is conducted.

Except for the listed divisions other departments, such as currency-financial, information, monitoring and department on work with diplomatic corps also enter in the structure of MFA RK.

Department on work with diplomatic representi.iions is engaged in the economic service of the diplomatic corps, accredited in Kazakhstan, assisting in household problems. The management gives a premise for the ambassadors' residence and office accommodations, conducts construction and repair of buildings of Embassies, selects attendants (interpreters, cooks, drivers), and helps to foreign diplomats in their trips over Kazakhstan.

In the structure of MFA RK there are divisions conducting office-work, diplomatic and closed communications, administrative divisions. These divisions are the important parts in the operative activities of central staff, embassies and missions abroad.

The structure MFA RK includes Diplomatic Academy, where the diplomats of a younger and average level pass study. Besides, the courses

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of improvement of qualification of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors of RK are formed.

The structure of the staff of MFA RK answers the international standards and corresponds to the external policy carried out by the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ten year activity of external policy body saved a certain experience in the realization of interstate official contacts, interstate relations, interaction of the Central staff with representations abroad, close interaction of MFA with other ministries and bodies of RK in external economic and other communications with the foreign states.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1618

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