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VIII. Translate the phrases into Russian.

To devastate people’s lives, a merry-go-round of in and out of jail, to become addicted, to inject/snort/swallow/smoke drugs, to get through the addiction problems, contingency management, to quit the addiction

IX. Listen to the radio broadcast and answer the questions:

1. What are “the big four” addictive drugs? What is important about them?

2. What are the most addictive drugs?

3. Why is the way of nicotine taking intensely reinforcing?

4. What country has one of the highest rates of illicit drugs in the world?

5. With what does Paul compare the using of drugs? Why does he call it so?

6. What kind of drugs are Australians addicted to?

7. How did Candice feel after taking ICE? What did she experience during the psychosis?

8. How did Candice get through her addiction problem?

9. Why do people who use ICE tend to be more addicted than those who use other forms of methamphetamine?

10. What psychological problems do people addicted to ICE have?

11. What is happening in the brain at that point? Why do addicted people scratch their skin?

12. What effect does the long term using of methamphetamine have?

13. What psychological treatments are effective? What are the other kinds of treatment?

Laboratory Work 2: SPORTS

World Cup

Task 1. Choose a word on the left side, then match it to the closest meaning on the right side and give Russian equivalent to the word:

stage one who provides services, etc as for a convention
1labourer on a building site? 2 What sort of load makes the planks sag a lot when the barrow is wheeled over them? 3 What did Ricky find he worried about as he moved along the plank with the barrow? 4 What was the purpose of the extra deep hole, which Ricky called 'a kind of sump', in the corner of the main hole where the man waited to spread the concrete? 5 What did Ricky see when he looked over the edge of the hole after the concrete had spilled into the sump? 6 Did Ricky think the 'hard man' who offered to demonstrate how to wheel and tip the barrow was really good at the job? 7 Why did the 'hard man's' hair stream back as he wheeled the barrow across the planks? 8 What had the Irishman in the hole just done when the second load of concrete tipped over him? 9 What did the two men see when they first looked over the side of the hole? 10 What did the Irishman do when he had been covered with concrete for the second time and before he climbed out of the hole?   18. The Horrifying Happenings at a Student Demonstration. To find oneself in the midst of an angry crowd is unpleasant enough, but Liz saw the crowd shocked and frightened by the events that occurred and she found this a horrifying experience. In this story, you will hear the rather unusual word 'pall', meaning the cloth (usually black or purple) put over a coffin. Now that you have heard the story, please answer the following questions. \ Who had been killed in a riot? 2 How did the students intend to show their anger about the death? 3 Where was the coffin kept until the day of the funeral? 4 Why did Liz, the university teacher, need to go to the garage? 5 How far away was the garage from Liz's house? 6 How does Liz describe the atmosphere when she realized that the situation in the town was dangerous? 7 What did the police officer do after he had taken the black cloth off the coffin? 8 What fact caused the crowd to gasp in horror? 9 What sort of comments passed among the crowd after they realized the truth about the coffin? 10 Where in fact, was the student going to be buried?   19. The Dramatic Events at the Bank. This dramatic story caused great excitement to all who followed it, but because few got really first-hand details at the time, the account which Ingrid and David give to their friends is a little complicated. In their excitement, Ingrid and David get slightly confused about who was shot in the hand when the police entered the bank In fact, it was the gunman who shot a policeman. The gunman demanded that a car should be available for him to use for his

term mean? 2. What does “to control your own drinking” mean? 3. What are the signs of alcohol abuse? 4. What are the main abuse problems? 5. How can you know that alcohol abuse has become alcoholism? 6. What physical symptoms does a man experience without taking alcohol? PART 3 HARMFUL EFFECTS OF SMOKING V. Watch the video and answer the questions: 1. What does nicotine in all cigarettes do with your vascular system? 2. What impact does it have on your brain? 3. How does a smoker feel without having a regular portion of nicotine? 4. Why does nicotine produce an addiction? 5. Do smokers breathe easily in their 40-s? 6. What changes do the lungs of a man experience after years of smoking? PART 4 PASSIVE SMOKING Proper names Norman Swan, Dr. Richard Hurt, Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota, Olmsted County, Clinton Global Initiative, Johnson and Johnson, IBM, Nike. VI. Translate the phrases into Russian. Nanny state, smoke-free, an implementation of the law, to inhale smoke, a prevalence of smth, an exposure to second-hand smoke, platelets, plain packaging, a health care alliance VII. Listen to the radio broadcast and answer the questions: 1. What is the position of tobacco industry towards passive smoking? 2. What was the first law concerning the ban of smoking? What was the second one? 3. What was the effect of implementation of the law in Scotland? 4. Did the law reduce the number of smokers or the number of passive smokers? 5. What happens to platelets because of smoking and inhaling somebody’s smoke? 6. What can 5 minutes of exposure to smoke cause? 7. What 3 things do those two politics do? 8. What things should be done to reduce the number of people starting smoking? 9. What was the first modern cigarette? When was it introduced? 10. What is the year of the planned ending of tobacco use in New Zealand?
getaway The car put outside the bank for this purpose was a Mustang. Now that you have heard the dramatic story, please answer the following questions
  1. How many people went to rob the bank?
2. The man made two demands when he had taken his hostages. What were these demands? 3. When the prisoner was brought to the bank, three hostages were let free. How does Ingrid describe these three? 4. How do we know that there wasn't a huge crowd all around the bank watching what was going on? 5. Where did the gunman and his friend and the hostages go after three days? 6. Were the hostages men or women? 7. How did the police plan to get tear-gas into the vault? 8. What clever scheme did the gunman devise to prevent the police using tear-gas at first? 9. How did the gunman know what the police were planning outside the vault? 10. Was the prisoner who had been released taken back to his prison cell immediately?   20. The Fascinating Story of a Find in the Roof. In this story, Michael says he telephoned the Victoria and Albert Museum. This would be the usual way for a person living in London to get the sort of information he wanted. Michael also mentions 'a promising little company called 1ÑÃ. Imperial Chemical Industries is now a large international company, but Michael imagines that in 1851 the occupants of the house might have left him shares in that company which would, a hundred years later, be worth a fortune. The rates of pay for the workman in 1851 are listed as 5/- (five shillings) a day and 2/6d (two shillings and sixpence) a day, which is equivalent to 25p and 12/2p in the decimal currency of today. Michael still lives in the house where he found the 'curious tiling1 and now one almost expects him to discover other fascinating objects. Now that you have heard Michael's fascinating story, please answer the following questions. 1 What is unusual about the building which Michael bought about three years ago? 2 Why did Michael begin to do major alterations on the house about a year ago? 3 Why did Michael have to cut a hole in the ceiling? 4 Why did Michael put a fluorescent light in the roof? 5 What did Michael do to 'the curious object' when he first saw it? 6 What, approximately, were the dimensions of the envelope? 7 Exactly what was written on the envelope? 8 What did Michael do with the envelope to protect it? What would the effect of soaking the envelope be, according to the expert

9at the Museum? 10 Who had written the letter in the envelope? LABORATORY WORKS Laboratory Work 1: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. PART I SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE I. Translate the phrases into Russian. Wiggle, excess calories, twitchy, to amble around, to be prone to, sedentary environment, a chair bound society, the neuro-programming, epigenetic, molecular milieu, underfed, on top, to reverberate around, to be associated with II. Watch the video and answer the questions: 1. What was James’s hypothesis? 2. What work was done when he looked at the people who’d been overfed and underfed and saw what happened to them in terms of their movement? 3. What did they discover? 4. What was the secret of burning off excess calories? 5. Are people with obesity more likely to be sitting down? 6. What’s the source of this variability? 7. Is obese genetic? 8. What is meant by the term epigenetic? 9. What’s the increment in calories by standing up versus sitting? 10. What happened when scientists underfed people? 11. How many calories are enough to make a difference to the weight? 12. What diseases are people that sit all the time prone to? 13. What’s happening when people sit a lot? 14. How do they change the offices? 15. What do they do in walking talking meetings? 16. What does James write books about? 17. Does James do exercise on top? 18. What is one of the key messages that are going to reverberate around? PART II HOW TO BE SLIM III. Translate the phrases into Russian.

I. Translate the phrases into Russian. physical activity, do recommendations, a single gender study, a treadmill, systolic blood pressure, elevated pressure, biochemical measures, diabetes, chronic disease, epidemiological study, a body mass index, a decline in energy expenditure, cardiovascular disease epidemiology, an incidental exercise, to clamp intensity II. Listen the radio broadcast and answer the questions: 1. Who is Steve Blair? 2. Are the benefits of exercise related to how much you do or not? 3. Who were the participants in the study? 4. Were all the exercises under observation? If yes so how many and where? 5. What category of people did Steve Blair choose for his study? Why? 6. How long did this study go, how many weeks, months, years? 7. What did they measure and what did they find? 8. What is “the aerobic centre longitudinal study”? 9. What is class 1 or class 2? 10. What is the influence of smoking on people’s health? 11. Why does Steve need a large grant? 12. Why is muscle strength so meaningful? 13. The stronger your muscles are the less risk you have of developing high blood pressure. Prove this statement. 14. How do exercise and fitness lead to a reduced risk of heart attack? PART IV HEALTH FOOD VS JUNK FOOD Proper names: Dr. Doug Graham IV. Translate the phrases into Russian and make up five sentences of your own. Junk food, healthy food, raw food, comfort food, nutrition, empty calories V. watch the video and answer the questions: 1. What is the synonym to junk food in Dr, Dough Graham’s opinion? Why? 2. Why is junk food called junk?

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1300

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