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7. What happened to Taylor on his way home from school?272 8. Who is Norman Bates? What advice did he give to Taylor? Knife Grinder
  1. What present did Taylor get from his father? What do you think the reason was? 277
  2. Who was the stranger who visited the Taylors’ house one day?279
  3. What was strange about the parents mood?280
  4. Who is MrSwinyard? Why did he come to Michael Taylor in the evening? What talk did they have?284
  5. Why did people gather in the city hall? What happened during the meeting? 286
  6. What was the real cause of fire alarm in the hall?293
  7. What was Dean Moran father’s attitude towards the gypsy problem?294
  8. Why did Jason come to gypsies’ living place? What was their attitude to him? What did they think about other people’s lifestyle?301, 304
Goose fair
  1. What did Taylor find when visiting the fair? What did he learn about his finding?
  2. What do we get to know about Ross Wilcox’s family?
  3. What scene did Taylor and Moran observe at the fair?
  4. What happened to Wilcox?
  1. What scandal burst out at school?
  2. What happened to Taylor at the disco?
January man
  1. What changes took place in the Taylor family?
  LISTENING COMPREHENSION WHAT A STORY by Mary Underwood 7. An Uncomfortable Situation for Brian. Almost everyone, at one time or another, finds himself in a situation which he would rather have avoided. Brian's experience in Brighton was such an uncomfortable one that he is likely to remember it for many years. Now that you have heard Brian's story, please answer the following questions. 1 What were the subjects on which Brian was to lecture at the Study Centre? 2 What three things did the Director of the School expect Brian to do at his flat during the afternoon? 3 Where did the Director live? 4 What made Brian feel particularly uncomfortable when he went into the flat? 5 What did Brian think was the meaning of the state of the flat when he went in? 6 What were the subjects of the books which Brian saw on the bookshelves in the flat? 7 Where did Brian sit and read the newspaper? 8 Did Brian have the key to the flat on the top floor?

9 Why was Brian disinclined to spend the rest of the afternoon walking round Brighton? 10 Why was the dog not in the flat when Brian went there? 8. An Alarming Experience on the Road. Road accidents are nearly always caused by a driver's mistake or misjudgment. Sometimes they occur because of unusual road or weather conditions. This story is about an accident which had a most unusual and alarming cause. As a result of the accident, John, who tells the story, was given a 'breathalyser' test by the police. A motorist can be asked to take a test if the police suspect that he has drunk too much alcohol to be able to drive safely. The motorist is asked to blow into a plastic bag through a tube containing coloured crystals. The amount of alcohol in the motorist's breath is shown by the change in the colour of the crystals. If the test is positive, further tests are carried out. You have heard the alarming story, so now please answer the following questions 1 Why were John and his friend driving to Norwich1? 2 What did John notice about the driver of the Lotus when he glanced at him as he overtook him? 3 When John had stopped and got out of his car, he and his friend walked back towards the Lotus. Which one of them walked on the grass verge and which one walked in the road? 4 When the Lotus suddenly shot forward, who or what did it hit first? 5 Where did the Lotus finally stop? 6 How was grass and mud being thrown all over the road after the cars had stopped moving? 7 When they managed to open the driver's door of the Lotus, they got the driver out. What else did they do at the car? 8 Where did John get blankets from? 9 Why was John given a breathalyser test when he got to the police station? 10 What news was phoned in to the police station while the statements were being made?   9. A Remarkable Event Caused by the Wind. To see somebody .else in danger and not to be able to do anything about it is a most unpleasant experience. When, as in this case, it is your own daughter who is in danger, the feeling of helplessness is even more acute. On the day when Gerry and his daughter went to make a film for a .children's television programme called Magpie, just such a situation arose. Now that you've heard the story, please answer the following questions. 1 What is exceptional about Gerry's daughter as far as ballooning is concerned? 2 How does one move along when using a Humpty Dumpty balloon?
I'm going to ­­­­­_____________. C: Butt plant! B: Ha ha ha! He lost his skis! ­­­­­_____________!!! A: Ahem, well. Thanks for joining us here today, I think that about does it. Bob, Ian, time for some ­­­­­_____________? C: No way, man! We're off ­­­­­_____________!!!     Video Laboratory Work   Jane Couch   Before you watch 1 Work with a partner and look at the photograph. What kind of person do you think Jane Couch is? Use adjectives from the box to describe her. hard-working fit healthy relaxed aggressive gentle strong modest feminine While you watch 2.You are going to watch an interview with Jane Couch. Put the questions in the correct order. The first one has been done for you as an example. · Has success changed you at all? Have you ever been seriously injured?
  • How about on your days off, how do you relax?
  • How did you get involved with boxing?
· How do you generally feel about your opponent? · How do you prepare for a fight? · Were you always a sporty girl at school?
  • What have been the highlights of your career so far?
  • What was the reaction of your family and friends when you took up boxing?
  • What's the best thing about being a professional boxer?
  • Would you say that boxing is both physical and mental?
3.Watch again and tick the correct ending to the sentences. a) Jane got involved with boxing after she ... 1 read a magazine article about women boxing. 2 saw a documentary about women boxing. b) At school, she ... 1 played in several school sports teams 2 just used to drink, smoke and eat chips. c) When she took up boxing, her family and friends ... 1 thought she was bonkers (crazy). 2 thought it was a fantastic idea. d) She considers boxing to be ...

3 What did 'Brainy' Dodds do in 1920? 4 Why did Gerry and his daughter go to Teddington? 5 Why did the cameramen want Christine to do a little lift-off in spite of the poor weather conditions? 6 What happened at the moment when Christine was just coming down to the ground? 7 How far was Christine below the balloon when it carried her off across the tennis courts? 8 Where did she eventually fall? 9 What condition did Gerry find Christine in when he reached her? 10 What saved Christine from breaking her skull?   10. A Moral Learnt in France. Roulette is a gambling game played in casinos all over the world. It is played with a roulette wheel which has a sort of clock-face with numbered slots all round it. A small ball is thrown into the wheel as it spins. The game is concerned with betting on which numbered slot the ball will come to rest in when the wheel stops spinning. The numbers are all either red or black in colour, and players can also bet on whether the ball will stop at a red coloured number or a black coloured one. Although Tom wasn't interested in gambling himself, he agreed to go to France with a friend of his, Tim, to try out an 'unbeatable' system for winning at roulette. N.B. You will notice near the end of the story that Tom accidentally says 'drowned' when he meant to say 'drown'. You have heard Tom's story. Now answer the following questions. 1. What did Tom's friend, Tim, think was an unbeatable system for winning at roulette? 2. What was Tom going to get if Tim won money at the casino in Le Touquet? 3. How did Tom and Tim get to somewhere near Le Touquet from England? 4. How many passengers travelled on the plane? 5. How did Tom and Tim manage to be away from the airport and on the road hitching a lift by the time the other passengers came along in their cars? 6. The casino was nearly empty. Who was there, however, when the two students went in? 7. What did Tom and Tim arrange about how long they would continue playing roulette? 8. How did Tom and Tim lose all their money after ten to twelve? 9. What did the two friends do with the notebooks in which Tim had worked out the 'unbeatable' system after they had lost all their money? 10. Why was it a good thing that they lost the money, in Tom's opinion?   11. The Silly Story of the Cat. It's strange how things seem to happen to some people and how they are always involved in unusual events. Alan is one of those people. Almost unbelievable things have happened to him. When you hear this story you will think, perhaps, that it couldn't possibly be true, but it is. You will notice that Alan mentions 'a yellow hat'. In fact, it is more accurate to say that a traffic warden's hat is black and yellow.

Now that you have heard Alan's silly story, please answer the following questions. 1 What did Alan do before driving out at the T-junction? 2 What did Alan intend to do with the carrier-bag he bought from the butcher? 3 What do double yellow lines on the road-side mean? 4 Where is a parking ticket usually left on a car in England? 5 What surprise awaited Alan when he returned to the car with the traffic warden? 6 What did Alan notice about the carrier-bag which he saw a woman carrying away? 7 Exactly what did Alan say to the woman who was carrying a bag from the butcher's? 8 What did the woman do when she saw the dead cat inside the bag she was carrying? 9 Where exactly did Alan leave the woman who had fainted while he tried to get help? 10 Why did Alan go straight home instead of going to work?   12. A Disappointing Holiday for Pam. Holidays are a topic of conversation for months before they happen and for years afterwards. One remembers particularly holidays that brought special pleasure or those that turned into disasters. Pam's story is about a holiday in Switzerland that was not a success. Something seemed to go wrong at every stage through no fault of her own; she was just unlucky. Now that you've heard about Pam's disappointing holiday, please answer the following questions. 1 Which members of Pam's family had been on a skiing holiday before? 2 How did the family intend to get skis for their holiday? 3 How long would it have taken Pam to complete her series of skiing lessons in London? 4 What stopped Pam completing the series of lessons in London? 5 Why did they decide to stay in Basle overnight? 6 When did the family arrive in Wengen? 7 Why did the family have to walk from the station at Wengen to then- hotel? 8 Which skiing class did Pam join in Wengen? 9 Why did Pam not want to ski on the fourth day? 10 How did Pam hurt her arm?   13. A Coincidence in New York. Denise went to New York last year to study. She stayed there For five months. In this story, she tells about how she was 'conned' (cheated, tricked) by an old woman one day and about the events that followed. You have heard Demise's story. Now, please answer the questions below. 1 Why did Denise go to the public library? 2 In what way was the public library in New York different from any library Denise had seen before?

C. qualify

D. Sissy


10. The _____ school went wild when the home team won the championship.

A. rival

B. host

C. stage

D. to kick off

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 993

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PART 1. GLOBAL WARMING IS HUMAN MADE | Task 1. Study the words and give their translation
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