Vocabulary, Reading, Speaking and Language Practice
1) Резцова С.А., Степанова Н.Ю. ‘Texts, Topics and a Lot More for Sophomores’, Topic: Healthy Lifestyle
Topics for Discussion.
1. The life of an average person today is full of unhealthy habits. Speak about the influence of the modern lifestyle on people’s health and the most typical unhealthy habits of today.
2. Keeping fit is an important part of a trendy image today. How can we keep fit in our hectic life? What are the possible benefits of exercise?
3. A man is what he eats.Speak on the problem of obesity in Britain, the USA and Russia. Why is cholesterol bad for our health? How do you see a healthy diet? What is your attitude to vegetarianism?
04.03.2013 – 31.03.2013
Vocabulary, Reading and Speaking
1) Резцова С.А., Степанова Н.Ю. ‘Texts, Topics and a Lot More for Sophomores’, Topic Sports
2) Oxford Guide to British and American Culture,Baseball, cricket, basketball, football (American style), football (British style) hobbies and leisure activities (sports), clubs (sports clubs), racing
Topics for Discussion.
1. The most popular sporting activities in Britain and the USA. .Speak about those kinds of sports that have gained national recognition as particularly associated with the British and Americans.
2. The most popular sporting activities in Russia.Speak about those kinds of sports that have gained national recognition in Russia
3. Extreme sports.Give a talk on the most popular extreme sports of today. What attracts people to the life of extreme
4. The Olympic Games.Present a talk on the history of the Olympic movement and the latest Olympic Games in London.
01.04.2013 – 05.05.2013
Vocabulary, Reading and Speaking
1) Резцова С.А., Степанова Н.Ю. ‘Texts, Topics and a Lot More for Sophomores’, Topic Environment
Topics for Discussion.
1. Endangered species: who is to blame? Give a talk on the history of human exploitation of wildlife and dramatic results we are experiencing today.
2. The most acute environmental problems of today. Speak on the most important environmental issues of the modern world.
3. The consequences of the greenhouse effect on the planet. Give a talk on the dramatic changes resulting from global warming and possible ways to fight them.
4. Do people today do enough to protect wildlife and the environment? Speak on general measures taken by governments and environmental organizations for nature protection. Why are recycling and reusing so important? How can we personally become ‘environmentally friendly’?
Personal Appearance. Body Language.
06.05.2013 – 09.06.2013
Vocabulary, Reading and Speaking
1) Резцова С.А., Степанова Н.Ю. ‘Texts, Topics and a Lot More for Sophomores’, Topic Personal Appearance. Body Language.
Topics for Discussion.
5. 1. Plastic surgery today. “Plastic surgeons are unsung heroes whose work can transform the lives of the patients.” Do you support it or not?
6. What ideal of beauty dominates the modern world? Describe the beauty look of a man and a woman imposed by mass media and movies. Do you support it or not?
7. Is beauty only skin-deep? What, do you think, makes us beautiful? What traits of character do you find the most attractive and why?
8. The role of body language in intercultural communication. Give a talk on the importance of gestures, posture, mimic, voice characteristics in establishing cross-cultural understanding.
A World of Fiction: Twenty Timeless Short Stories bySybil Marcus
31.01. – 03.02.2013
Arturo Vivante "Can-Can"
04.02 – 10.02.2013
Kate Chopin "Story of an Hour"
11.02 – 17.02.2013
Ann Beattie "Snow"
18.02. – 24.02.2013
Virginia Woolf "The Legacy"
25.02. – 03.03.2013
Individual Reading. BLACK SWAN GREEN
by David Mitchel
04.03. – 10.03.2013
Individual Reading. BLACK SWAN GREEN
by David Mitchel
11.03. – 17.03.2013
Woody Allen "The Kugelmass Episode"
18.03. – 24.03.2013
Budd Schulenberg “A Short Digest of a Long Novel
25.03. – 31.03.2013
Grace Paley "Mother"
01.04. – 07.04.2013
James Joyce “The Boarding House”
08.04. – 14.04.2013
Individual Reading. BLACK SWAN GREEN
by David Mitchel
15.04. – 21.04.2013
Individual Reading. BLACK SWAN GREEN
by David Mitchel
22.04. – 28.04.2013
Anne Tyler “Teenage Wasteland”
29.04. – 05.05.2013
Bernard Malamud "The Model"
06.05. – 12.05.2013
Monica Wood "Disappearing
13.05. – 19.05.2013
Katherine Mansfield “Miss Brill”
20.05. – 26.05.2013
Individual Reading. BLACK SWAN GREEN
by David Mitchel.
27.05. – 02.06.2013
Individual Reading. BLACK SWAN GREEN
by David Mitchel
03.06. – 09.06.2013
By David Mitchel
pp. 1-120
About the author
Born in Southport in 1969, David Mitchell grew up in Malvern, Worcestershire, studying for a degree in English and American Literature followed by an MA in Comparative Literature, at the University of Kent. He lived for a year in Sicily before moving to Hiroshima, Japan, where he taught English to technical students for eight years, before returning to England.
In his first novel, Ghostwritten (1999), nine narrators in nine locations across the globe tell interlocking stories. This novel won the Mail on Sunday/John Llewellyn Rhys Prize and was shortlisted for the Guardian First Book Award.
His second novel, number9dream (2001), was shortlisted for the 2002 Man Booker Prize for fiction. It is set in modern day Tokyo and tells the story of Eiji Miyake's search for his father.
In 2003 David Mitchell was named by Granta magazine as one of twenty 'Best of Young British Novelists'. In his third novel, Cloud Atlas (2004), a young Pacific islander witnesses the nightfall of science and civilisation, while questions of history are explored in a series of seemingly disconnected narratives. Cloud Atlas was shortlisted for the 2004 Man Booker Prize for Fiction, and was followed by Black Swan Green (2006).
David Mitchell lives in Ireland. His most recent book is The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet (2010).