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Illiteracy, science, education, qualification, experience, pro­gress, ignorance, diligence, ability, competition, industry


4. Insert articles to the following sentences:


They have come to Minsk from many towns of Belarus to acquire knowledge. ...Department of Marketing is very popular with... students. It trains highly qualified specialists. ... curriculum is on … level of ... latest scientific achievements. ... educational plan also includes higher mathematics and philosophy and other subjects. At …the end of their studies ... students prepare their graduation theses. Lectures are given in large auditoriums, whereas practical studies are held in smaller groups.

Scientific circles have been organized for ... students to do scientific work on ... chosen theme in ... subjects in which they specialize. In making their reports ... students as ... rule first select and discuss…theme with their tutor. They have all... opportunities to enlarge knowledge and these study circles will help them in their future occupations.

5. Give adjectives corresponding to the following nouns:


Illiteracy, science, education, qualification, experience, pro­gress, ignorance, diligence, ability, competition, industry

6. Fill in the missing prepositions:

1. All the children in our country have the right ... education. 2. Thousands ... part-time students study ... correspondence. 3. Before the examination we had consultations ... grammar. 4. What are you working ... now? 5. I am preparing a report... the new achieve­ments ... our science ... the field ... linguistics. 6. Nina was ill ... over a month, but she caught up ... the group and did not fail ... her exams. 7. When will you take your test ... literature? 8. My eldest sister studies ... the Pedagogical institute, ... the English department. She makes progress ... all her subjects and now she has a fairly good command ... the English language. 9. He is a very capable student. He is especially good ... sums. 10. His son graduated ... the BSEU and became an economist. 11. The audience was listening ... the lecture ... microeconomics ... interest. 12. The right ... education is guaranteed ... the Constitution ... the Republic of Belarus.


’Knowing and understanding’

1. Study the idioms useful to say that you know or don’t know something or make conclusion.

A. Knowing and not knowing

knowing meaning
She knows the system inside out. She knows every detail of it.
When it comes to geography, he certainly knows his stuff. He has a very good knowledge of it.
That book title has a familiar ring to it. 1 think 1 read it a long time ago. It sounds familiar / I think I've heard it before.
I'm not sure if 1 know her, but the name rings a bell, (very commonly used with name) I have a vague memory of someone with that name, but can't remember exactly.
not knowing meaning
I haven't (got) / don't have a clue how to use this camera. I don't know at all.
I haven't (got) / don't have the faintest idea where she lives. I really don't know at all.
I haven't (got) / don't have the foggiest (idea) what this switch is for. I absolutely don't know at all.
I can't for the life of me remember her first name. I can't remember at all.
I'm a bit out of touch with computers these days. I used to know about them, but don't know the latest developments.
I'm sorry, that name doesn't ring any bells with me. (very commonly used with name) I don't think I've ever heard it before; it is unfamiliar.

Â. Coming to conclusions


I didn't actually know where you were staying, but Mark said you were with a relative. So I put two and two together and guessed it was that aunt of yours, [concluded from the facts I knew]

I'm sorry, I got (hold of) the wrong end of the stick. I thought you were complaining about something, [came to the wrong conclusion]


‘I think he's got hold of the wrong end of the stick.'


2. Correct mistakes in these idioms.


1) I don't have even a faint idea where he is today; you'll have to ask somebody else.

2) The title of the CD has familiar rings to it, but I don't think I've ever heard it.

3) My cousin knows the tax laws outside and in, so if you want advice on your tax, he'll help you.

4) I can't for life think what it was I came into the kitchen for.

5) I saw Tom and Lily together in a restaurant looking adoringly into each other's eyes. I added up two and two, and decided they must be madly in love.

3. Use the corrected idioms from exercise 2 to rewrite the underlined parts of this paragraph. Use each idiom once only.


I always thought I knew my computer in every detail, but the other day it started to crash every time I opened a certain program. I could not in any way understand why it was doing this, and I didn't have any idea at all about what to do to fix it. I rang the helpline which I had used in the past, and after about 20 minutes I spoke to someone who said his name was Patrick, and that he was there to help me. He gave me some advice which sounded quite familiar to me from previous calls I had made to the same helpline. I thought about all this, put the facts together, and concluded that they give the same advice to everybody, and that it's just a way of getting rid of you. The computer still crashes every time I open the program.

4. Write sentences that mean the opposite of these sentences. Use appropriate idioms and make any other necessary changes.

1) Yes, that name is very familiar to me. I think I've met her several times.

2) I'm really up to date with TV soap operas these days. I watch them every day.

3) She knows absolutely nothing when it comes to the history of this area.

4) I correctly interpreted what she was trying to tell me and it solved a big problem.

5) No, sorry, her name means nothing to me. I may have met her, I just can't remember.

5. Complete each sentence with a different idiom which refers to 'not knowing'.

1) I.............................how to use the photocopier. Do you think you could help me? (weakest of the three)

2) I ...........................where I left that letter I brought for you. I'm really sorry, (stronger than 1)

3) I ..............................what she's talking about. She's crazy! (even stronger than 2)



1. Imagine a friend is going away to University. Give him or her some advice by completing these sentences. The first one has been done as an example:


1) In the first week, go to all the meetings to … (get to know other students).

2) When you meet the staff, ask lots of questions to …

3) Go for a walk around the university campus, so …

4) Find out what your timetable is, so as not to …

5) Make lots of notes in every lecture, so that …

6) Do as much work as you can now in case …

7) Buy all the recommended books straight away in case …


2. a) Read the dialogue. Make up 10 questions and answer them.

A college instructor from abroad is interested in the training and employment of Belarusian school leavers.

College instructor. How do you cope with the army of young people who leave your secondary schools?

Correspondent: Thousands of higher, special secondary and vocational schools, plants, construction sites, collective farms in all parts of the country are always eager to receive the young people. There is a suitable place for every school leaver.

College instructor: Are there any changes in the admittance rules and the programme of entrance examinations in connection with the increased number of school leavers wishing to attend higher school?

Correspondent: There are no particular changes. The only crite­rion for admittance to higher and special secondary schools is knowledge and ability. The majority of students receive a monthly state scholarship. If the student comes from another town or from a village, he is given a place in a hostel. There are many opportunities for every leaver to find work or continue to study.

b) Dramatize the dialogue with a partner. Make up your own dialogue about your University.

3. Suggested topics for conversation:

1) Education in Belarus. BSEU. (A dialogue between a Russian and an English student)

2) Your first day at the University.

3) The examination you have failed at.

4) Your favourite lecturer.


1. You are members of the University Council. You’ve worked out new University Rules for students and for teachers. Suggest and write down a set of sensible rules. These modal expressions are sure to help you:

Should (not)…, be (not) allowed to …, be (not) supposed to …


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1099

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