Exploratory task 1.12Read the following piece of written reasoning and write in the space provided the reasoning errors (mentioned above) that you have noticed in this piece. Then rewrite the piece using the “flow chart”
Reasoning discourse
| Reasoning errors
| Resist Violence with Good: Myth or Reality?
Violence is always bad. It is a rude violation of the human rights. If violence is resisted with good, then violent people will never get their lesson and will get off light. Nothing can justify violence. There is a good saying, “An eye for an eye”. Certainly people must try to find peaceful solutions and to sit at a negotiation table but the strongest party will use their position of force. Evil must be punished. A suspect is guilty in most cases. “There is no smoke without fire”.
| Premise
| Proposition
| Arguments
| Inference
| Conclusion
| | | | | | | | | | | |
An important aspect of teaching to reason is through cause and effect.Cause-and-effect writing can take the following shape:
· Cause
Cause Effect
· Cause Effect
(White, R. and V.Arndt. 1997. P. 86. Hamp-Lyons, L. and B. Heasley. 1997. P.89).
Exploratory task 1.13
Write a “cause-and-effect” discourse on the topic “Computer at school”. Use the two formats of writing. Reflect on the problems you have had in the process or writing
Cause 1
| Cause 2
| Cause 3
| Effect
| Cause
| Effect 1
| Effect 2
| Effect 3
| | | | | Reflections on the problems while writing
In teaching to write it is important to consider the choice of language.Talking about the language of writing, a crucial element will be the register.Register is a variety of language associated with a set of specific vocabulary, which is typical of a certain field (e.g. medical terminology or child’s language) and is best for achieving the communicative goals (Spolsky, B. 1998. P. 33).
Exploratory task 1.14
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 830