What do you write in your own real world and what are the functions of this writing?
Writing as a communicative skill
Writing is a communicative skill to send, store and retrieve messages with the help of written symbols. History of writingis very long. Writing originated in Mesopotamia and Egypt, pre-Columbian America, possibly in India. The earliest evidence of writing is cuneiform script from Mesopotamia at 3500 BC. Recent findings prove that "trident-shaped" markings on pottery existed in Pakistan in 5500 BC. There were six early systems of visual graphic language representations that contributed to the development of writing systems: ritualistic markings found in caves, tallying devices to keep count, property markings indicating owners, tokens and totems as symbols of clans, mnemonic devices to keep memory of things, pictographic/ideograph narratives. Modern writing systems are different and they include graphic representations of morphemes and words (Chinese), graphic representations of syllables (Hebrew), alphabetic representations of phonemes (English, Russian etc)
Exploratory task 1.1
Explore the pronunciation of the following words and indicate what phonemes are represented by the graphemes in words. How can you account for the different in graphic rules?
Writing can be expressive, poetic, informative and persuasive. Depending on the type of writing, the writer concentrates either on the subject matter of the written piece, or on the reader, or on one’s own feelings and thoughts. The triangle of the “subject matter”, “writer” and “reader” is shown below.
Subject matter
Writer Reader
(After J.Kinneavy. Quoted in T.O'Brien. 1996. P. 8).
In expressive writing an emphasis is made on the writer him/herself expressing one's own thoughts as in a diary. In poetic writing the emphasis is made on the language, as the choice of language creates the necessary poetic effect. In informative writing the emphasis is on the subject matter. In persuasive writingemphasis is on the reader who is in the focus of the writers attention and whose train of thought the writer is intending the change.
Exploratory task 1.2
Match the given texts with the focus of writing
1. …This man is no stranger to crime. He was first arrested for shoplifting at the age of twelve. Since then he has regularly appeared in court, charged with pick-pocketing, petty theft and burglary. His story began, when …
2. 20th October. It's Sunday again and I am alone. How I hate these holidays with nothing to do, and these telephone rings "Sorry, wrong number!" Not even a person to come by the window. But wait! IT my night dream comes true…
3. In desperation, I reached up, tugged at the nose of my now leaking pontoon, and the boat moved ahead about six inches. Clawing at the rocks, we inched our way forward and popped out of the channel – only to be smashed sideways into a flat-faced boulder at the apex of the river's left turn.
4. Wash rice in several rinses of cold water to get rid of the starch. Peep and chop onions and garlic. Wash and chop celery. Wash and slice mushrooms and tomato and chop pepper. Heat oil in a saucepan over a moderate heat and fry onion…
a) Subject matter
b) Writer
c) Reader
d) Language
Writing can be done with the purpose of description, narration, exposition, persuasion and reasoning.Description presents typical features of a living being, an object or an abstract image to make it recognizable. Narration tells of events in succession. Exposition describes circumstances. Persuasion makes people change their behavior or train of thought. Reasoning invites the reader to follow the logic of the author and to co-operate in producing ideas.