Clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations of patients with heart failure. Acute and chronic blood circulation insufficiency.
Medical ¹ 1
Methodical recommendations are made in accordance with educationally-qualifying descriptions and educationally-professional programs of preparation of the specialists ratified by Order MES of Ukraine from 16.05 2003 years ¹ 239 and experimentally - curriculum, that is developed on principles of the European credit-transfer system (ECTS) and Ukraine ratified by the order of MPH of Ukraine from 31.01.2005 year ¹ 52.
Vinnytsya- 2013
Importance of the topic
Heart failure (HF) is a common syndrome, 0,4 – 2% of adults suffer from it. Almost 10% of the people older than 75 has heart failure. Prognosis is poor with 82% of patients dying within 6 years of diagnose.
It is necessary to recognize heart failure from the very beginning and provide optimal management of these patients.
2. Concrete aims:
─ To Study main symptoms and signs of the heart failure
─ To Learn instrumental and laboratory examination of patients with HF
─ To Learn classification of heart failure
Basic training level
Previous subject
Obtained skill
Normal anatomy
Anatomy of the heart, their blood supply and innervation
Normal physiology
Mechanics of cardiac muscle contraction, the Frank – Starling relationship.
Ontogenesis of the cardiovascular system, histological structure of the heart and vessels.
Propedeutics to internal medicine
Subjective, objective and instrumental examinations of the patients with cardiovascular disorders.
Task for self-depending preparation to practical training
List of the main terms that should know student preparing practical training
Left ventricle failure
Excessive preload
Right ventricle failure
Excessive afterload
Low – output failure
Systolic dysfunction
High – output failure
Diastolic dysfunction
4.2. Theoretical questions:
1. Definition of heart failure
2. Causes of heart failure
3. Classification of heart failure
4. Symptoms of left and right ventricle failure
5. Instrumental and laboratory methods of examination of the patients with heart failure.
Practical task that should be performed during practical training
1.Revealing and assessment of symptoms and signs of the left and right ventricle failure.
2.Revealing and assessment of functional data at patients with heart failure.
Topic content
Heart failure is an incompetence of the heart to provide the requirements of the body organs and tissues at blood circulation during rest or physical activity. Congestive heart failure should never be considered a diagnosis. Rather, it is a syndrome resulting from many diseases that interfere with cardiac function.
Heart failure is not the same blood circulation insufficiency. The last term is wider and it concludes decreasing the myocardial contractility(e.g. heart failure), abnormalities of vascular tone, volume of the blood, decrease of the oxyhemoglobin level and changes of its properties and others.
Classification:May be acute(as a direct result of myocardial infarction), but it's generally a chronicdisorder associated with retention of sodium and water by the kidneys.
According to heart part may by left ventricle failure(LVF), right ventricle failure(RVF) or together left and right ventricle failureas congestive cardiac failure.
Low-output cardiac failure:The heart's output is inadequate (e.g. ejection fraction <0.35), or is only adequate with high filling pressures.
Causes: Usually ischemia, hypertension, valve disorders, or increased alcohol use.
Pump failure due to:
Heart muscle disease: IHD; cardiomyopathy .
Restricted filling: Constrictive pericarditis, tamponade, restrictive cardiomyopathy. This may be the mechanism of action of fluid overload: an expanding right heart impinges on the LV, so filling is restricted by the ungiving pericardium.
Inadequate heart rate: beta-blockers, heart block, post MI
Negatively inotropic drugs: e.g. most antiarrhythmic agents.
Excessive preload:e.g. mitral regurgitation or fluid overload. Fluid overload may cause LVF in a normal heart if renal excretion is impaired or big volumes are involved (e.g. IV infusion running too fast). More common if there is simultaneous compromise of cardiac function and in the elderly.
High-output failure is rare. Here, output is normal or increased in the face of much increased needs. Failure occurs when cardiac output fails to meet needs. It will occur with a normal heart, but even earlier if there is heart disease. Causes: Heart disease with anemia or pregnancy, hyperthyroidism Paget's disease, arterio-venous malformation, beri- beri. Consequences: Initially features of RVF; later LVF becomes evident.
Classification of the New York Heart Association :
I Heart disease present, but no undue dyspnea from ordinary activity.
II Comfortable at rest; dyspnea on ordinary activity.
III Less than ordinary activity causes dyspnea, which is limiting.
IV Dyspnea presents at rest; all activity causes discomfort.