I. Read the text, translate it and do the exercise.
II. What is communication?
Now, about this web thing
David Bowen
Your corporate website is an investment that is quite likely the biggest element in your communications budget; whose Return on
5 Investment (ROI) you cannot measure; and whose benefits are difficult to describe. And now I would like to explain why you should be spending more on it.
10 It is easy to say why companies have websites. It is because they grew up for fun (it is fun building a website; you should try). But what purpose does the site serve
15 and why have you just authorised another large cheque to keep it going and growing? Well, if you didn't sign that cheque and the site disappeared, what would hap-
20 pen? In the short term, unless your company actually sells things online, your revenue would not suffer, and your costs would fall; but here are the other effects I
25 predict.
First, your company would see the flow of phone, fax or email enquiries from customers reduce sharply. They use your site, via
30 Google, to find out your details -
II. Which of the sentences are true and which ones are false?
a) According to the article, most companies need to spend more money on their web presence in order to save money.
b) The more servers a corporation uses to host its website, the more money they have to pay for this service.
c) Many organisations believe that it would be more sensible to run their site from several different locations.
d) Reducing the number of servers would bring about many additional cost savings.
e) If all the websites of a large organisation operate together, many features can be shared across the whole site.
f) Mr Bowen proposes that it is a bad idea to support investment in the corporate website because there is no apparent ROI.
the most valuable role of any website is as a simple contact point.
Second, you would start getting worrying feedback from Human
35 Resources that the staff were wondering what was going on. About one in ten visitors to your site are likely to be employees. They want to know what is happening in the company, too.
Third, your investor relations team would get irate phone calls from analysts looking for an elusive figure from the 1999 annual
45 report. Analysts are used to finding historical data on company sites, and you don't want to upset them, do you? Fourth, journalists would be
50 phoning your press office to confirm such details as how the president of your Polish operation spelt his name, or whether you still owned that company in Indonesia.
55 You may also get calls from careers officers in colleges, wondering if your company still existed and demanding extra copies of brochures for students. In due
60 course, you would find the quality of recruits was falling, because people had come to rely on the
web to get a feeling for a potential employer.
65 Disastrous though this may be, it does not explain why you should actually be increasing investment in your website. I said earlier that most websites grew up by mistake.
70 As a result, most large organisations now have web presences that are grossly inefficient, racking up unnecessary 'hosting' costs on dozens or even hundreds
75 of servers. Many large organisations are now looking at these costs, and thinking how much more sensible it would be to bring the sites together. Extra benefits
80 would then tumble forth: further cost savings from sharing words, pictures and interactive tools, and greatly increased quality for the same reason.
85 But of course this is going to cost money in the short term. So when your corporate affairs director asks you to approve a project with no apparent ROI, please don't
90 laugh in his face. Ask your fellow CEOs instead; I bet they are getting very similar requests.