Session 5. Energy-saving, environmentally friendly chemical and technological processes
14.00 - 16.30
Session Co-Chairs:O.A. Berseneva, C. Sc. (Biology), Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, Irkutsk State University
P.R. García,Chemical Engineer, University of San Carlos of Guatemala, Guatemala
Lecture Hall: 428
Chaus V.O.Biokraftstoffe in der Luftfahrt
2. Churikova A.O.Petrothermal resources
Hudinina V.S. Gashydrate - eine Alternative zu Erdgas
Gornostaev R.À. Transporting of liquid raw material in petrochemical industry
Klevanova E.S.Perspectives of energy and resource saving in natural gas and associated gas processing
Lukashova K.S.The environmental aspects in the field of polyethylene
terephthalate waste recycling
Nedyalkova K.Y. Providing technological control over production and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials and products
Nikolaeva Y.A. Utilización del sensor bioquímico durante el seguimiento ambiental
Rozhdestvenskaya M.S.Possibility of energy crops cultivation for biofuels in Russia
Tarasov I.V.Wellenkraftwerk
12. Uliyanova M.A.Biofuels production and using technology
Zavedenskiy K.E.Electric cars: solution or postponing
Session 6. Green Building
14.00 - 16.30
Session Co-Chairs:Marina A. Nekrasova, C.Sc, Associate Professor, Ecological Faculty, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
Lecture Hall: 303
Chernova A.A. Análisis de funcionalidad de software en el simulación ambiental
2. Gutorova L.V. LCA in green building
Doronina G.N.Eco-cities: reality or utopia
4. Ermakova K.V. Energiequelle Sonne
Soloviev A.N., Zhuravlev S.D. Healthy buildings and people’s health
Yukhno M.Air pollution and urban structure linkages
Zyukova K.V.Classification of Kazakhstan’s cities according to the green infrastructure state
Session 7. Legal and economic framework for environmental management
14.00 - 16.30
Session Co-Chairs:S.A. Tobratov, D.Sc.(Biology), Ryazan State University named after S.A.Yesenin, Ryazan
A.M. Aleinikova, C.Sc.(Geography), Associate Professor, Department of Geoecology, Ecological Faculty, PFUR
Lecture Hall: 310
Drygval A.V., Drygval P.V.Theconcept of sustainable development
FefelovaJ.M. Der Wald muss gerettet werden
3. Grigorets E.A. Remote sensing systems and forecasting of environmental situations after forest fires in the European part of Russia
4. Tsagolova A.S. Analysis of accounting and control of ozone-depleting substances in the Russian Federation
Session 8. Ecology, politics and society
14.00 - 16.30
Session Co-Chairs:
Lecture Hall: 325
1. Chertenkova A. P.Ecological zoning of the Khibiny
Filippova D.V.Reduction of greenhouse gases emissions to the atmosphere
Frolova K.V. Landfill site selection by using gis and ahp. case study: Tver region
Golovanov M.D. Environmental assessment of the atmosphere surface layer aerosols in Moscow
Kan V.S. Comparative analysis of the waste management problems in megacities
Razumovskaya M.P. Nord streàm - a reliable and efficient supply route for Russian gas to Europe
Saprykina K.P. The environmental problem of waste and methods of disposal
Shapoval A.I. Economic and ecological role of urban agglomerations
Kharlamova M.D., Shpakovich A.V., Mazygula E.D. The energy sector of the crimea peninsula: problems, current situation and development prospects (retrospective analysis)
Sukhorukova S.O. Hydrogeological conditions on the territory of Kizel coal basin
25 November 2015, Wednesday
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Ecological Faculty
10.00 – 12.00
Lecture Hall: 416
Parallel sessions
12.00 -12.30
Coffee break
12.30 - 14.00
Lecture Hall: 416
Parallel Interactive Workshops, Master Classes and Round Tables –
Presentation of International Educational Programs
and English as a second language international exams