Space mission looking for Earth-like planets
At home
Find information about the latest international missions into outer space in the WWW.
a) Open the following abbreviations:
b) What has changed since the father in the picture was a schoolboy? How does the cartoon reflect the state of affairs in education?
Look at the text title and complete the sentences according to their possible occurrence in the text.
A multinational space mission launched in Kazakhstan overnight is…
COROT will monitor the brightness of ….
Probably COROT will not be able to detect life, but…
A). Correct mistakes in the following word combinations. Explain the rule.
a 650-kilograms satellite
10 exoplanet
100 kilometre
a 27-centimetres device
a 5-year projects
a 30-years old researcher
9.3 b). Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:
The missile is reported to have a range of 2,400 kilometres with ________________________ . The laboratory is ____________________________ away from their think tank. Researchers expect that the genetic map specified in the first __________ ll be completed on time. More than ___________________ have been discovered in the recent few months alone. Corot is a French mission, with some funding from ESA, that uses _______________ . The anthology of essays of _________________ brings fresh approaches to the challenges of universal health coverage.
A). Match the words to make word partnerships
1) multinational
minute changes
2) measure
space mission
3) to detect
4) ground-based
5) to carry
6) Earth-like
7) Russian-built
to impossible
8) close
9) a whole new phase of
Soyuz rocket
B) Write all possible combinations in the lines below.
C) Find the proper answers in the answer box in the end of Unit 9 and use them to fill the gaps in the sentences below.
1) Why is it difficult ________________________________orbiting other suns?
2) The Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn is _______________________________________
between three space agencies and 17 nations, with a total cost of over $3 billion.
3) Many planetary scientists now believe that meteorites can __________________primitive _____________ from one planet to another.
4) Temperature control of a plethysmograph is used ______________________________
_________________in tissue volume.
5) 14 Jan 2009 for the first time, astronomers have measured light emitted from extrasolar planets around sun-like stars using_____________________________.
In Class
Listen to the Webcast Space mission looking for Earth-like planets and do the exercises below.
Date: 2015-12-17 ; view: 740