1 A: It's so difficult to discuss anything with him because he gets angry so easily.
Â: I know - one disagreement and he jumps the gun / goes off the deep end.
2 A; I've done all I can and so it's up to you - the ball is in your court / it's a different ballgame.
Â: I know - I'll have to decide soon.
3 A: Are you sure that everything is legal?
B: There's nothing illegal about it - it's all completely in pole position / above board.
4 A; She's overcome so many difficulties to win the competition.
Â: I know -I have to admire her, because she's scored a bullseye / succeeded against all the odds.
Choose two idioms from the box below and write a short dialogue for each one to bring out the meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary. Compare your dialogues with a partner.
Be a good/bad sport
Don't count me out
Go the distance
Make up ground
Tell a partner about
• something you did against all the odds
• someone who is a good sport
• someone who set a record.
Discuss a sportsperson who
• has had a number of setbacks in their career. How did they overcome them?
• has made a comeback. How well did they do?
• has made a lot of money out of their sport.
Listening 2
You will hear part of a radio discussion about the sport of indoor climbing. Choose the answer (À, Â, Ñ or D) which fits best according to what you hear.
According to Tom, young people are attracted to indoor climbing in the USA because
A they have been specifically targeted by gyms.
 there has been a growth in available facilities.
Ñit isn't regarded as a highly competitive activity.
D it offers a grounding in traditional climbing techniques.
2 What does Amy see as the main benefit of the game she describes?
A It gives climbers of varying abilities the chance to climb together.
 It helps climbers remember specific moves they have to make.
Ñ It keeps more experienced climbers focused on a clear goal.
D It allows novice climbers to build up their strength.
Amy feels that in London, indoor climbing
A appeals to people with time on their hands.
 attracts people who dislike outdoor activities.
Ñ is more of a social activity than a serious sport.
D is part of a wider sub-culture including other activities.
Tom is keen òî point out that, in his experience, indoor climbing
A is just as demanding as traditional outdoor rock climbing.
 offers the thrill of outdoor climbing in a safer environment.
Ñ lacks the element of fear present in traditional rock climbing.
D requires a higher level of concentration than outdoor climbing.
Amy feels that compared with other kinds of workout, indoor climbing
A focuses on one particular group of muscles.
 does not require such a regular commitment.
Ñ represents more than solely a physical challenge.
D offers a more appropriate form of training for other sports.
When asked which type of climbing he prefers. Tom is
A keen to stress that he enjoys both types equally.
 careful to avoid saying which he actually favours.
Ñ reluctant to admit that he likes outdoor climbing better.
D critical of people who feel a need to take sides on the issue.