A subliminal message is a message planted in another form of media which bypasses the usual channels of (1) ..................... (perceive) and is only registered (2) ..................... (conscious). In 1957, James Vicary claimed that he had (3) ..................... (succeed) used this technique in advertising. During a film, he had (4) ..................... (continue) flashed the slogans 'Drink Coca Cola and 'Eat popcorn' for an (5) ..................... (perceive) 1/3000 of a second. The result was that the message had been implanted in the brains of the (6) ..................... (suspect) audience and sales of cola and popcorn at that cinema had increased (7)..................... (drama).
The immediate (8) .....................(respond) to this claim was a public outcry and a number of governments (9) ..................... (law) the use of such techniques. However, doubts about the claim soon set in. Later studies were (10) ..................... (succeed) in their attempts to replicate Vicary's results and indeed seemed to suggest that subliminal advertising was totally (11) ...................... (effect) In 1962, Vicary finally confessed that he had (12) ..................... (false) the data of the original experiment. There is in fact no (13)..................... (decide) evidence to suggest that audiences can be manipulated by this technique. Even if it has an effect it is probably only like a (14)..................... (moment) glance at a billboard.
Insert one word.
What is a brand? It's something that is special in some 1. , something that you can distinguish 2. other products 3. a similar nature, and it usually has a special name, 4. it's a car, a chain of fast-food restaurants or a pair of jeans. The brand name, and the design or packaging, 5. have been carefully chosen to reflect the special features of the product.
By the time you arrive 6. school or work in the morning, you will already have been exposed 7. a huge number of brands and brand names. And this isn't just a local phenomenon. 8. , if you visited any major city in the world, you would be surprised 9. how many familiar brands you'd see. In such situations, branding can provide a sense of security. 10. brand names also have a huge financial impact 11. the consumer, who may think that satisfaction can only be obtained by paying extra 12. a well-known name.
What is it that 1. the promotion of ΰ brand name successful? Advertisements for insurance, for example, 2. on our need to feel safe; those for clothes may 3. to our need to 4. to a group or to have adesirable lifestyle. Many brands 3. to what we would like to be rather than what we actually are. Modern advertising 5. the picture of an ideal life and yet theworld it 6. still 7. familiar. Indeed, the more often our self-image matches that 8. by a brand, the stronger and more successful the brand image becomes.
It is quite difficult to 1. out whether an advertisement has been successful. If someone buys a car 2. a particular company, you can't be sure 3. it was the company's advertisement, the price or the 4. quality of the cars 5. sale elsewhere that was the determining factor. So how does any advertisement succeed in 6. people buy one product 7. than another? There is one clear message - it must 8. a strong response 9. consumers because, surprisingly, it is almost impossible to 10. people to change their attitude 11. a product that they feel indifferent 12. .
Self-belief and 1. nerves are essential if you're going to 2. your mark as a salesperson. 3. 21-year-old Leonora Pearl for example. She's a sales consultant 4. theCabouchon Collection of jewellery. She works 5. home or 6. she happens to be. 7. only is Leonora skilled 8. selling jewellery, she is also good 8. selling thejob. She says she fell in 9. with thecompany's 10. of products as soon as she saw it, and 11. up to be a sales consultant 'within five minutes'. Leonora finds the prices 'fantastically reasonable' and theavailability of stock 'absolutely fabulous'. She is, in other 12. , a walking, talking advertisement for the products. 'In many ways. I'm never really 13. duty,' she says. 'When I go out, I always take a duplicate set of whatever jewellery I'm wearing, 14. that if anyone 15. interest in, 16. , my necklace, I can sell it to them 17. thespot.'