Rehabilitation of patients survived a craniocerebral trauma and prognosisRehabilitation is the system of measures, aimed at renewal of disordered functions, adaptation of the patient to the environment and his participation in social life. Implementation of the mentioned measures begins in the acute period of craniocerebral trauma. The following tasks are solved to that end: 1) organization of the most favourable conditions for renewal of the activity of reversibly damaged structures and structural-functional renewal of the integrity of the damaged tissues and organs because of the growth and propagation of specific elements of nervous tissue; 2) prophylaxis and treatment of complications from the side of the respiratory and cardivascular system; 3) prophylaxis of secondary contractures in paretic extremities.
Implementation of the mentioned tasks is provided by the a complex of measures - medicinal therapy, curative physical training, work therapy. In the presence of incapacitating complications of CCT, professional reorientation of the patient is needed.
• Prognosis of craniocerebral trauma is as an obligatory constituent part of every case history as diagnosis. At the discharge of the patient from the permanent establishment, they estimate the nearest functional results and forecast the final outcomes of the treatment that determines the complex of medical and social measures for their optimization.
• One of important links of the complex system of rehabilitation of invalids survived CCT is their professional rehabilitation which consists of psychological aiming of the invalid at labour activity indicated for him by the state of health, labour recommendations on a rational job placement, professional training and retraining.
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1154