| We are now accepting Sponsor applications for this meet, and we have vendor table space on sale. If you know anyone interested please let us knowUKRAINE POWERLIFTING FEDERATION
Kharkov, Ukraine petr_tischenko@mail.ru
www.RawPowerlifting.com.ua +380936635391, +380679886177, +380663748219
International Powerlifting and Bench press
tournament «Open Kharkov»
April 05-06, 2014 – Tetra Fitness Club– Kharkov, Ukraine
April 05-06, 2014 will be held the 2nd International Powerlifting and Bench press tournament «Open
Kharkov» RAW100%
The International expansion of the 100% RAW Federation has enabled us to include the countries of Canada, India,
China, Israel, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Serbia, South Africa, Teams from Asia and others. We are hoping to
welcome several of our International affiliates to this year’s competition for a true International Powerlifting and
Bench press meet.
100% RAW Powerlifting Federation – 2014 International
Powerlifting and Bench press tournament «Open Kharkov»

We are now accepting Sponsor applications for this meet, and we have vendor table space on sale. If you know anyone interested please let us know
International Powerlifting and Bench press tournament
«Open Kharkov 2014»
Meet Director:Peter Tischenko, Ukraine, Kharkov,+380936635391, +380679886177,
Venue:Tetra Fitness Club, 85, Sumskaya street, Kharkov, Ukraine
Date:Saturday 05 April - Sunday 06 April, 2014
Hotel: Hotel «Aviator», Professorsaya str., 31, Kharkov, Ukraine, tel.: +38 057 345 01 65 - 2 stars
Hotel «Mir», Lenina str, 27a, Kharkov, Ukraine, tel.: +38 057 720 55 43 - 4 stars
Hotel «Kharkiv Palace», Pravdy avenue, 2, Kharkov, Ukraine, tel.:+ 38 057 766 44 00 - 5stars
Lifting:Will send out an updated itinerary after the deadline date
Time:Saturday, April 5 Doors open - 2 p.m., Lifting starts at 3 p.m.
Sunday, April 6 Doors open – 9 a.m., Lifting starts at 10 a.m.
The final schedule of events on March, 25
Weigh-in:We offer a early hour weigh inScales: Professional digital scale
weighting is carried out for 24 hours before the night event
Technical Meeting:Friday, April 04 5 p.m.
Identification: Photo Identification is necessary for security, to verify every lifter’s entry
information, and to help validate drug testing. Acceptable identification includes
driver’s license, state ID, school ID, passport. Work ID badges and
recreational/social club ID’s are not acceptable.
Entry Fee: All fees should be paid by the Deadline Date: March 10, 2014
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Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1148