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The marker beacon system supplies visual and aural indications when the airplane flies over airport runway marker beacon transmitters.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

· A/P - autopilot

· AC - alternating current

· ACP - audio control panel

· ALT - alternate

· AMP - amplifier

· B - both

· BITE - built-in test equipment

· CDS - common display system

· DEU - display electronics unit

· DME - distance measuring equipment

· FDAU - flight data acquisition unit

· DU - display unit

· FT - functional test

· GND - ground

· Hz - hertz

· I/C - intercom

· ILS - instrument landing system

· IM - inner marker

· I/O - input/output

· LCD - liquid crystal display

· LED - light emitting diode

· LRU - line replaceable unit

· MAINT - maintenance

· MB - marker beacon

· MHz - mega hertz

· MM - middle marker

· NAV - navigation

· NC - not connected

· ND - navigation display

· NORM - normal

· NVM - non-volatile memory

· OM - outer marker

· PFD - primary flight display

· R - range

· REU - remote electronics unit

· RF - radio frequency

· R/T - receive/transmit

· RCVR - receiver

· STA - station

· TFR - transfer

· V - voice

· V - volt

· VHF - very high frequency

· VOR - vhf omnidirectional ranging




The marker beacon system has an antenna and a VOR/marker beacon (VOR/MB) receiver. The marker beacon function only operates in the VOR/MB receiver 1 position.


The marker beacon antenna receives the marker beacon signals. The signals go to the VOR/MB receiver 1. The VOR/MB receiver 1 supplies this data:

· Marker beacon audio to the remote electronics unit (REU)

· Marker beacon data to the common display system (CDS) display electronics unit (DEU)

· Marker beacon data to the flight data acquisition unit (FDAU).

The displays show marker beacon data.





The marker beacon antenna is on the bottom of the fuselage. The VOR/MB receiver 1 is in the electronic equipment compartment E1-2.

The marker beacon data shows on these display units:

· Left outboard display unit

· right outboard display unit.





The VOR/marker beacon (VOR/MB) receiver 1 uses 115v ac power from the standby bus.

Antenna Interface

The marker beacon antenna sends radio frequency (RF) signals to the VOR/MB receiver 1.


The proximity switch electronics unit (PSEU) supplies an air/ ground discrete signal to the VOR/MB receiver 1. The VOR/MB receiver uses this signal for these functions:

· Prevent a test in the air

· Count flight legs.

Audio Interface


The VOR/MB receiver 1 sends marker beacon audio to the remote electronics unit (REU). The REU supplies marker beacon audio to the flight compartment.

Marker Beacon Data

The VOR/MB receiver 1 supplies marker beacon data to the 1 and 2 common display system (CDS) display electronics units (DEU). The receiver also supplies marker beacon data to the FDAU.






The VOR/marker beacon (VOR/MB) receiver has these two parts:

· VOR receiver

· Marker beacon receiver.

The marker beacon system operates in the VOR/MB receiver 1 position. The marker beacon receiver receives 75 MHz signals.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 2342

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