Instructions: Please check your level of agreement to each statement below. | Strongly Disagree
| Disagree
| Neither Agree nor Disagree
| Agree
| Strongly Agree
| 7.
| I have a better understanding of goals for my future.
| 8.
| I feel more comfortable over how my future will turn out.
| 9.
| I feel good about myself.
| 10.
| Doing well at school is important to me.
| 11.
| I expect to graduate from high school.
| 12.
| I expect to go to college or university.
We are interested in learning about the skills you may or may not acquire through your JA experience. Please answer the following questions honestly.
Please rate your level of agreement as it relates to the statements below.
Because of my participation in the JA program I have increased my ability to . . .
| Strongly Disagree
| Disagree
| Neither Agree nor Disagree
| Agree
| Strongly Agree
| 13. Solve problems
| 14. Think critically
| 15. Work in a team
| 16. Be a good decision-maker
Please rate your level of agreement as it relates to the statements below.
Because of my participation in the JA program . . .
| Strongly Disagree
| Disagree
| Neither Agree nor Disagree
| Agree
| Strongly Agree
| 17. I have developed educational goals for myself.
| 18. I have developed career goals for myself.
| 19. I am more confident in my ability to successfully compete in the workforce in the future.
| 20. I know more about owning my own business.
| 21. I am more interested in owning my own business.
Instructions: Please check your level of agreement to each statement below.
| Strongly Disagree
| Disagree
| Neither Agree nor Disagree
| Agree
| Strongly Agree
| 22.
| The things I learn in JA will be important later in the future.
| 23.
| The things I learn in JA will help me get a good job.
| 24.
| The things I learn in JA will help me be successful in life.
| 25.
| I feel like my opinions are respected by my peers in JA.
| 26.
| My JA volunteer makes me feel important.
| 27.
| JA makes school more interesting to me.
| 28.
| The things I learn in JA will help me do better in school.
| 29.
| I look forward to going to school more on the days JA takes place.
| 30.
| My involvement in JA has helped me stay out of trouble in-school. (For example, this could include: skipping class, bullying, cheating, etc.).
| 31.
| My involvement in JA helps me stay out of trouble out-of-school.
| 32.
| Junior Achievement connected what I learn in the classroom with real life.
| 33.
| Junior Achievement teaches me how to manage my money.
| 34.
| Junior Achievement is fun.
| 35.
| Junior Achievement makes me realize the importance of staying in school.
36. Would you recommend this program to a friend? o Yes o No
37. List two things you learn from the program sp far that you think are important. a.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 787