The Training Course “Entrepreneurship approaches for social benefit” aims to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems using entrepreneurial skills and youth voice.
The project will focus on the concept of the social entrepreneurship in general with specifics on entrepreneur skills, leadership and management, need and problem analysis, funding and financing all being explored in the context of youth organizations and volunteering. In this way the training will serve a platform for learning how to build a better world in a healthy environment and without poverty, via youth initiatives and social entrepreneurship.
The project will have as well the partnership building element, where partners will be able to settle new cooperation and develop common projects for future implementation. Youth in Action Programme will be presented and Easter Partnership Window will be explore as a possibility to put in action youth ideas.
The training will run between 01-07 October, 2012 in Chisinau, Moldova having on board 30 young leaders and youth workers coming from 10 organizations from rural and urban areas.
Project Dates
You are expected to arrive on October, 01 before19.00 and departure on October, 07 before 12.00 (after breakfast). If you plan to come earlier or stay after, you will be responsible for your stay.
We will meet you at the airport, bus or train station with smile on our faces J. Get sure you indicate the arrival location in the participation form. Together we will go to the Summer Camp “Prietenia” (Friendship) were the project will run.
The project will run 30 km from Chisinau, in the Summer Camp “Prietenia” (Friendship). You will stay in 2 beds room with toilet and shower inside.
Camp Address:
The Summer Camp “Prietenia”
Village Cosnita, Dubasari district, Str. Prieteniei
No money / No fun – Financial Issues
Regarding the Travel Reimbursement – 70% of your travel expenses will be reimbursed based on the Youth in Action rules and in the limits of the travel budget. It will be made on spot or as agreed, based on the travel documents such us: original ticket, invoice and boarding passes.
The insurance will be on your own responsibility, without being reimbursed.
About the Moldovian Currency is Leu.
1 Euro - 15.20 Lei
1 USD - 12.90 Lei
P.S. The international advice not to change money at the airport is not valid in Moldova. The rates are the same as in the city.
What to bring ….mmmmmm
For Intercultural Night – you are requested to bring things (buckets, music, food, drinks) that represent your country and your own identity. We do believe that you have a lot of thinks to say, show and share – so don’t be lazy to take them in Moldova.
For Organizations’ presentation – it will be nice if you can bring something touchable but the most important is to get sure you have enough information to present your organization. (P.S. Get sure you know what your organization is all about)
For Yourself – if you have special needs please be sure you are taking them with you.
For All of Us – take your good mood, energy, motivation and be ready for a great project !!!
We hope that this info pack is useful for you and answers your questions, but if something is not clear, you have extra questions or you just want to contact us, here are our details: