A living-room
A study
A drawing-room
A kitchen
A dining-room
A bedroom
A bathroom
A flat
A nursery
| a room for bathing.
a room for sleeping.
a room for the special use of children.
a room for general use during the day.
a room used for cooking.
a room used for studying.
a room for receiving guests.
a room for meals.
a number of rooms on one floor of a house.
A vacuum cleaner
A washing machine
A refrigerator
A sewing-machine
A sink
| a machine used for sewing.
a machine used for washing.
a basin under a water tap in a kitchen for washing dishes.
a machine which cleans floors, carpets, etc. by drawing in air and dust together.
a box in which the air is kept at a low temperature in order to preserve food.
A cellar
A barn
A basement
A shed
| the lowest part of a building, a storey below the ground level.
an underground room used for storing coal, wine, etc.
a farm building for storing grain, hay and for cattle.
a roofed shelter for storing things, keeping cattle in.
An attic
A parlour
A bathroom
A hall
A bedroom
| the entrance-passage of a house.
a reception-room.
a room in the top storey of a house.
a room to sleep in.
a room with a bath-tub in it.
A cupboard
A wardrobe
A chest-of-drawers
A dresser
A lampshade
Wall paper
| a piece of furniture for keeping clothes.
a piece of furniture for keeping crockery, provisions, etc.
a kitchen sideboard with shelves.
a set of drawers used for keeping clothes in.
paper, usually with a colored design, for covering the walls of rooms.
globe of glass, screen of silk, parchment, etc. placed round or over a lamp.
A pantry
A fence
A store-room
| a room in which household supplies are kept.
a room in a house where food is kept.
a barrier made of wooden or metal stakes or rails, or wire esp. one put round a field, garden, etc.
A hallstand
A rack
An oven
A dress-hanger
| enclosed box-like space which is heated for cooking food.
an arrangement with pegs for hanging things on.
a thing on which dresses or suits hang.
a rack in which an umbrella stand, a hat-rack and a looking-glass are combined.
A frying-pan
A decanter
A tin / can
A sieve
A cork-screw
| utensil with wire network or gauze for separating finer grains, etc. from coarse grains, etc. or solids from liquids.
a tool for drawing corks from bottles.
a shallow pan with a long handle used for frying.
a vessel (usually a glass bottle with a stopper) into which wine is decanted before being brought to table.
a tin-plated container for food, etc. especially one made so as to be air-tight.
1. A motor-car is kept in a ___. 2. Books are kept in a ___. 3. Dresses and hats are kept in a ___. 4. Tea-things are kept in a ___. 5. Salt is kept in a ___. 6. Sugar is kept in a ___. 7. Pepper is kept in a ___. 8. Mustard is kept in a ___.