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G.3. Sustainability

Explain how the impact of this project will be sustained beyond its lifetime. Please list the outcomes that you consider sustainable and describe the strategy to ensure their long lasting use beyond the project's life - financially, institutionally and policy level. Also explain how the results will be mainstreamed and multiplied in the sector of activity and in the participating institutions. Describe the strategy foreseen to attract co-funding and other forms of support for the project (limit 2000 characters).



Wider Objective: ☒ What is the overall broader objective, to which the project will contribute? · Indicators of progress: What are the key indicators related to the wider objective? · How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information on these indicators? ·  
Specific Project Objective/s: What are the specific objectives, which the project shall achieve? · Indicators of progress: What are the quantitative and qualitative indicators showing whether and to what extent the project’s specific objectives are achieved? · How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information that exist and can be collected? What are the methods required to get this information? · Assumptions & risks: What are the factors and conditions not under the direct control of the project, which are necessary to achieve these objectives? What risks have to be considered? ·
Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes (intangible): · Please provide the list of concrete DELIVERABLES - outputs/outcomes (grouped in Workpackages), leading to the specific objective/s.:   Indicators of progress: What are the indicators to measure whether and to what extent the project achieves the envisaged results and effects? · How indicators will be measured: What are the sources of information on these indicators? · Assumptions & risks: What external factors and conditions must be realised to obtain the expected outcomes and results on schedule? ·
Activities: What are the key activities to be carried out (grouped in Workpackages) and in what sequence in order to produce the expected results? · Inputs: What inputs are required to implement these activities, e.g. staff time, equipment, mobilities, publications etc.? · Assumptions, risks and pre-conditions: What pre-conditions are required before the project starts? What conditions outside the project’s direct control have to be present for the implementation of the planned activities? ·


Please use the model provided. Applicants are expected to complete a one-page work plan for each project year.

For each year of your project proposal, please complete a work plan indicating the deadlines for each outcome and the period and location in which your activities will take place. Please create additional work plan tables if further space is needed.

The same reference and sub-reference numbers as used in the logical framework matrix must be assigned to each outcome and related activities.

Activity carried out in the Programme Country: =(E.g. activity in France for two weeks in the first month of the project 2= under M1)

Activity carried out in the Partner Country (ies): X(E.g., activity in Tunisia for three weeks in the second month of the project: 3X under M2)

WORKPLAN for project year 1

Activities Total duration (number of weeks) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12
Ref.nr/ Sub-ref nr Title

WORKPLAN for project year 2

Activities Total duration (number of weeks) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12
Ref.nr/ Sub-ref nr Title

WORKPLAN for project year 3

Activities Total duration (number of weeks) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12
Ref.nr/ Sub-ref nr Title

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 947

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E.2. Rationale for the setting-up of the consortium | H.1. Description of work packages, outcomes and activities
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