Give the plural of the following nouns if possible.
| a lottery
| 11.
| petrol
| 21.
| a species
| 2.
| a fisherman
| 12.
| a chef
| 22.
| a carp
| 3.
| a fish
| 13.
| information
| 23.
| a tooth
| 4.
| a series
| 14.
| a foot
| 24.
| a cuckoo
| 5.
| a Japanese
| 15.
| weather
| 25.
| a taxi
| 6.
| progress
| 16.
| a tomato
| 26.
| a menu
| 7.
| a person
| 17.
| a means
| 27.
| toast
| 8.
| a woman
| 18.
| a photo
| 28.
| a mongoose
| 9.
| advice
| 19.
| a leaf
| 29.
| a disco
| 10.
| a mouse
| 20.
| an ox
| 30.
| a Swiss
a class-mate
a forget-me-not
a man-of-war
a man-servant
a merry-go-round
a mother-in-law
a passer-by
a woman-driver
a grown-up
a hanger-on
a boy-friend
an office-block
a cupful
a court-martial
a school-inspector
Complete the table. Note that some of these words of foreign origin have regular plurals.
| Plural
| Singular
| Plural
| 1.
| cacti
| 13.
| memoranda
| 2. analysis
| 14. stadium
| 3.
| stimuli
| 15. museum
| 4.
| strata
| 16.
| addenda
| 5. datum
| 17.
| radii
| 6. curriculum
| 18. drama
| 7. basis
| 19. genius
| 8. fungus
| 20.
| appendices
| 9.
| genera
| 21. axis
| 10. index
| 22.
| media
| 11.
| crises
| 23. album
| 12.
| criteria
| 24.
| phenomena
Comment on the use of uncountable nouns in bold type.
1. Information rules the world.
2. Newspapers and television don't always provide accurate and reliable information.
3. We hope the information will remain secret.
4. If advice is needed, ask one of our staff.
5. Did you follow the advice I gave you ?
6. Jackie needs a piece of practical advice.
7. Good advice can be given, good name cannot be given.
8. We are all hoping for good news.
9. The good news is that he did get an Oscar.
10. They wore boots and galoshes in wet weather.
11. He hopes there's big money in this new business.
12. This machine doesn't give change. Please have the right money ready.
13. Bad money always comes back.
14. The weather proved to be as good as the weatherman had predicted.
15. We all look forward to warmer weather.
16. To recover completely, he must come back to work, but it shouldn't be hard work.
17. Love is an ideal thing; marriage is a real thing, but it is a lottery.
18. Never marry for money, but marry where money is.
Choose the first or the second word in the following sentences.
Play/a play and no work will make you lazy.
History/a history repeats itself.
Grammar/a grammar is taught deeply in this school.
My father has French grammar/an old French grammar.
Faith/a faith helps people to live.
Nature/a nature should be protected against pollution.
He was a man who lived for pleasure/a pleasure.
He has nature/a nature like his grandfather's.
It was pleasure/a pleasure to talk to you.
Can you do me favour/a favour?
Get down to business/a business, all of you!
Charity/a charity begins at home.
You should study law/a law at university.
Language/a language is unique to humans.
To succeed in life you need will/a will.
In her youth she was beauty/a beauty.
We are looking for people with experience/an experience.
I need study/a study where I can work quietly.
They are looking fdr work/a work at the moment.
Speech/a speech is a manifestation of language.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1619