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Bury GP / BRITISH OPEN, 5th December 2015

British Quiz Association & Quizzing.co.uk – Grand Prix Circuit Rules (Individual quiz)


Contests follow the same format at each event. Each quiz has 6 written rounds, each a different ‘genre’ of 30 questions (plus 10 tie-breakers in each). Players aggregate their five best genres to find their overall contest score. The ‘Genres’ are:-


· Art, Culture & History (history, philosophy, mythology, religion, fine art etc.) · Civilisation (human geography, cultures, technology, current affairs etc.) · Entertainment (all musical genres, literature, TV, radio, films, stage, dance, etc.) · Lifestyle (health & fitness, celebrities, food & drink, fashion, handicrafts etc.) · Physical World (physical geography, science, nature, flora & fauna etc.) · Sport & Games (includes hobbies & pastimes, but mainly Sport in all its guises)


You have 90 minutes to answer as many questions as possible. Answers are read out at the end, sheets are swapped for marking. Each ‘genre’ forms a separate contest. Tied scores are separated by reference to the tiebreakers, which are worth just 0.1 point each.


N.B. Where asked for a person’s name, unless told otherwise, a surname will suffice. Don’t risk writing down the wrong forename!


  Score Best 5
Event: Bury/British Open Grand Prix Art, Culture, History . .
  Civilisation . .
Date: 5th December 2015 Entertainment . .
  Lifestyle . .
Player: Physical World . .
  Sport & Leisure . .
    Total score  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Detach, sign & hand-in lower portion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Note:Record allscores.Once you sign & hand in this slip you will not be permitted to amend your score.

Event: Bury/British Open Grand Prix Art, Culture, History .
  Civilisation .
Date: 5th December 2015 Entertainment .
  Lifestyle .
Player: Physical World .
  Sport & Leisure .
Signed :…………………………………  



Q No
Art & C Civ Ents Life’ Phys Sport &

Apparently written on the island of Patmos during the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian, which is the last bookof the New Testament in the Christian Bible?  
The first and last major works by which Dutch post-impressionist painter were The Potato Eaters and Wheatfield with Crows?  
Which US Army Colonel (formerly a Union general) was killed by the Sioux, along with a large part of his regiment, at the 1876 Battle of Little Big Horn, known as his ‘last stand’?  
Who was the original leader of the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe? He was killed in the Philippines in 1521 and did not himself complete the journey.  
Which Greek philosopher, forced to commit suicide by Athens in 399 BC, was the teacher of Plato, and features as the principal speaker in most of Plato’s Dialogues?  
Huitzilopochtli (the national god) and Quetzalcoatl figured in which Mesoamerican people’s religion?  
Lisa Gherardini (1479-c.1542), who married the Florentine merchant Francesco di Bartolomeo del Giacondo, is thought to be the subject of which very famous painting?  
From 1801-1917, which Empirehad five rulers,all called either Alexander or Nicholas?  
The Duke of Marlborough’s victories at the battles of Blenheim, Ramilles, Oudenarde and Malplaquet took place during which war (1701-14)?  
Feargus O’Connor was a leader of which radical UK political movement (named after a document) that, from 1838, demanded a series of 6 reforms, including manhood suffrage and a secret ballot?  
Which Nazi leader, Hitler’s Vice-Chancellor and Commander of the Luftwaffe, was sentenced to death at Nuremburg, but committed suicide before he could be hanged?  
In 1456, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick was appointed to the lucrative post of Captain of which strategically important townon the European mainland? A key centre of trade with a large standing English garrison, it was his power base for the rest of his ‘king-making’ career.  
Surnamed di Betto Bardi, which early Renaissance sculptor(c.1386-1466) created the colossalSt. John the Evangelist for Florence Cathedral, and the bronze David now in the Borgello? He shares his diminutive forename with a fictional turtle, and in its female form with an Italian fashion designer.  
The Republic of China (Taiwan) is the successor of the Chinese government established in Nanjing in 1928 by which leader of the Kuomintang? At various times head of state, premier and military chief, he was still President when he died in 1975, making him arguably the longest-serving non-royal national leader in history until Fidel Castro beat his de facto 46-year rule in 2005.  
The twin brother of Artemis/Diana, which is the only one of the 12 Olympian gods of Greek mythology who was known by the same name in the Roman pantheon?  
Which US photographer, who died from AIDS in 1989, is remembered for his controversial homoerotic works, such as those depicting New York’s BDSM subculture?  
The monumental Gūr-i Amīr in Samarkand, which served as a model for Mughal tombs like the Taj Mahal, is the mausoleum of which Turkic conqueror who sought to restore the empire of Genghis Khan in the late 14th century?  
The philosopher René Descartes died in 1650, apparently as a result of having to get up very early on cold mornings to tutor which enigmatic, Scandinavian Queen?  
What name, which can be found twice in a list of modern countries, preceded ‘Free State’ in the name of the private colony owned and cruelly exploited by King Leopold II of Belgium from 1885 to 1908?  
The last generally recognised holder ofwhich titlewasAbdülmecid II (1922-24), although it is claimed by the leader of India’s Ahmadi sect, and since 2014 by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi?  
The son of Marcus Aurelius, which Roman emperor, who loved to compete (in fixed fights) as a gladiator, was played in the 2000 film Gladiator by Joaquin Phoenix?  
Which 19th century British Prime Minister won his second term after attacking Government foreign policy in the ‘Midlothian Campaign’, and his third term after flying ‘the Hawarden kite’ proposing Irish Home Rule, a policy that disastrously split his Liberal party?  
Famously rich, which king of Lydia lost everything to the Persians after launching war on Cyrus the Great (c. 547-546BC)? Contrary to Herodotus, modern scholars believe the mistake cost him his life.  
The Disquieting Muses and The Red Tower are works by which Italian artist, whofounded ‘metaphysical art’, a short-lived movement that greatly influenced the surrealists?  
Succeeded by the eternal Adi Granth, who was the 10th and last human guru of the Sikhs – he introduced the 5 Ks, the turban and the mandatory name Singh for baptised males in the religion?  
Which Spanish-American philosopher (1863-1952), broadly considered a pragmatist, wrote The Realms of Being and The Life of Reason, in which he said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", as well as the novel The Last Puritan?  
This Republican Senator for Ohio was named one of the five greatest US senators ever by a Senate committee. Which son of a former president gave his name, along with that of Fred Hartley, to the restrictive labor relations act that they co-sponsored, and which was passed over Harry Truman’s veto?  


28: Who is this US artist, an abstract-expressionist known for his unique ‘drip style’ of painting? 29: Which major figure among the leadership of the French revolutionis seen dying in this painting by Jacques-Louis David? 30: Name and number please, which pope(reigned 1644-55) was famously painted by Velázquez, his work inspiring Francis Bacon’s ‘Screaming Popes’ series?
Ans 28: Ans 29: Ans 30:



Protestants call them ‘apocrypha’, but which longer word has been used by the Catholic Church since the 16th Century to describe those books, like Judith and Tobit, which it considers part of the Bible, although they are not in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)?  
Marc Bloch, Fernand Braudel and Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie were members of which school of French historians, named after its journal, which emphasises long-term social history?  
The Dead of Antietam, which opened in New York in October 1862, was an exhibition by which Civil War photographer?  
The Mughal empire reached its largest extent under its 6th emperor (1658-1707). He issued a major compilation of Sunni Sharia law, the Fatawa-e-Alamgiri (Alamgir was his imperial title); but by what single nameis this son of Shah Jahan usually known?  
Which style of abstract art, based around reflected light of contrasting colours, was developed in Russia from 1911 by Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova?  
To illustrate his ‘inscrutability of reference’ thesis, which 20th philosopher coined the word ‘gavagai’, uttered by a speaker of the unknown language Arunta on seeing a rabbit?  
Which golden-toothed, horn-blowing Norse god was the son of Nine Mothers?  
Known only from numerous Roman copies, the Doryphoros or ‘Spear-Carrier’ is attributed towhich Greek sculptor from Sicyon or Argos, whom Pliny ranked between Pheidias and Myron?  
Which rebellion against the Tang dynasty of 755-63 AD is, on some estimates, arguably the bloodiest conflict in human history in terms of the proportion of world population dying as a result?  
During the Russian Civil War, which Admiralled the White forces in Siberia, and was acknowledged as ‘Supreme Governor of Russia’ by all the White armies, until his capture and execution in 1920?  


Germany’s third largest, which Olympic-host city on the river Isar is the capital of Bavaria?  
In September 2015, which car manufacturer was rocked by accusations it had cheated US emissions tests, causing CEO Martin Winterkorn to resign?  
Which 3 colours are used in the flags of Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy and Wales among others?  
Which outspoken and strangely-coiffured multi-millionaire and political candidate caused one of many stirs in July 2015 when he denied that John McCain was a war hero?  
The northernmost town in England, in Medieval times it kept changing hands between England and Scotland. It is only since 1482 that it has stayed English. Noted for its Tudor-era fortifications and having Britain's earliest proper army barracks, which town at the mouth of the river Tweed is this?  
What is the forename of the Pakistani girl, a campaigner for female education, who was joint winner of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize?  
Not so long ago it was a part of the Soviet Bloc, in which European Union country did the Prime Minister resign in 2013 after 54 people were killed when the Zolitūde shopping centre roof collapsed?  
Now largely superseded by HDMI, what 5-letter acronym from the French for ‘Association of Manufacturers of Radio and Television Devices’ refers to a standard and associated 21 pin plug for connecting AV equipment? They were typically needed to connect a VCR to a TV.  
In which small Asian country would you find the Marina Square shopping mall and the Raffles hotel?  
Not to be confused with a similar word meaning ‘ten thousand years’ used as a toast and formerly as a battle cry, what word describes the Japanese art of growing miniature trees in containers?  
Much loved (not) by the current UK Government, the European Court of Human Rights is based in which French city?  
What word of Native American origin is common to the names of the two US states that have Fargo and Sioux Falls as their largest cities?  
On 1 January 2016, which western European country will reduce the number of administrative regions in its metropolitan territory from 22 to 13? Five overseas regions are unaffected.  
Which major American bank, named after its two founders, was acquired by Bank of America shortly after the 2008 collapse of Lehmann Brothers? Its famous bull logo now brands the wealth management division of the combined bank.  
Which Austrian-British economist wrote The Road to Serfdom in 1944? Margaret Thatcher was a fan of this advocate of classical liberalism, who also wrote Why I Am Not A Conservative.  
What syllable of 4 letters precedes ‘-rent’ in a hyphenated word that, in law, means a full economic open-market rent, but in common parlance can be used to refer to an extortionate one?
Vlaams Belang is a right-wing, nationalist, anti-immigration and separatist party in which western European country?  
The GJM is a political party campaigning for a new Indian state in the northern regions of West Bengal. It is being demanded by people of Nepali ethnic origin in and near the Darjeeling hills. Noting the first initial of the party mentioned is a G, what is the proposed namefor the new state?  
Since 2005, repeated political crises in which country have involved 2 coalitions of protesters: the royalist PAD or Yellow Shirts and the radical UDD or Red Shirts?  
Who is the CEO of Apple Inc., who officially came out in 2014, becoming the first openly gay CEO on the Fortune 500 list?  
In which country did the rather oxymoronically-named Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Institutional Revolutionary Party) hold power from 1929-2000, regaining it in 2012 when the current President was elected?  
It may remind you of a style of curry. Which ‘-stan’ follows ‘Gilgit-‘ in the hyphenated name of the northernmost region of Pakistan? K2 lies on its border with China.  
In website design, CSS is a language used to define the look and formatting of pages written in markup languages like HTML. The SS stand for Style Sheets; what is the C?  
Portugal now using the Euro, which is the only countryin the world that has an Escudo as its principal unit of currency?  
Which city on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, formerly the summer capital of the British Raj, is now the capital of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh?  
Which Nobel Economics Laureate proposed a tax on spot currency conversions in 1972 – his name now describes such taxes, or sometimes financial transaction taxes generally?
Which people, ethnically and linguistically similar to Han Chinese except they are Moslems, are the designated ethnic minority of the Chinese autonomous region of Nangxia?  
28: This huge statue overlooks which South American city? 29: Which southeast European country is this? 30: Name this current European Prime Minister, soon to be facing an election.
Ans 28: Ans 29: Ans 30:



In 2013, the UK Independence Party (UKIP) withdrew the party whip from Godfrey Bloom MEP. His various offences included calling some women at a party conference ‘sluts’ forfailing to cleanspecificallywhere in the kitchen?  
In the first of two stints in the office, who was Home Secretary from 1965-67, during which time capital punishment for murder was suspended, abortion legalised, and male homosexuality decriminalised in England and Wales? He was later President of the European Commission.  
A different design of which featuredistinguished the American M3 Medium Tanks used in the Second World War by the US and British armies, and nicknamed Lee and Grant respectively?  
Who resigned as interim CEO of Reddit in July 2015, after controversies about harassment, censorship and staff management issues led to moderators protesting with black-outs and a large user petition against her?  
What title of the rulers of Abyssinia/Ethiopia before 1974 is the Amharic word for king? Older British quizzers might think this an appropriate title for such an antique civilisation to use.  
Which Italian politician succeeded Baroness Cathy Ashton as the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy in November 2014?  
Which Burmese Muslim minority people has been at the centre of a refugee crisis in 2015, with tens of thousands fleeing on rickety boats from Burma and Bangladesh to Thailand, Malaysia etc.?  
The Concept One, a high performance 2-seater described as the world’s first electric supercar, is manufactured by Rimac Automobili, a company based in which European Union country?  
In microeconomics, in contrast with Marshallian demand which maximises utility, what other eponymous form of demand minimises cost for a fixed utility?  
Inhabiting an island to the west of the southern tip of the Great Andaman archipelago that is now subject to an exclusion zone, which tribe/people are considered the most isolated in the world? They live a hunter-gatherer lifestyle with no evidence of agriculture or use of fire, and violently resist contact with outsiders.  




Released in July, Rogue Nation is the 5th film in the Mission Impossible series, and again starswhich diminutive actor (and follower of a ‘religion’ dismissed by many as a cult) in the role of Ethan Hunt?
According to the title of James Brown’s first top 10 hit on the Billboard 100, who has got a brand new bag?  
The rebellious and angst-ridden teenager, Holden Caulfield, is the main character and narrator of which 1951 novelby J. D. Salinger?
As seen in the web and TV show Mid Morning Matters and a film subtitled ‘Alpha Papa’, Alan Partridge hosts a local radio show broadcast in which city in the east of England?  
Who sings Writing’s on the Wall, the theme to the 24th Bond film Spectre released in October?
Which film franchise stars Keanu Reeves as Neo and Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus?
Which Russian composer of Swan Lake and The Nutcracker was played by Richard Chamberlain in Ken Russell’s movie ‘The Music Lovers’?  
Who wrote the children’s books ‘The Cat in the Hat’, ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’, and ‘Green Eggs and Ham’?  
Which Irish winner of the Nobel Prize in Literaturewrote the poetry collections Death of a Naturalist and The Spirit Level, the plays The Cure at Troy and The Burial at Thebes, and published an acclaimed translation of Beowulf?
What was the name of the satirical review, premiering in 1960 at the Edinburgh Festival, which brought fame to Alan Bennett, Jonathan Miller, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore?
Which Belgian-born guitarist created the ‘hot’ jazz guitar style, and with Stéphane Grappelli founded the Quintette du Hot Club de France?  
Which synthpop banded, with Morten Harket on vocals, had its biggest international hit in 1985 with Take On Me?  
In September 2015, who launched the second iteration of The Late Show on CBS, following David Letterman? He was a correspondent on The Daily Show from 1997 until 2005, when he spun-off his namesake Report.  
Based on a true story, which 1975 Oscar-nominated film stars Al Pacino as a bank robber who wants to fund his lover’s sex change operation?
Broadcast since 2013, the Australian TV drama series Wentworth is an updated remake of which soap opera than ran from 1979-86?
The films of which prolific Spanish director include ‘Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown’, ‘Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!’ and ‘All About My Mother’?  
Which form of classical Japanese dance-drama, known for its elaborate make-up, originated in the 17th century, and has a six-letter name variously interpreted as meaning ‘the art of singing and dancing’ or ‘bizarre’ theatre?  
The Van Morrison track Days Like This was inspired by the song Mama Said, a 1961 hit for which US girl group?  
Which Hollywood icon starred as ice hockey coach Reggie Dunlop in George Roy Hill’s 1977 comedy-drama film Slap Shot?  
Murray Hewitt, who is also a Deputy Cultural Attaché at the New Zealand Consulate in New York, is the manager of which pop and comedy duo?  
She played the blind flower girl opposite Charlie Chaplin in City Lights and her third marriage saw her become Virginia Child-Villiers, Countess of Jersey. Born Virginia Cherrill, she had been the first wife of which much-married, English-born Hollywood icon noted for playing suave and sophisticated men?  
Philip Glass’s ‘Portrait Trilogy’ consists of Einstein on the Beach, Satyagraha and Akhnaten. Which political figure is the subject of the 1980 opera Satyagraha?
Which musician and actor played the eccentric Serbian scientist, Nikola Tesla, in the 2006 Christopher Nolan film The Prestige?  
Surely every quizzer must know this. Which 1956 musical remake of an earlier romantic comedy film featured the song “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”?  
Which 1997 k. d. lang album consists of songs about or somehow referring to smoking?
Referencing a Biblical figure, what was the title of Dennis Potter’s final TV drama serial? It sees scientists in the future attempt to revive the memories of a (fictional) 20th century writer, whose head has been frozen, in order to broadcast them as entertainment.
Waiting for the Barbarians and Ithaca are by which Greek poet (1863-1933), many of whose poems concern the Hellenistic age of his native Alexandria?
28: This is which 2015 Pixar hitabout a girl called Riley Andersen? 29: Who is this Yorkshire-born singer-songwriter and double Brit winner? 30: With over 45 million sales worldwide, what is the title of the best-selling film soundtrack album of all time?
Ans 28: Ans 29: Ans 30:



What was the title of the 1981 Christmas single released by former Yes members, Chris Squire and Alan White?
In The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens, Mr. Codlin and Short Trotters are travelling performers in which specific form of entertainmentwhose characters derive from the commedia dell'arte? Its Italian equivalent is called Teatro dei burattini?  
Which film director created the epic 1986 Indian TV series Ramayan, and its follow-ups Luv Kush and Krishna? He died in 2005, but his namesake company remade Ramayan in 2008.  
Which semi-autobiographical novel by writer and illustrator Judith Kerr (of Mog fame) tells of a young girl escaping Nazi Germany?
Which musicalabout the backstage murder of an untalented musical star, with The Scottsboro Boys one of two Kander and Ebb collaborations to be completed after Ebb died, opened on Broadway in 2007 with David Hyde Pierce in the lead role?
Which critically-acclaimed 1969 film by Sergei Parajanov is a biopic of the 18th century Armenian ashik (bard) Sayat-Nova?
Starring Ellie Kemper as the title character adjusting to life in New York City after escaping from a doomsday cult, which 2015 Netflix comedy series has been described as “the first great sitcom of the streaming era”?
What is the stage name of Indian musician Rajinder Singh Rai, who had a worldwide bhangra hit in 1998 with Mundian to Back Ke?  
Winner of the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Music, what is the title of the oratorio by Julia Wolfe evoking life in the Northeastern Pennsylvania coal region in the early 1900s?
In 1974, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore won a special Tony for their review Good Evening. What was the original title of this show when it toured Australia in 1972? Clue: this title plays on the answer to an earlier Entertainment question and is the same as an answer in Civilisation.



French fashionista Jean Paul Gaultier designed the conical bras worn by which pop megastaron her 1990 Blond Ambition world tour?
If you ordered Escargots à la Bourguignonne in a French restaurant, what creatures, cooked in a garlic and herb butter, would you be expecting to eat?  
What number follows Harper in the full name of David and Victoria Beckham’s fourth child and eldest daughter?  
Available in over 100 countries, what is the 2-word alliterative brand name of a strong traditional menthol lozenge sold by Lofthouse? Julian Clary has often said he liked to suck on one of these.  
In knitting, what basic type of stitch is the opposite of a knit or plain stitch – the distinction turning on whether it passes through the previous loop from below or above?  
The wine-growing districts of Paarl, Walker Bay and Stellenbosch are in which country?  
What was the real first (given) name of Coco Chanel?  
Derived from the Latin for ‘to strangle’, what 6-letter word refers to chest pains caused by a restricted oxygen supply to the heart muscle, usually due to arteriosclerosis?  
Three federal public holidays in the USA honour named individuals: Martin Luther King, George Washington and which other man(who was not an American)?  
Under airport security rules introduced in 2006, with certain exceptions what is the maximum capacity of a container of liquid, paste or gel permitted in hand luggage?  
First bred in 1986 in Sweden by (and named for) Monica and Annika Lundqvist, the Lunkarya is a long- rough-haired breed ofwhich popular domestic petof South American origin? It is sometimes crossed with other long-haired varieties like the Sheltie and Coronet.  
Matcha, chashitsu and chadao are terms associated with which Japanese custom? It may help to know that the syllable ‘mat’ designates green, ‘shitsu’ means room and ‘dao’ means ‘way of’.  
A fox hunting coat is traditionally described, not entirely accurately, as which colour, the term giving rise to a phrase meaning that someone feels particularly healthy or happy?  
Which French multi-national retailer is its country’s largest supermarket chain, and the world’s third most profitable after Wal-Mart and Tesco?  
Ultimately derived from the Latin ‘quadrifurcus’,what 6-letter word means a junction where 4 roads meet – there is an example known by this name in central Oxford? It is also a US website providing vehicle history information.  
In the context of central heating, devices known as TRVs can help reduce household energy bills. What does the letter R stand for here?  
Also called a vetti, mundu, pancha or mardani, what form of South Asian male dress is a rectangular unstitched cloth that is wrapped around the waist and legs and knotted at the waist?  
Dulse, laver, gim, haidai and nori are all, basically, what type of foodstuff?  
In which European country is thermal spa bathing a particularly popular leisure activity, with major centres including Rudas Baths, Gellért Baths, Margaret Island and Lake Hévíz?  
Named after a 1692 battle, and often worn in deliberate disarray, a Steinkirk was a type of which item of clothing, itself named after the bands of irregular light troops (named for a European nationality) that were prominent in 17th and 18th century central European warfare?  
Which Spanish word for a certain nationality follows colador in the name of a small sieve used to prepare gazpacho? It is also a twill fabric used to make a style of casual trouser-wear (which you may associate with a noted English gentleman-amateur quizzer).  
What word denoting a certain foodstuff is used in traditional cider-making for the layers of apple pulp in the press separated by straw or cloth and board?  
What generic word for a small concealed hand gun, reputedly favoured by ladies and assassins (like John Wilkes Booth), derives from the name of the Philadelphia gunsmith who first manufactured a popular example in 1852?  
Now separated, the Serbian basketball player Marko Jarić married which Brazilian supermodel in 2008? A devout Catholic and self-professed pre-marital virgin, she had previously dated Lenny Kravitz and Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein? You might be forgiven for thinking she is Peruvian!  
Abandoned in Paris in 1794 aged 10, his elaborate pastry centrepieces made him perhaps the first celebrity chef. Who is credited with inventing meringue nests and vol-au-vents, designing the modern chef’s toque, and (before Escoffier) defining the four (sic) French mother sauces?  
Measuring steps walked and other personal metrics, which brand of wireless-enabled, wearable activity trackers includes models called ultra, zip, force, charge and surge?  
In the title of the 2014 international bestseller by Marie Kondo, advocating her KonMari method, which domestic chore follows “The Life-Changing Magic of ...”?  
28: What is the generic name for this type of exercise machine? 29: Forming a fixed loop in a single rope, what is the nameof this “king of the knots”? 30:It operates (or did once) in Argentina, Azerbaijan, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, Russia, Singapore, and the UK, this is the logo of which US-based fast-food chain?
Ans 28: Ans 29: Ans 30:


In Irish ‘cuisine’, what word describesboiled pigs’ trotters, often roasted or fried in breadcrumbs or batter, and traditionally eaten by hand as a street or pub snack? No thanks!  
Which American businessman, who revitalised the Thai silk industry in the 1950s and ‘60s, mysteriously disappeared in Malaysia in March 1967?  
Who are known as manteros in Argentina, cubelôs in Brazil and higglers in Jamaica?  
According to local, Bristol legend, what saved Sarah Ann Henley when she attempted suicide in 1885 by jumping off the Clifton Suspension Bridge from a height of 75 metres?  
The US toy industry’s 2015 ‘Girls Toy of the Year’, which line of small collectible character dolls, made by Moose Toys of Australia, includes Slice Breadstick and Apple Blossom? This brand’s ‘Scoops’ ice cream truck play area is on Hamley’s Top 10 list for Christmas 2015.  
There have been calls for the Church of England to discontinue this anachronistic practice (it was dropped in some countries during the Reformation and has even been dropped by the Catholic church in some countries)what term refers to the public announcements in church of a couple’s intention to marry (so that any legal or canonical objections to the marriage can be raised)?  
Which Hong Kong-born British restaurateur founded the Japanese ramen style Wagamama chain? He also founded the first two Chinese restaurants to be awarded a Michelin Star, Hakkasan and Yauatcha, which both now have several international branches.  
What brand name, sometimes used as a generic name for the type of personal product concerned, was coined from a German and a Greek word by Robert Chesebrough in his 1855 US patent?  
Which retailer on London’s Jermyn Street holds two current Royal Warrants: as Perfumers to Her Majesty the Queen, and Manufacturers of Toilet Preparations to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Their first warrant was as Smooth Pointed Comb-makers to George IV.  
Now the site of a museum, at which estate near Kandydid James Taylor establish the first tea plantation in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in 1867?  


Which scientist, whose name rhymes with ‘gravy’, “lived with the odium of discovering sodium”?  
With what colourdo you associate both the Huáng Hé, ‘China’s Sorrow’ and her second longest river after the Yangtze, and the sea into which it flows via the Bohai Gulf?  
In SI units, which physical property(which is not weight) is measured in kilograms?  
Which evolutionary biologist and celebrity atheist coined the word ‘meme’ to illustrate a parallel between genetics and the growth, spread and survival of ideas in human culture?
Also called ‘the Dog Star’ it is actually a binary star, which is the brightest ‘star’ in the night sky?  
In the body, two types of nucleic acid are involved in the encoding and expressing of genetic information. One is DNA; what letter replaces D in the abbreviated name of the other?  
Which range of mountains separates Siberia from European Russia, and thus Europe from Asia?  
Organic chemistry is the study of compounds containing which element, atomic number 6?  
Which is the only true big cat (i.e. of the genus Panthera) native to the Americas?  
Tropical cyclones in the Atlantic are called hurricanes; what word of Chinese origin conventionally describes such storms in the northwest Pacific?  
In physics, the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis is known as a moment of force or by what other word (beginning with T)? In mechanics, this word refers to the special case of the moment of a force couple, and it can also mean a stiff, decorative, metal neck-ring.  
In cosmology, what word refers to an aggregation of galaxies larger than a group, and is prefixed by ‘super’ to describe still larger structures? The Virgo ___ and Coma ___ are nearby examples.  
Similar to a burette; ‘Pasteur’ and ‘Mohr’ are examples ofwhich simple generic item of laboratory equipment, a ‘chemical dropper’ designed to transport a small measured volume of liquid?  
Mostly in Croatia and with its largest city at Pula, which large triangular-shaped peninsula lies at the head of the Adriatic Sea, just south of the Gulf of Trieste?  
Which large region comprising about a fifth of Antarctica is a territory claimed by Norway? In 2015, Norway defined the southern extent of its claim for the first time, extending it to the South Pole.  
The name ofwhich living arboreal creatures follows ‘ground’ in a term describing Megatherium, an extinct genus of huge mammals endemic to South America during the Pleistocene epoch?  
Created when the Zuiderzee was closed in 1932, and fed by its namesake river and the Vecht, which artificial lake in the Netherlands is the largest in western Europe?
One of the world’s great natural harbours, Trincomalee is a port-city in which island country?  
What is the common 2-word name of the pigment Ferric hexacyanoferrate, which was invented in Berlin in 1704?  
The Greeks called it Thérmessa (‘source of heat’) and considered it the private workshop of Hephaestus. Reflecting this myth, what very appropriate name did the Romans give to the southernmost of the Aeolian islands, where the Fossa cone last erupted in 1890?  
Including islands like Panay, Negros, Cebu and Bohol, Visayas is the name of the central of the three main geographical divisions of which country?  
What is the nationality of Edvard and May-Britt Moser, the husband and wife team who shared the 2014 Nobel Prize in Medicine with John O’Keefe for their work on place cells in the brain?  
What name is shared by the minor tectonic plate off the west coast of Central America and the Australian territory in the Indian Ocean also known as the Keeling Islands?  
Which German physicist formulated the probabilistic interpretation of the wave function in the Shrödinger equation and, with Heisenberg, the matrix –based representation of quantum mechanics? But, most importantly, he was the grandfather of Olivia Newton-John.  
In September 2015, details were published about some fossil skeletons discovered by cavers in South Africa in 2013. They were said to show ritual behaviour in far more primitive hominins than previously suspected, and suggested to be a new specieswith what name?  
With probably over 2,000 species, including popular aquarium fish like the ‘angelfish’ and discus, which large and diverse family of Perciformesis noted for its rapid evolution by adaptive radiation, particularly in the African Great Lakes?  
Sharing it with a major world city, which scientist lends his name to the equations describing the electromagnetic fields around a superconductor, and the intermolecular dispersion force between two instantaneously induced dipoles?  


28: Name this primate-confusing national tree of Chile. 29: An important organic chemical compound, an aromatic hydrocarbon, what is the name of this molecule? 30: A family (Manidae) of three genera containing 12 species (living in Asia and Africa), what common name is given to theseinsectivorous creatures?
Ans 28: Ans 29: Ans 30:



Which regionsof repeated TTAGGG nucleotide sequences at the tips of chromosomes act as disposable protective buffer zones that are truncated during cell division? Their cumulative shortening over time is now thought to be the principal cause of ageing.  
Which Alexandrian engineer of the 1st century AD described a primitive steam engine called the aeolipile in one of his works? He is also credited with the first vending machine.  
Sharing his surname with two current BBC news correspondents, which British actuary of German-Jewish descent devised a namesake probability distribution and function that forms the age-dependant component in the law of mortality named after him and William Makeham?  
Discovered in Scotland in 2004, Pneumodesmus newmani is the earliest air-breathing land animal known from a body fossil. With relatives alive today, what type (class) of arthropod was it?  
What wordmeans an underground laboratory built to study the interaction of soil with plant and animal life?  
The namesake curve ofwhich scientist, who supervised the work at Mauna Loa Observatory, is a graph plotting carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere since 1958? It is credited with first alerting the world to the anthropogenic contribution to the greenhouse effect.  
In limnology, lakes are classified according to their TSI, which measures aquatic productivity by reference to the quantities of key nutrients present. The SI mean ‘State Index’; what is the T?  
Which German chemist coined the word ‘ester’ in 1848, and gives his name to a test for detecting bile pigments in urine?  
In particle physics, what generic term (which sounds straight out of sci-fi) refers to baryons containing at least one strange quark (but no top, bottom or charm quark)? Lambda, Sigma and Xi particles are examples.  
Josiah S. Carberry has taught psychoceramics at Brown University since at least 1929. He was a winner of one of the first Ig Nobel prizes in 1991, for his study of what?  




Which team clinched the 2011-12 English Premier League (their first top-flight league title for 34 years) when Sergio Aguero scored the second of two stoppage-time goals against QPR?  
Who was the last British F1 World Drivers’ Champion not called Lewis Hamilton  
In September 2015, which ‘tier 2’ country created the biggest upset in Rugby World Cup history when it defeated South Africa 34-32 in the first round? They went on to become the first ever side to be knocked out despite winning 3 (of 4) pool games, and will host the first RWC in Asia in 2019.  
Competing in the Laser and Finn classes,in which sport did Sir Ben Ainslie win five consecutive Olympic medals (a Silver and then four Golds) between 1996 and 2012?  
Which classic arcade game featured ‘ghosts’ called Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde?  
Which sport combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting?  
How many pieces does each player (black or white) start with in a game of draughts (or checkers) played on a standard 8x8 board?  
Which boxer defeated Muhammad Ali at Madison Square Garden in the 1971 ‘Fight of the Century’, but lost to him at the same venue in ’74 and a year later in ‘The Thriller in Manila’?
Which female Jamaican sprinterhas won 7 World Championship and 2 Olympic gold medals, including the individual 100 metres title at three of the last four World Championships and at the Beijing and London Olympics?
The disciplines in women’s artistic gymnastics are the floor, vault, uneven or asymmetric bars and what else?  
In 2014, Treve became the first 2-time winner of which prestigious French Group 1 flat racesince Alleged, ridden by Lester Piggott, won in 1977 and ‘78?  
In cricket, what word of essentially racist origins describes a wrist-spun off-break bowled by a left-arm bowler?  
Which west coast US cityhas an NFL football team called the Chargers and a baseball team called the Padres?  
Only contested by men, what distance is the longest pool-based swimming event in the current Olympic programme?  
Which country won the Olympic men’s field hockey tournament at every Games from 1928-56, and again in Tokyo and Moscow?  
Aaron Cook was controversially not selected for Team GB at London 2012 despite being world No.1 in the -80kg class in which combat sport? He has since defected to the Moldova, winning bronze for them in the 2015 World Championships.  
Claiming a US Open and a PGA, who is the only winner of a golf major in the current decade (i.e. the 2010s) who hails from a country where English is not the (or an) official language?
Under what name did Arthur Antunes Coimbra play for Brazil from 1976-86, becoming known as ‘the White Pelé’ and his nation’s (then) second highest goal-scorer after Pelé?  
Nicknamed ‘Junior’ or ‘the Kid’, he hit 630 home runs and won 10 Gold Gloves in center field. Playing mainly for the Mariners and the Reds from 1989-2010, according to The Simpsons, who had ‘a grotesquely swollen jaw’?  
Which outdoor game is played in two main (internationally-recognised) forms: Association and Golf? It can be played as individual or pairs, and men and women compete and are ranked equally.  
Which particular sport was the subject of the ‘Super League war’, a battle for broadcasting rights between Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation and Kerry Packer’s Optus Vision, which saw rival premiership seasons being run in parallel in 1997?  
Which city hosted the last Olympics to include art events, 32 medals being awarded in architecture, literature, music, painting and sculpture?  
Which first person shooter video game series moved its emphasis from warfare to crime-fighting in its best-selling 2015 iteration ‘Hardline’?
Breaking his own record for most 3-pointers in a single season, which Golden State Warriors shooter won the NBA 2014-15 Most Valuable Player award?  
The Pro 12 rugby union team, Zebre, is based in which city in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region?  
Which innovative war and strategic board game companyproduced classics such as Tactics, Gettysburg and Third Reich, and published The General magazine from 1964-98?  
Although well behind the Montreal Canadiens, which US ice hockey team has won the Stanley Cup most often, with 11 championships in 24 appearances since 1934?  


28: Who is this star of 1970s Dutch ‘total football’? 29: Which sport is depicted here? 30: Who was the nicer memberof this multiple Grand Slam winning duo – the one with the hat and no beard?
Ans 28: Ans 29: Ans 30:



With some 20 seconds remaining, which rookie cornerback made the goal line interception that secured Super Bowl XLIX for the New England Patriots earlier this year?  
Subject of a cheating scandal in 2015, the playing pair/duo Fulvio Fantoni and Claudio Nunes are top players in which indoor game?  
Which football club, known as De Buffalo’s, won its first ever Belgian Pro League title in 2014-15?  
In 1987, which wicket-keeper-batsman scored Sri Lanka’s first ever test double century? He is one of the few men to score a double century on debut, and of the few whose only test century is a double; while his 4 match test career is the shortest of any double centurion.  
You might think that the World Athletics Championships began in 1983, but in fact the IAAF held World Championships in 1976 and ’80 for specific events not included in the Olympics of those years. Which men’s event, dropped from the Mont

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1031

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