This information will be used to assess whether you have sufficient and stable experience of managing actions in the same sector and of a comparable scale to the one for which a grant is being requested.
i) For similar actions.
Please provide a detailed description of actions in the same sector and of a comparable scale to the one for which a grant is being requested managed by your organisation in the past three years.
Maximum 1 page per action.
Please provide a detailed description of other actions managed by your organisation in the past three years.
The Contracting Authority must be notified of any change in addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail, in particular. The Contracting Authority will not be held responsible in the event that it cannot contact an applicant.
The applicant must enter the information in points 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 when registering in PADOR, so they need not complete these in the paper application. See also Section 2.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants.
| Education
| Education, level unspecified
| Education Policy & Admin. Management
| Education Facilities And Training
| Teacher Training
| Educational Research
| Basic education
| Primary Education
| Basic life skills for youth and adults
| Early childhood education
| Secondary education
| Secondary education
| Vocational Training
| Post-secondary education
| Higher Education
| Advanced Tech. & Managerial Training
| Health
| Health, general
| Health Policy & Admin. Management
| Medical education/training
| Medical Research
| Medical Services
| Basic health
| Basic Health Care
| Basic Health Infrastructure
| Basic Nutrition
| Infectious Disease Control
| Health Education
| Health Personnel Development
| Population programmes
| Population polices/programmes and reproductive health
| Population Policy And Admin. Mgmt
| Reproductive Health Care
| Family planning
| Std Control Including HIV/Aids
| Personnel development for population & reproductive health
| Water Supply and Sanitation
| Water supply and sanitation
| Water Resources Policy/Admin. Mgmt
| Water Resources Protection
| Water supply & sanitation — Large systems
| Basic drinking water supply & basic sanitation
| River Development
| Waste Management/Disposal
| Education & training in water supply and sanitation
| Government and Civil Society
| Government and civil society, general
| Economic and development policy/planning
| Public sector financial management
| Legal and judicial development
| Government administration
| Strengthening civil society
| Elections
| Human Rights
| Free Flow Of Information
| Women’s equality organisations and institutions
| Conflict prevention an resolution, peace and security
| Security system management and reform
| Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution
| Post-conflict peace-building (UN)
| Reintegration and SALW control
| Land mine clearance
| Child soldiers (prevention and demobilisation)
| Other Social Infrastructure and Service
| Social/welfare services
| Employment policy and admin. mgmt.
| Housing policy and admin. management
| Low-cost housing
| Multisector aid for basic social services
| Culture and recreation
| Statistical capacity building
| Narcotics control
| Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS
| Transport and Storage
| Transport and storage
| Transport Policy & Admin. Management
| Road Transport
| Rail Transport
| Water Transport
| Air Transport
| Storage
| Education & Training In Transport & Storage
| Communications
| Communications
| Communications Policy & Admin. Mgmt
| Telecommunications
| Radio/Television/Print Media
| Information and communication technology (ICT)
| Energy
| Energy generation and supply
| Energy Policy And Admin. Management
| Power Generation/Non-Renewable Sources
| Power Generation/Renewable Sources
| Electrical Transmission/Distribution
| Gas distribution
| Oil-Fired Power Plants
| Gas-Fired Power Plants
| Coal-Fired Power Plants
| Nuclear Power Plants
| Hydro-electric Power Plants
| Geothermal energy
| Solar energy
| Wind power
| Ocean power
| Biomass
| Energy education/training
| Energy research
| Banking and Financial Services
| Banking and financial services
| Financial Policy & Admin. Management
| Monetary institutions
| Formal Sector Financial Institutions
| Informal/Semi-Formal Financial intermediaries
| Education/training in banking & fin. services
| Business and Other Services
| Business and other services
| Business support services and institutions
| Privatisation
| Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
| Agriculture
| Agricultural Policy And Admin. Mgmt
| Agricultural development
| Agricultural Land Resources
| Agricultural Water Resources
| Agricultural inputs
| Food Crop Production
| Industrial Crops/Export Crops
| Livestock
| Agrarian reform
| Agricultural alternative development
| Agricultural extension
| Agricultural Education/Training
| Agricultural Research
| Agricultural services
| Plant and post-harvest protection and pest control
| Agricultural financial services
| Agricultural cooperatives
| Livestock/Veterinary Services
| Forestry
| Forestry Policy & Admin. Management
| Forestry development
| Fuel wood/charcoal
| Forestry education/training
| Forestry research
| Forestry services
| Fishing
| Fishing Policy And Admin. Management
| Fishery development
| Fishery education/training
| Fishery research
| Fishery services
| Industry, Mining and Construction
| Industry
| Industrial Policy And Admin. Mgmt
| Industrial development
| Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development
| Cottage industries and handicraft
| Agro-Industries
| Forest industries
| Textiles — leather & substitutes
| Chemicals
| Fertiliser plants
| Cement/lime/plaster
| Energy manufacturing
| Pharmaceutical production
| Basic metal industries
| Non-ferrous metal industries
| Engineering
| Transport equipment industry
| Technological research and development
| Mineral resources and mining
| Mineral/Mining Policy & Admin. Mgmt
| Mineral Prospection And Exploration
| Coal
| Oil and gas
| Ferrous metals
| Non-ferrous metals
| Precious metals/materials
| Industrial minerals
| Fertiliser minerals
| Offshore minerals
| Construction
| Construction Policy And Admin. Mgmt
| Trade and Tourism
| Trade policy and regulation
| Trade Policy And Admin. Management
| Trade facilitation
| Regional trade agreements (RTAs)
| Multilateral trade negotiation
| Trade education & training
| Tourism
| Tourism Policy And Admin. Management
| General Environment Protection
| General environmental protection
| Environmental Policy And Admin. Mgmt
| Biosphere protection
| Bio-diversity
| Site Preservation
| Flood Prevention/Control
| Environmental education/training
| Environmental research
| Other multisector
| Other multisector
| Multisector Aid
| Urban Development And Management
| Rural Development
| Non-agricultural alternative development
| Multisector education/training
| Research/scientific institutions
| General budget support
| General budget support
| General budget support
| Development food aid/food security
| Development food aid/food security assistance
| Food Aid / Food Security Programmes
| Other commodity assistance
| Other commodity assistance
| Import support (capital goods)
| Import support (commodities)
| Action relating to debt
| Action relating to debt
| Action relating to debt
| Debt forgiveness
| Relief of multilateral debt
| Rescheduling and refinancing
| Debt for development swap
| Other debt swap
| Debt buy-back
| Emergency and distress relief
| Emergency and distress relief
| Material relief assistance and services
| Emergency food aid
| Relief coordination; protection and support services
| Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation
| Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation
| Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation
| Disaster prevention and preparedness
| Disaster prevention and preparedness
| Disaster prevention and preparedness
| Administrative costs of donors
| Administrative costs of donors
| Administrative Costs
| Support to NGO
| Support to NGO
| Support to national NGOs
| Support to international NGOs
| Support to local and regional NGOs
| Refugees
| Refugees (in donor countries)
| Refugees (in donor countries)
| Unallocated/unspecified
| Unallocated/unspecified
| Sectors Not Specified
| Promotion of Development Awareness