Strong Teeth and Healthy Gums. Invisible bacteria (germs) cover your teeth in a layer called plaque. To remove plaque, brush and floss your teeth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss daily.
The bacteria in plaque use the sugar and starch in your food to make acids. These acids eat away the enamel surface of your teeth and cause decay. A small spot of decay on a tooth is called a cavity. Your dentist repairs a cavity by filling it to save the tooth from more decay.
Plaque must be removed daily, or it hardens into calculus or tartar. Calculus irritates your gums and leads to gum disease (periodontal disease). Calculus cannot be brushed or flossed away. You must have your teeth cleaned by a dentist or a dental hygienist to remove it. It is good to have your teeth cleaned twice a year by a professional.
Brushing and Flossing. Brush your teeth with a soft brush. Get a new toothbrush when yours is worn or after you have been sick. Never share a toothbrush. Daily flossing removes plaque between teeth.
Nutrition.What you eat affects your teeth and gums. When you eat also affects your teeth and gums. Good nutrition (fruits, vegetables, grains, milk, meat) makes teeth strong and gums healthy. The more sugar and starch your diet contains, the more likely you are to get tooth decay. Sugars and starches between meals are more harmful than sugars and starches with a meal.
Regular Dental Care.Regular visits to a dentist help you keep healthy teeth and gums.
B. Guess if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
You should place your toothbrush at a 75-degree angle to brush your teeth.
You should never brush your tongue.
The less time you spend brushing, the more stains you remove.
Children should use an adult toothbrush.
You should brush your teeth twice a week.
Children are born with their permanent teeth.
You should not begin to brush your child's teeth until they are at least two years old.
Only adults should floss.
Drinking lots of juice and soda, as well as eating loads of candy, does not harm your child's teeth.
Exercise 11. Smoking
A. Discuss the following points with your groupmates:
o What are some of the reasons people smoke?Develop a list of reasons why people smoke. Ask the smokers first. At what age did they start smoking? Why did they begin to smoke? Get the non-smokers to think of smokers they know. Why do they smoke?
o Smoking affects the outer body.Look at The Smoker again. What are some effects of smoking that can be seen/smelled by others?
o Non-smokers often do not like for guests to smoke in their homes. What is the polite thing for a smoker to do?
B. Interview two people, a smoker and a non-smoker. Record the answers you receive.
As an alternate assignment, write about one of the following topics:
your efforts to quit smoking,
why you started smoking,
what you are doing to encourage your teen not to smoke, or
the amount of money you could save if you didn’t buy cigarettes and what you would do with it.
C. Guess if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).