Educational attitudesVocabulary II Course
nursery school = (Am. pre-kindergarten)
Primary (Am. Elementary) single-sex/mixed
comprehensive Grammar
preparatory Boarding Technical
secondary private
coeducational Modern
vocational local
primary/elementary free (of charge)
state commercial
technical art
secondary/high Classical
general Polytechnic
compulsory Graduate
higher/university/college Postgraduate
vocational Doctorate
To attend school, to promote from one class to another
IQ (intelligence quotient)
To nurture
training – the act of systematical teaching, drilling
academic year, term
tuition, tuition fee
scholarship – given for excellent studies
grant – money given for research work
fellowship – stipend given to a post-graduate carrying out
(educational) institution
entrance requirements
to apply to, applicant
Humanities = Liberal Arts (colleges)
Natural Science (chemistry, physics, biology)
curriculum (pi. curricula)
syllabus (pi. syllabi, syllabuses) = course outlines
applied courses/theoretical courses
junior college
faculty – the members of the teaching staff
sixth form
reception class
evening class
to get grants for further education
A-level; A-student
enter, graduate from, semesters, terms
administrative staff – clerical personnel = officials
professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, tutor
academic advisor – member of the faculty who helps and advises the student on the
academic matters grading system, grades = marks, grade point average, to get grades
credits – units to record the completion of courses
to major in (major)/to minor in (minor)
assessment = evaluation, objective evaluating
freshman, sophomore, junior, senior
postgraduate student = advanced student
take (do, sit, resit) an exam
to sit (read, prepare) for examination
to cram for, cramming
honest system
to pay attention to…
first draft/to use mind map
to carry out/(to do)research
academic journals/to publish paper/articles
to bury yourself in your books = to know the subject inside out
to pick up (language)
to memorise/to use mnemonics/to learn by heart
feed back
to revise, revision, to look at past papers
to concentrate, concentration
comprehension, to comprehend
gifted = talented
inner ability
punishments, to be punished for smth./to be approved of
intelligence, multiple intelligence
introduction (to subject)
to succeed in…/to make progress in…/to do the best
to take smth. seriously, to be good at smth.
to take/make notes
bright/promising pupil/brainy
to appreciate
to avoid
to discover
to encourage, to force, to manage
to find out
to intend, to prefer
illiterate, literacy
to realise
to recommend
educational attitudes
to nurture
to learn by own mistakes and expenences
to be accustomed with
to contradict
diverse methods, diversity
standardized exams
to substantiate
to design (a course, lecture)
theoretical concepts/practical skills, applied methods
stress, stressful
subordinate position
to meet a deadline
to treat smb.
to exhanst/ to be exhansted
cooperative learning
competitive relationships
to be reluctant
to manifest cultural values
to jeopardize
to be familiar with
to be frustrated
individual responsibility and idependence
alternative teaching methods
to provide education
aims of education
to adapt behaviour, attitudes, values
participation in the classroom
to anticipate smth.
managerial role
educational trend
classroom environment
to give extra attention
Montessori method/approach
to cater for
teaching method
to free children’s minds
easy-going atmosphere/friendy approach
formal/informal style of teaching
to develop at their own pace
unique individuals
to learn without being criticized or restricted
to give confidence/positive incouragement
to observe smb. closely
to provide with individual programmes
to learn by self-teaching and self-correction/by doing and experimenting
cooperative learning
distance learning/e-learning/home schooling/correspondence
courses/online universities
facilities: state-of-the-art, well stocked, break down, standard, well run, spacions,
self-access center
tutorials, personal tutors
lifelong learning/postgraduate programmes
internal corporate training
acceleration in the progress of science/to sign up the course/accelerated course/course length
to interact with other online learners, expert teachers
accredited online schools/regular colleges/unrecognized qualification
online learning/face-to-face learning
to complete an online course/to pick from different courses
message boards/forums/video lectures/survey
to enroll/enrollment form
(his) mind keeps wandering
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1010