Margaret Again, Again
I sat in the kitchen at iDEATH, watching Pauline make the batter
for hot cakes, my favorite food. She put a lot of flour and eggs
and good things into a great blue bowl and stirred the batter
with a big wooden spoon, almost too large for her hand.
She was wearing a real nice dress and her hair was combed
on top of her head and I had stopped and picked some flowers
for her hair when we walked down the road.
They were bluebells.
"I wonder if Margaret will be here today," she said. "I'll be glad when we're talking again."
"Don't worry about it," I said. "Everything will be all right."
"It's just--well, Margaret and I have been such good friends.
I'd always liked you before, but I never thought we'd ever be
anything but friends.
"You and Margaret were so close for years. I just hope everything
works out, and Margaret finds someone new and will be
my friend again."
"Don't worry."
Fred came into the kitchen just to say, "Ummmm--hot
cakes," and then left.
Charley must have eaten a dozen hot cakes himself. I have
never seen him eat so many hot cakes, and Fred ate a few more
than Charley.
It was quite a sight.
There was also a big platter of bacon and lots of fresh milk
and a big pot of strong coffee, and there was a bowl of fresh
strawberries, too.
A girl came by from the town and left them off just before
breakfast. She was a gentle girl.
Pauline said, "Thank you, and what a lovely dress you have
on this morning. Did you make it yourself? You must have
because it's so pretty."
"Oh, thank you," the girl said, blushing. "I just wanted to
bring some strawberries to iDEATH for breakfast, so I got up
very early and gathered them down by the river."
Pauline ate one of the berries and gave one of them to me
"They are such fine berries," Pauline said. "You must know a
good place to get them, and you must show me where that place
"It's right near that statue of a rutabaga by the ball park, just
down from where that funny green bridge is," the girl said
She was about fourteen years old and very pleased that her
strawberries were a big hit at iDEATH.
All of the strawberries were eaten at breakfast, and again as
for the hot cakes: "These are really wonderful hot cakes," Charley
"Would you like some more?" Pauline said.
"Maybe another one if there is any more batter."
"There's plenty," Pauline said. "How about you, Fred?"
"Well, maybe just one more."
The Schoolteacher
After breakfast I kissed Pauline while she was washing the
dishes and went with Fred down to the Watermelon Works to
see something he wanted to show me about the plank press.
We took a long leisurely stroll down there, through the
morning of a gray sun. It looked like it might rain but of course
it would not. The first rain of the year would not start until the
12th day of October.
"Margaret wasn't there this morning," Fred said.
"No, she wasn't," I said.
We stopped and talked to the schoolteacher who was taking
his students for a walk in the woods. While we talked to him
all the children sat down in the grass nearby, and were kind of
gathered together like a ring of mushrooms or daisies.
"Well, how's the book coming?" the schoolteacher said.
"All right," I said.
"I'll be very curious to see it," the schoolteacher said. "You
always had a way with words. I still remember that essay you
wrote on weather when you were in the sixth grade. That was
quite something.
"Your description of the winter clouds was very accurate and
quite moving at the same time and contained a certain amount
of poetic content. Yes, I am quite interested in reading your
book. Will you give any hints on what it is about?"
Fred meanwhile looked very bored. He went and sat down
with the children. He started talking to a boy about something.
"Have you expanded your essay on weather or is the book
about something else?"
The boy was very interested in what Fred was saying. A
couple of other kids moved closer.
"Oh, it's just coming along," I said. "It's pretty hard to talk
about. But you'll be one of the first I'll show it to when it's
"I've always had faith in you as a writer," the schoolteacher
said. "For a long time I thought about writing a book myself,
but teaching absorbs just too much of my time."
Fred took something out of his pocket. He showed it to the
boy. He looked at it and passed it on to the other children.
"Yes, I thought that I would write a book about teaching, but
so far I've been too busy teaching to write. But it is very inspiring
to me to have one of my former star pupils carry the glorious
banner for what I myself have been too busy to do. Good luck."
"Thank you."
Fred put the thing back in his pocket and the schoolteacher
got all of his students back on their feet, and off they went to
the woods.
He was talking to them about something very important. I
could tell because he pointed back at me, and then he pointed at
a cloud that was drifting low overhead.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 774