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Ìåæäóíàðîäíûå îòíîøåíèÿ Èíîñòðàííûé ÿçûê (àíãëèéñêèé) Êóðñ 3 Ðóñ Îìàðîâà Ã.Í.


Accession is an act by which a nation becomes a party to a treaty _____

A)& already in force.


When can an international instrument be regarded as legally binding?:

B)& if it creates contractual obligations between two or more states.


International law consists of ____ of general application dealing with the conduct of states and of international organizations and with their ___ inter se:

B)& rules and principles; relation.


The Embassy of Kazakhstan presents its _____. to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation and has the honor to inform it of the following:

D)& Compliments.


Rewrite the direct questions below as indirect questions beginning with the words given:

How long have you known about this? Do you mind telling me _________

E)& Do you mind telling me how long you have known about this?


Rewrite the direct questions below as indirect questions beginning with the words given:

When does the next train leave? Do you have any idea _____________

C)& Do you have any idea when the next train leaves?


Accession is an act by which a nation becomes a party to a treaty _____

A)& already in force.


When can an international instrument be regarded as legally binding?:

B)& if it creates contractual obligations between two or more states.


The head of delegation on behalf of Kazakhstan Government........ an invitation for a group of British businessmen to visit our country:

D)& conveyed.


Find the correct phrase in the sentences below.

Man: I wasn’t a very good student at school. Woman:

B)& Neither was I.


Match the response to the question: Has it been decided yet?

C)& No, it hasn't. I'm afraid not.


Replace the underlined phrase with the verb idiom:When I have an argument I always make a point of trying to explain things as quickly as possible.

B)& clear up


Complete the sentence: Everybody loves puppies, they're so cute and _______

D)& cuddly


Choose the correct variant: He _____ when the dog chews his shoes.

C)& gets angry


Choose the correct phrase to complete the response : Are you coming tonight?

B)& I’m afraid not. I’d love to, but I can’t, it’s my turn to babysit.


Complete the sentence with a preposition: I wasn’t very satisfied _____ my score in the English test.

B)& with


Choose the correct form of the verb : I don’t mind my sister _____ my CDs.

B)& borrowing


Choose the correct word or phrase: It was ____ difficult to read the sign as it was so dark.

C)& awfully


Complete the sentence with the correct form of a phrasal verb :

I used to take French lessons, but I _______ when I moved to Brazil.

D)& gave up


Choose the correct word or phrase: Have you got any more clothes to put in the ____?

C)& washing machine?


Choose the correct word or phrase: John hates waiting more than ten minutes for a bus. He gets very _______

B)& impatient


Complete the sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

I don’t like this job. I’m ________ and overworked. PAY

B)& underpaid


Not all declarations are to be regarded as______ as they do not create contractual obligations between two or more states:

E)& Treaties.


Rewrite the direct question below as indirect question beginning with the words given:

Has she got a boyfriend at the moment? I’d really like to know _______

D)& if she has got a boyfriend at the moment?


One of the main purposes of the United Nations is to bring about by peaceful means, and ____ the principles of justice and international law,____ or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to _____ of the peace:

B)& in conformity with, adjustment, a breach.


Acceptance shall be ____. by the deposit of a formal instrument with the Secretary General of the United Nations:

C)& effected.


Replace the underlined phrase with the verb idiom: I'm sorry, but I really must interrupt here.

E)& butt in


Complete the sentence: I _____ be a waitress.

B)& used to


The severance of diplomatic relations shall not ...... involve the severance of relations:

B)& ipso facto.


After getting independence new sovereign Kazakhstan had to form its ____ , which should be directed on maintenance of the sovereignty and national security of the Republic:

B)& external policy.


The Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan takes this opportunity to ___. to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation the ______ of its highest consideration:

B)& renew; assurances.


Match the response to the question: Do you think it matters?

D)& No, it doesn't. Of course not.


Both sides condemned the ...... of some countries on the question of nuclear disarmament:

A)& stand.


This Convention shall remain open ....... signature ....... London .....entry ...... force and shall thereafter remain open ....accession:

B)& for, in, until, into, for


Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected ...... the deposit .....the appropriate instrument ......the Depositary:

C)& by, of, with.


In witness ....... the Undersigned have signed the present Certificate:

D)& whereof.


_____ Whereof the undersigned representatives, having been duly authorized for that purpose, sign this Constitution:

D)& In faith.


Match the response to the question: Everything was ready on time, I trust.

B)& No, it wasn't. Not quite.


One of the main purposes of the United Nations is to bring about by peaceful means, and ____. the principles of justice and international law,.... or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to _____. of the peace:

B)& in conformity with; adjustment; a breach.


A top-ranking diplomat accredited to a foreign government as a resident representative:

D)& Ambassador.


Complete the sentence with the correct verb idiom: His ideas on how to manage the problem just don't ____

A)& add up


Match the response to the question: Had it all finished when you got there?

E)& No, it hadn't. Not exactly anyway.


Choose the correct variant: More people need _____ in local charities.

A)& to get involved


Complete the sentence: It’s ___ I can take time off work because it means I can travel to away matches.

A)& A good thing


An act by which a nation becomes a party to a treaty already in force.

C)& Accession


CIS countries constantly demonstrate their readiness to promote ......... economic cooperation:

C)& mutually advantageous


Kazakhstan is not a member of :

B)& North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Match the response to the statement: I expect it'll be an interesting day.

A)& Are you kidding? No, it won't.


Kazakhstan has spoken out resolutely ____ terrorism and expressed its readiness to combat it ___ all the means the country has ___ its disposal:

B)& against; with; at


In 1945, a new judicial organ, the ..........., was brought into being by the Charter of the United Nations:

E)&International Court of Justice.


Match the response to the statement: It took you a long time, I imagine.

A)& No, I didn't. Not really.


The official languages of the International Court of Justice are______:

B)& French and English


Match the response to the statement: It's going to be good fun, I think.

E)& No, it isn't. No way.


Choose the best word to complete the sentence: ___ thing led to another

D)& One


.Replace the underlined idioms in italics with the correct phrases:I draw the line with people who insist on butting in when I'm talking.

A)& stop talking/ interrupting


Replace the phrase in italics with the verb idiom: But in any case. you misunderstand completely.

C)& miss the point


The word "Ratification" means the actual document, sealed or otherwise _____, whereby a State expresses its willingness to be bound by the treaty:

D)& authenticated


Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving nations which ........

of the United Nations Charter.

D)& submitted the instruments


Complete the sentence with the correct verb idiom: He lives in a real dream world, he needs to learn to ____ facts.

D)& face


Which of the following is not a part of an international instrument:

B)& An exhibit


Choose the correct phrase to complete the response: Can I stay up and watch the film?

A)& Certainly not, it’s time you were in bed, you’ve got to go to university tomorrow.


What are the main international problems of today and what is the Kazakhstan Government's _____. on them?:

E)& stand.


Complete the sentence with the correct verb idiom: She can be really annoying, she's forever _____ to other people's conversations.

E)& butting in


The General Assembly is a ....... representative body in which all United Nations member states are ______ :

B)& consultative; submitted


The Republic of Kazakhstan became the participant of the Vienna Convention since ____. :

C)& March13,1993


Complete the sentence with the correct verb idiom: I always try my best to _____ any misunderstandings.

B)& clear up


Put the suitable word: Cats are very ______ and sometimes their curiosity can get them into trouble.

B)& inquisitive


Put the suitable: Whether a dog is docile or _____ depends completely on its training.

A)& aggressive


Which of the following is not the permanent body of the United Nations?:



Put the suitable word: Pigs are not difficult to train and can be very _____, even more so than dogs.

E)& obedient


The main responsibility for maintenance of peace and security is___. to the ______:

E)& assigned; Security Council.


Put the suitable word: The squirrels in our garden are very ____ and will even eat food from our hands.

C)& tame


The Secretary General of the UN is nominated by the .......under the recommendation of the_____. for a period of _____:

C)& General Assembly; Security Council; 5 years


Choose the correct variant: If we need to_____ somewhere fast, we use a taxi.

D)& get around


Choose the correct word: The two of them ____ really well despite the difference in age.

B)& get along


The International Court of Justice is the principal ..... body of the UN and it consists of _______:

D)& judicial; 15 judges


Choose the correct word: He _____ before I've even put the key in the lock.

A)& gets there


A diplomatic agent invested with full powers is a ......:

C)& Plenipotentiary


Complete the sentence: Anger therapy can help you learn how not to _____

C)& get aggressive


Choose the word that does not belong to this group:

B)& cold-blooded


A top-ranking diplomat accredited to a foreign government as a resident representative:

D)& Ambassador


Choose the suitable word: We _____ to our students' daily routines.

B)& get used


Choose the word: A diplomatic body headed by an ambassador:

B)& Embassy


Choose the suitable phrase: She ____ to doing things for herself.

A)& is used


Choose the correct phrase to complete the response: Are you coming tonight?

B)& I’m afraid not. I’d love to, but I can’t, it’s my turn to baby-sit.


Notification by a state of its intention to terminate a treaty:

B)& Denunciation


Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: Don’t worry, _____ late.

C)& I won’t be


Choose the correct phrase to complete the response: Can I stay up and watch the film?

A)& Certainly not, it’s time you were in bed, you’ve got to go to university tomorrow.


Choose the word to the definition: Trained not to attack:

A)& tame


Choose the correct phrase to complete the response: Are you going to apologize to them?

B)& No way!. I don’t see why I should, it’s all their fault.


Complete the sentence: I really don’t like traveling by train. There’s no real reason, I guess it’s just _____.

D)& One of those things


Since its formation, the member states of CIS have signed a large number of documents concerning ____. _____. on matters of economics, defense and ______

C)& integration and cooperation; foreign policy.


Complete the sentence: I really can’t understand how 1970s fashion got to be ____ again. It’s horrible.

C)& The in-thing


The Security Council of the United Nations consists of ……. Members , ...... of which are constant and others ........ members are changeable:

D)& 15; 5; 10


Complete the sentence: It’s ___ I can take time off work because it means I can travel to away matches.

A)& A good thing


Complete the sentence: When I was younger I used to read love stories, but I completely lost interest and now it’s ____

A)&A thing of the past


Choose the word that does not belong to this group:

C)& inquisitive


Choose the word that does not belong to this group:

C)& playful


The members of the International Court of Justice is elected by ____. and _____:

A)& General Assembly; Security Council


Which of the following is not a UN specialized agency?:

E)& The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).


Choose the word that does not belong to this group:

B)& cold-blooded


Choose the word that has the same meaning as : cute

B)& lovely


Choose the correct words: She ___ take her dog to expensive restaurants where the dog ___ eat from the same plate as her.

C)& used to/used to


The Republic of Kazakhstan is the UN member since _____:

B)& May 2, 1992


Choose the suitable word: My sister ____ dress her cat up in doll’s clothes.

A)& used to


Choose the definition: Denunciation :

D)& Notification by a state of its intention to terminate a treaty


The central executive body which carries out external policy activity and leads the uniform system of a diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan is :

D)& the Ministry of Foreign affairs


Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: When I was younger ___ to the seaside every summer

B)&I used to go


UN membership is open to all peace-loving states that accept the ______ of the UN Charter:

D)& obligations


Complete the underlined compound word with a suitable word:

Has anyone got an aspirin? I’ve got a terrible head _____ .

B)& ache


Complete the underlined compound word with a suitable word:

It’s cold outside, I think you’ll need an over _______ .

D)& coat


Complete the underlined compound word with a suitable word:

To get into London from Heathrow airport just take the Under ._____

B)& ground


Complete the underlined compound word with a suitable word:

You don’t need to clean the plates yourself, we have a dish __________ .

C)& washer


Complete the underlined compound word with a suitable word:

It’s a lovely day. Let’s eat our lunch out _______ in the park.

D)& doors



Complete the sentence with the correct form of a phrasal verb :

I used to take French lessons, but I _______ when I moved to Brazil.

D)& gave up


Complete the sentence with the correct form of a phrasal verb :

My sister doesn’t have any friends. She doesn’t ____________ her classmates

A)& get on with


Choose the word to the definition: Attractive, usually small and easy to like

D)& cute


Choose the word to the definition: Doing what a person, law or rule says you must do

E)& obedient


Choose the word that does not belong to this group:

B)& cold-blooded


Choose the word to the definition: Quick to attack:

B)& aggressive


Complete the sentence with a preposition: I lost your money but please don’t be mad ______ me!

B)& with


Choose the word to the definition: Keen to learn about a lot of different things.

C)& inquisitive


Choose the word to the definition: Lively and full of fun:

C)& playful


The Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan takes this opportunity to ___. to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation the ______ of its highest consideration:

B)& renew; assurances.


Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected ...... the deposit .....the appropriate instrument ......the Depositary

C)& by, of, with.


In witness ....... the Undersigned have signed the present Certificate:

D)& whereof.


A top-ranking diplomat accredited to a foreign government as a resident representative:

D)& Ambassador.


Kazakhstan is not a member of :

B)& North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Not all declarations are to be regarded as______ as they do not create contractual obligations between two or more states:

E)& Treaties.


The severance of diplomatic relations shall not ...... involve the severance of relations:

B)& ipso facto.


The word "Ratification" means the actual document, sealed or otherwise _____, whereby a State expresses its willingness to be bound by the treaty:

D)& authenticated


Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving nations that __________

contained in the United Nations Charter.

A)& accept the obligations


Which of the following is not a part of an international instrument:

B)& An exhibit


Complete the sentence with the correct verb idiom: She can be really annoying, she's forever _____ to other people's conversations.

E)& butting in


Put the suitable: Whether a dog is docile or _____ depends completely on its training.

A)& aggressive


Complete the sentence: Anger therapy can help you learn how not to _____

C)& get aggressive


Choose the word that does not belong to this group:

B)& cold-blooded


Notification by a state of its intention to terminate a treaty:

B)& Denunciation



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