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Question 1:
From the diagram, select the correct static head term from the vertical distance labelled #2.


A - Friction head
B - Static discharge head
C - Dynamic discharge head
D - Static suction head


Question 2:
From the diagram, select the correct static head term for the vertical distance labelled #1.

A - Static suction head
B - Friction head
C - Total static head
D - Static suction lift


Question 3:
From the diagram select the correct static head term for the vertical distance labelled #1.

A - Total static head
B - Static suction head
C - Dynamic suction lift
D - Static suction lift


Question 4:
From the diagram select the correct static head term for the vertical distance labelled #3.

A - Total dynamic head
B - Static suction head
C - Static discharge head
D - Total static head


Question 5:
The pressure at the discharge of a water pump is 140 kPa. The temperature of the water is 80°C.Find the equivalent head in meters. (Use the Steam Tables to determine Vf).
A - 146.82 m
B - 14.68 m
C - .146 m
D - 1.47 m

Question 6:
When the pump is located below the suction source and the height of the liquid creates a positive head on the suction side of the pump, the pump is said to have a:
A - Pressure head
B - Static suction head
C - Static suction lift
D - Total static head

Question 7:
If the liquid is anything other than water, the liquid's relative density must be known in order to determine heads and pressures. The relative density of mercury is 13.6. If a column of mercury has an equivalent head of 1.0 m., the pressure produced at the bottom of the column is:
A - 13, 341.6 Pa or 13.3 kPa
B - 1, 334, 160 Pa or 1, 334.2 kPa
C - 133, 416 Pa or 133.42 kPa
D - 66 708 Pa or 66.7 kPa

Question 8:
To determine the relative density of a liquid other than water, you must:
A - divide the density of water by the density of the other liquid
B - multiply the density of the liquid by the density of water
C - divide the density of water by the pressure produced by the column of the other liquid
D - divide the density of the liquid by the density of water

Question 9:
For design purposes, there are tables available that specify the friction losses for liquids in terms of the piping material and diameters. The loss is given in terms of head, or metres of liquid, per:

A - 25 metres of pipe length
B - 2.5 metres of pipe length
C - 250 metres of pipe length
D - 2, 500 metres of pipe length

Question 10:
The vertical distance from the surface of the liquid below the pump to the centreline of the pump is defined as:
A - Static suction lift
B - Total suction lift
C - Total static suction
D - Static suction head

Question 11:
Available net positive suction head (N.P.S.H.) is expressed in terms of metres of liquid head and is the pressure available above the vapour pressure at the:
A - Pump static discharge head
B - Internal pressure of the pump
C - Pump suction
D - Pump discharge

Question 12:
Although air bubbles are not desirable in liquid flow, they do not have the same destructive characteristics as do vapour voids that cause cavitation.
A - True
B - False

Question 13:
The total head effect of liquid levels on a pump is referred to as the:

A - Total static head
B - Static head
C - Static suction lift
D - Pressure head

Question 14:
Calculate the velocity head that must be considered in the design of a pump that is required to move 20,000 kg of water at a velocity of 10 m/s through a 4 cm line.
A - .51
B - .051
C - 51
D - 5.1

Question 15:
An open, cylindrical tank contains a liquid to a height of 5.2 metres. If the density of the liquid is 3.8 x103kg/m3, what is the pressure exerted by the liquid at the bottom of the tank?

A - 19.39 kPa
B - 254.52 kPa
C - 25.45 kPa
D - 193.85 kPa

Question 16:
Dynamic ________________ = static suction lift + suction friction head + suction velocity head minus suction pressure head.
A - suction lift
B - discharge head
C - static head
D - suction head

Question 17:
Static discharge head is the vertical distance from the:
A - Centreline of the pump to the surface of the liquid in the discharge tank above the pump, or to the height of free discharge
B - Centreline of the pump up to the point of discharge
C - Surface of the liquid below the pump to the surface of the liquid on the discharge side of the pump
D - Suction side surface down to the centreline of the pump then up to the surface on the discharge side of the pump

Question 18:
The dynamic discharge head is the numerical sum, in metres, of all the equivalent heads and lifts acting on the suction side of a pump.
A - True
B - False

Question 19:
If a centrifugal pump is required to move 20,000 kg of water per hour at a velocity of 12 m/s through a 4 cm diameter line, the velocity head to be considered in the design is:
A - 7.34 m
B - 73.41 m
C - 36.70 m
D - 3.66 m

Question 20:
When a pump is located below the suction source, the dynamic suction head is the numerical result, in metres, of all the equivalent heads acting on the suction side of the pump. Therefore, the dynamic suction head is equal to:
A - Static suction head + suction pressure head + suction friction head + suction velocity head
B - Static suction head + suction pressure head - suction friction head - suction velocity head
C - Static suction head - suction pressure head - suction friction head + suction velocity head
D - Static suction head + suction pressure head + suction friction head - suction velocity head

Question 21:
If a column of mercury has an equivalent head of 37cm, calculate the pressure produced at the bottom of the column. Relative density of mercury is 13.6.
A - 493.6 kPa
B - 49.36 kPa
C - 4.936 kPa
D - 49.36 Pa

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1748

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