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III. Functional aspect of speech sounds

II. Тестове завдання


I. Phonetics as a science.

1. Subject-matter of phonetics includes:


a) world-building, shift of stress, speech sounds and alliteration

b) speech sounds, intonation, stress, syllable

c) intonation, accent, homographs, onomatopoeia

d) accent, speech sounds, synonyms and syllables


2. Every speech sound has four aspects, they are:


a) physiological, distributional, articulatory and structural

b) compositional, auditory, articulatory and functional

c) analytical, phrasemic, phonemic and auditory

d) articulatory, acoustic, auditory and functional


3. The connection of phonetics with lexicology is displayed through:

a) alliteration

b) repetition

c) shift of stress

d) sound interchange


4. The linguistic phenomenon which connects phonetics with grammar is:

a) alliteration

b) repetition

c) shift of stress

d) sound interchange


5. Phonetics is closely connected with stylistics through:

a) alliteration

b) repetition

c) shift of stress

d) sound interchange



II. Articulatory aspect of speech sounds.


6. General classification of speech sounds does not include the following criterion:

a) the presence or absence of an articulatory obstruction

b) the duration of articulation

c) the concentrated or diffused character of muscular tension

d) the force of exhalation


7. The resonator mechanism consists of:

a) the pharynx, the larynx, the mouth cavity and the nasal cavity

b) the tongue, the vocal cords, the pharynx and the larynx

c) the lungs, the bronchi, the wind pipe and the glottis

d) the lungs, the teeth, the soft palate and the uvula


8. The organ of speech which can not be characterized as an active is:

a) tongue

b) lips

c) teeth

d) uvula


9. Work of the vocal cords, the force of exhalation, place of obstruction, type of obstruction and manner of noise production are the main criteria for the classification of:

a) English vowels

b) English consonants

c) English sonorants

d) English semi-vowels


10. According to the vertical movements of the tongue English vowels are subdivided into:

a) high, mid, back

b) front, middle, low

c) front, central, low

d) high, mid, low


III. Functional aspect of speech sounds

11. In speech phoneme serves to perform three functions, they are:

a) auditory, functional and distinctive

b) communicative, structural and semantic

c) componential, distinctive and recognitive

d) constitutative, distinctive and recognitive


12. Allophones are speech sounds the quality if which depends:

a) either on the position in the word or on combination with other sounds

b) either on the region where the speaker lives or on the individual peculiarities of a speaker's speech apparatus

c) on the context

d) on the social standpoint of the speaker


13. The Phoneme theory originator was:

a) L.V.Shcherba

b) L.A.Baudouin de Courteney

c) N.S.Trubetzkoy

d) G.P.Torsuyev


14. Variants are subdivided into:

a) individual and regional

b) combinatory and positional

c) individual and positional

d) distributional and regional


15. The Theory of phonological oppositions was put forward by:

a) L.V.Shcherba

b) L.A.Baudouin de Courteney

c) N.S.Trubetzkoy

d) G.P.Torsuyev


16. The first linguist who described and classified vowels for all the languages was…

a) Roman Jakobson

b) Lev Volodymyrovych Scherba

c) Professor Daniel Jones

d) I.O.Baucouin de Courtenay


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 2894

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