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Heat Power Engineering

My future speciality is heat-engineering. We use heat to do a lot of useful things to heat our homes, to transport us from one place to another and so on. Scientists and specialists of our country made great contribution to the development of this branch of energetics.

The present thermal power stations are not ecologically pure. So scientists try to replace the conventional fuel (gas, oil, coal) with adequate one such as tidal energy, wind energy, solar energy which have no environmental pollution effect. It is planned to construct an experimental thermal power station powered by hot subterranean water. The hot subterranean water is now being used for heating blocks of flats and hothouses and for medical purposes in Kamchatka, for instance.

The time is not far off when this cheap thermal energy will be widely used in the economy making possible to employ such valuable raw materials as coal, oil, gas mainly in the chemical industry.

The main task facing heat power engineers is to increase many times the capacity of the thermal power plants and to equip them with high-capacity heat-engineering units.


Power supply. Electric systems and networks

My future speciality is power supply to industrial enterprises, cities and rural regions. I am also trained to work in the field of electrical systems and networks.

The power engineers have to do with many problems, for example, with the voltage at which power must be generated, then there are the problems of controlling, the phase, the frequency and the loads of power systems.

The power engineers are also concerned with feeding sources, step-up and step-down electric substations, various auxiliary installations and erections as well as with feeding distribution electric grids.

Industry, transport, agriculture are the biggest consumers of electricity. The more we develop industry, transport, agriculture the more we need electric power.

The main task of electric engineers is to look for efficiency improvements of power sources as well as for new power distribution systems.


Civil Engineering

I am a second - year student of the Bratsk State Technical University. My future speciality is civil egineering. The term «civil engineering» is usually applied to such as excavation and embankment, the construction of railways, canals,aqueducts, pipelines, the reclamation of land, building construction. The history of building is as old as civilization itself.

Architecture has an origin in the primitive efforts of mankind to provide protection against bad weather and enemies in rock, caves, huts and tents. Civil engineering developed with the rise of Rome in the 6-th century B.C. Romans built sewers, conduits and aqueducts, roads and bridges.

Town bulding was based on camp tradition. Some towns arose out of army camps. The oldest building materials are: timber, stone and brick. Now steel, aluminium, iron, plastics, concrete are introduced into building. A town of future should be convinient, beautiful and well planned. Town planning takes into consideration the siting of industrial enterprises, residential areas, the laying out of highways, the organization of municipal transport and many other aspects.

The construction engineer must be able to draw together many types of engineering knowldge and many different engineering techniques.



Date: 2015-12-17; view: 2957

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