nature of image↓ ↓ ↓
actor location prop
↓ ↓
appearance performance
Visual Channel
treatment of image
↓ ↓
cinematography editing
- Lighting - Rhythm
- Color - Type
- Mise-en-scene (straight cut,
- Camera fade, etc.)
↓ ↓ ↓
*distance *angle *movement
Lecture 7
Literary Indebtedness
- Main shapes of literary indebtedness
- The notion of intertextuality
- The Art of Translation
Main shapes of literary indebtedness
External evidence
The evidence of contemporaries
The evidences of an author's reading
+ the essential test must be within the works themselves.
Intertextuality - the explicit and implicit relations that a text or utterance has to prior, contemporary and potential future texts.
Gerard Genettes classification (the notion of transtextuality)
intertextuality: quotation, plagiarism, allusion
paratextuality: the relation between a text and its 'paratext' - that which surrounds the main body of the text - such as titles, headings, prefaces, epigraphs, dedications, acknowledgements, footnotes, illustrations, dust jackets, etc.
architextuality: designation of a text as part of a genre or genres
metatextuality: explicit or implicit critical commentary of one text on another text
hypertextuality: the relation between a text and a preceding text or genre on which it is based but which it transforms, modifies, elaborates or extends (including parody, spoof, sequel, translation)
Methodological algorithm
- Why are you doing it?
What questions do you hope to answer?
- Identify the specific texts you want to examine
- Identify the traces of other texts
- Make a list
- Look for a pattern
- Make observations and interpretations
Reference Literature
1. Stallknecht Newton P., Horst Frenz. Comparative Literature: Method and Perspective. - Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. - 1961.
2. The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature. David Damrosch, Natalie Melas, Mbongiseni Buthelezi. Princeton University Press, 2009. 442 p.
3. Saussy H. Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization. JHU Press, 2006. 280 p.
4. Totosy De Zepetnek S. Comparitive Literature and Comparitive Cultural Studies. Purdue University Press, 2003. 356 p.
5. Studies In Comparative Literature. Ed. Mohit K. Ray. Atlantic Publishers & Dist, 2002. 199 p.
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1086