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Higher education in the USA.

Americans place a high value on education for themselves & their children universal access to quality education has been one of the nation’s historic goals.

More than 100 years before the signing the Declaration of Independence, European settlers on Massachusetts passed laws requiring all communities to hire schoolmasters; larger towns had to establish grammar schools to train children for the university. America’s first college, Harvard, was founded in Massachusettes in 1636.

Perhaps the most noteworthy feature about American education is the absence of a national administration or structure. Each of the 50 states controls and directs its own schools. After graduation from secondary school, a growing number of Americans go on to higher education. American institutions of higher education include technical training schools, which offer programs in fields ranging from hairstyling to computer programming; community colleges, which provide two years of semiprofessional training for some students and the first two years of college for others. There are also colleges, offering four-year bachelor degree programs; and universities, which contain one or more colleges and graduate schools offering master’s or doctoral degree programs. After completing four years of study the students receive a Bachelor Degree with an aditionalyear of study he may receive a Master’s Degree and after two or three years of graduate work and writing of dissertation he receives a Doctorate Degree. The students do not go to the University free of charge. Students’ total expenses throughout the year are very high. And though each University offers a number of scholarships many of the students have to work to pay their expenses. The factors determining an institution’s prestige are the quality of the teaching faculty; quality of research facilities; amount of funding available; and the competence and number of applicants for admission.

Americans place a high value on education for themselves & their children universal acsess to quality education has been one of the nation’s historic goals.  
More than 100 years before the signing the Declaration of Independance, European settlers on Massachusetts passed laws requiring all communities to hire schoolmasters; larger towns had to establish grammer schools to train children for the university.  
America’s first college, Harvard, was founded in Massachusettes in 1636.  
Perhaps the most noteworthy feature about American education is the absence of a national administration or structure.  
Each of the 50 states controles and directs its own schools.  
After graduation from secondary school, a growing number of Americans go on to higher education.  
American institutions of higher education include technical training schools, which offer programs in fields ranging from hairstyling to computer programming; community colleges, which provide two years of semiprofessional training for some students and the first two years of college for others.  
There are also colleges, offering four-year batchelor degree programs; and universities, which contain one or more colleges and graduate schools offering master’s or doctoral degree programs.  
After completing four years of study the students receive a Bachelor Degree with an aditional year of study he may receive a Master’s Degree and after two or three years of graduate work and writing of dissertation he receives a Doctorate Degree.  
The students do not go to the University free of charge.  
Students’ total expenses throughout the year are very high.  
And though each University offers a number of scholarships many of the students have to work to pay their expenses.  
The factors determining an institution’s prestige are the quality of the teaching faculty; quality of research facilities; amount of funding available; and the competence and number of aplicants for admission.  

Complete the sentences:

1. Americans place...

2. Before the signing of the Declaration of Independence ...

3. The most noteworthy feature about American education is ...

4. Each of the 50 states ...

5. After graduating from secondary school ...

6. American institutions of higher education include...

7. After completing four years of study the students ...

8. After two or three years of graduate work and ...

9. Students’ total expenses...

10. The factors determining an institution’s prestige are...


Answer the questions:

1. What has been one of the nation’s historic goals?

2. When and what kind of laws did European settlers pass?

3. When was the first college founded?

4. What is the most noteworthy feature about American education?

5. What do most Americans do after graduating from secondary school?

6. What do American institutions of higher education include?

7. When does a student get a Batchelor Degree?

8. When can a student become a Master?

9. Is higher education free of charge?

10. Do the students work while studying?

11.What are the factors determining an institution’s prestige?


Retell the text according to the following plan:

The historic roots of education the educational independence of the states The US higher institutions the degrees an institution’s prestige.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1798

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