Everything that can be said can be said clearly.Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951),
Austrian philosopher
A. What makes a good communicator? Choose the three most important factors.
· fluency in the language
· a sense of humour
· an extensive vocabulary
· grammatical accuracy
| · being a good listener
· not being afraid of making mistakes
· physical appearance
· an awareness of body language
What other factors are important for communication?
B. Discuss these questions.
1. What forms of written and spoken communication can you think of?
2. Which do you feel you do best? Which do you like least?
3. Do you use any other forms of communication?
4. What kinds of problem can occur with some of the forms of communication above? Think about:
· formality / informality
· jargon
· visual gestures
| · technology
· tone of voice
C. Are you a good communicator?
Complete the following questionnaire. Put down points for each statement
(1 = strongly disagree, 10 = strongly agree).
I can stay cool when I am in the middle of a conflict.
2. I am willing to compromise when I have to.
3. I realize that others have needs.
4. I am very patient.
5. I can identify the most important issues quickly.
6. If necessary I can remain calm when I am being personally attacked.
7. I am willing to research and analyze issues carefully.
8. I believe in, and work towards, situations where both sides can win.
9. I can deal with stressful situations.
10. I am a good listener.
TOTAL = ……. If your total score was 80 or above, you are aware of most of the important issues in communication and have the makings of a good communicator. If you scored between 60 and 79, you will make a good communicator but there are some areas that you need to improve. If your score was below 60, you should rethink some of your attitudes about communication and get some additional training.
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1932