I. Translate the vocabulary into Russian or Ukrainian.EDUCATION
Types of schools
1. Maintained (state)
2. County
3. Voluntary
4. Nursery
5. Primary
6. Infant
7. Junior
8. Secondary
9. Grammar
10. Modern
11. Technical
12. Comprehensive
13. All-through
14. Two-tier
15. First
16. Middle
17. Upper
18. Mixed (co-educational)
19. Single-sex
20. Special
21. Independent (fee-paying, private)
22. Pre-preparatory
23. Preparatory
24. Public
25. Sixth-form college
26. Tertiary college
Stages of education
27. Compulsory
28. Pre-school
29. Primary
30. Secondary
31. Further
32. Higher
Education policy
33. Administration
34. Schooling
35. Statutory requirement
36. To formulate national education policy
37. Full-time education
38. Part-time education
39. Tripartite system
40. Class-divided and selective system of education
41. To sustain inequality of opportunity
42. To go comprehensive
43. The Department of Education and Science
44. Local Education Authorities (LEAs)
45. To be responsible for national education policy
46. To run a school
47. To prescribe curricula or textbooks
48. Administration is decentralized
49. The provision of schools
50. To provide maintained school education
51. Head teacher (master)
52. Principal
53. Assistant principal
54. Acting head teacher
55. Staff
56. Governing body
57. To have responsibility
58. To employ teachers
59. To provide and maintain buildings
60. To supply equipment
61. To supply grants
62. Appointment and dismissal of staff
63. To admit
64. To allocate
65. To apply for admission
66. Selective procedure
67. Intelligence tests
68. To substitute for the abolished 11+ exam
69. To measure inborn abilities
70. To have a time limit
71. To coach for
72. Without any reference to a child`s ability or aptitude
73. To transfer (promote) from one class to another
74. Broad curriculum
75. Academic course
76. Non-academic course
77. Vocational bias
78. Foundation course
79. Foundation subjects
80. To meet special interests
81. Common curriculum
82. Simplified curriculum
83. Education with a practical slant for lower-attaining pupils
84. To be encouraged to do smth.
85. The three R`s
86. Subject teaching
87. Specialist teacher
88. To have set periods
89. Remedial teaching
90. Dual system of exams
91. To sit up for an exam
92. External exam
93. GCE exam (General Certificate of Education)
94. Internal exam
95. To hold (conduct) exams at two levels (`O` level and `A` level)
96. Scholarship
97. CSE exam (Certificate of Secondary Education)
98. To be set and marked by
99. To hand the papers out
100. Examining board
101. Grades
102. GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
103. Reseats and retakes
104. Unsuccessful pupil
105. To repeat the year
106. To keep up with the group
107. To catch up with the group
108. To fall behind
109. Corporal punishment
110. Detention (after school or during the dinner hour)
111. Lines
112. Exclusion from normal routine
113. Exclusion from privileges (loss of privilege)
114. Collection of litter
115. Suspension from school
116. Withdrawal from lessons
117. Setting extra work
118. Putting `on report`
119. Telling the parents
120. High school
121. Kindergarten
122. Nursery school
123. Common-school system
124. Institutions of higher learning
125. Junior high school
126. Secondary school
127. School year = academic year
128. Vacation
129. Attendance
130. To attend classes
131. Compulsory
132. Free attendance
133. Free studying
134. What is your major?
135. To complete a certain number of courses
136. To receive (get) a diploma
137. To charge a fee for tuition or registration
138. To require a certain scholastic average
139. Average of high school grades
140. To have rigid scholastic requirements for entrance
141. To meet the requirements for a Bachelor
142. Bachelor of Science
143. Master of Arts
144. Master of Science
145. To obtain
146. Additional year
147. Doctor of Philosophy
148. To complete the original research
149. To be governed
150. A board of regents
151. A board of trustees
152. The executive head of college
153. The president of university
154. To enter the university
155. To take (have) an exam
156. To pass an exam in
157. To fail an exam (to fail in an exam)
158. Faculty
159. Dean
160. Dean`t assistant
161. Chairman (chairwoman)
162. Department
163. Laboratory
164. A first-year student (freshman)
165. A second-year student (sophomore)
166. To be dropped out of
167. Dean`s office
168. Term
169. Classroom (auditorium)
170. Lecture-hall
171. Period (lecture)
172. To give lectures
173. Class in
174. Lecture on
175. Seminar in
176. Set of exams
177. Mark in
178. Monitor
179. Register of attendance
180. Lecturer
181. Break=recess=interval
182. To achieve discipline and order
183. To control the class
184. To cope with the situation
185. To be of educational importance
186. To retake an exam=to resit an exam
187. To get through (coll.)
188. To flunk an exam
189. To play truant from=to skip
190. To read up for an exam=to revise the material for=to review the material
191. To make progress in studies
192. Final exams=finals
193. School-leaving exams
194. A school-leaver
195. Student
196. Junior student
197. Senior student
198. A graduate student (a graduate)
199. Under-graduate
200. Post-graduate
201. Assessment of knowledge
202. Qualifying exams
203. A grad-course
204. To swot = to cram
205. Swotting
206. To cheat in an exam
207. Cribs
208. Boarding school
209. a boarder
210. To examine
211. Examiner
212. Examinee
I. Translate the vocabulary into Russian or Ukrainian.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1342