Discuss these questions with a partner. Share your ideas with the rest of the class.
1. Why did you choose to study at your university?
2. When you choose a university, is its reputation important?
3. When you choose a university, is its ranking in the world top list important?
4. What factors make a university prestigious?
5. What universities, do you think, are the most prestigious in the world?
6. Which university, do you think, is ranked first in the international league table?
2. Match the words in A to their definitions in B:
a. research
b. income
c. ranking
d. funding
e. Gross Domestic Product (GNP)
f. investment
g. institutions
h. Anglophone
i. reputation
1. English speaking
2. how a person, organisation or country is viewed by other people, based on past performance
3. how much a country’s output is worth in a year, in monetary terms
4. important and well-respected organisations
5. investigation of a subject
6. money available
7. money earned
8. position something has on a list; how high or low it is placed
9. something you buy or spend money on, usually hoping to make profit from it in the future
3. Now listen ¤ to the programme and answer the questions:
1. Which university was ranked first in this recent international league table?
a) Oxford
b) Harvard
c) Cambridge
d) Swiss Federal Institute of
2. Which of these is NOT mentioned as an important factor that makes a university prestigious?
a) social life
b) quality of teaching
c) funding
d) research
3. Universities from which country dominate the list?
a) the UK
b) China
c) the USA
d) France
4. How many British universities are on the list?
a) 10
b) 2
c) 40
d) 14
5. Universities from which countries were also on the list? (Choose all that apply.)
a) Egypt
b) South Africa
c) Russia
d) Japan
e) South Korea
f) Ukraine
g) Hong Kong
h) France
i) Switzerland
j) Turkey
k) China
Read the statement and decide if they are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1. The new list of top world universities contains 100 names.
2. It takes into consideration a number of characteristics.
3. The more money a country invests in its universities, the more of them are on the top list.
4. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology is the first European university on the list.
5. Asian universities are in the top forty.
6. Most people on the programme chose their universities because of their ranking.
Task 6. Reading. Universities.
Answer these questions with a partner.
1. What universities are the most famous in the world? Why?
2. What do you know about them?
3. What do you know about British / American / European universities?
4. Is there a university in your country that is famous all over the world? Which one(s)?
2. Read the information about universities in the USA and say which university:
1. got its name after the person who promoted to establish it;
2. is the biggest in the USA;
3. prepares specialists in the field of sea explorations;