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1) Do you prefer to be in the company of other people? Add your details.

2) Do you find it easy to tell your boss if you feel he treated you badly?

3) Do you always look out of the window if you hear a car draw up?

4) Do you often buy your friends presents for no particular reason?

5) Do you frequently disagree with what other people say?

6) Do you lie awake at night if someone has said something unkind to you?

The words in the box might help you answer the corresponding questions.


argumentative sensitive sociable extravagant assertive inquisitive



Read these brief character descriptions of four people.


(1) I’m an active and energetic person – I can’t bear just sitting around doing nothing. It just makes me impatient and restless. But I know what I want, and I think I’ve got what it takes to achieve my goals. Does that make me sound horribly ambitious and selfish? I hope not!


(2) I’m the kind of person who knows how to have a good time. I suppose you would call me fun-loving, but it’s more than that. I actually believe in a calm, easy-going approach to life and I can’t bear unnecessary anxiety and pressure. I believe in being sociable and taking life as it comes…


(3) My problem can be summarized in one word: self-confidence. I just don’t have enough. I’m shy with other people, who must think I’m boring and stupid sometimes. Lack of confidence also makes me indecisive: I spend days trying to make up my mind what to do about quite simple things. I’m told I sometimes look moody, but in fact I like being with other people…


(4) How do I see myself? Well, I’m forgetful and disorganized – some would say absent-minded! But I’ve got quite a lot of willpower, really, and I’ve got ideas. I’m a hard-worker too when I’m doing something I’m interested in. I’m not very articulate when it comes to public speaking but I quite enjoy being the centre of attention, and I don’t get in the least bit nervous.

Answer the following questions:

1. Which of these four people sounds most like you?

2. Which would you most like to meet? Why?

3. Do you have any particular weaknesses or strengths?

4. Write down three things which you think are good about your character and three things which you think are not so good.



Vocabulary Tasks


1 Which words describe positive qualities, which describe negative qualities, and which describe qualities which could be positive or negative (neutral)?


impatient active energetic restless ambitious selfish fun-loving calm cool easy-going sociable stupid indecisive shy boring moody forgetful disorganized nervous absent- minded articulate anxiety willpower hard-worker self-confidence


Positive Negative Neutral



2 Match these adjectives with opposites from the list in the above task.


lethargic confident clever magnanimous excitable lazy



3 Match these words with their opposites.


1. clever a) introverted

2. extroverted b) tight-fisted

3. rude c) courteous

4. cruel d) gregarious

5. generous e) kind-hearted

6. unsociable f) half-witted



4 Supply the best words. -ed/-ing


  1. I found the film very..................... a) boring b) bored
  2. I got so................... waiting for you to arrive. a) boring b) bored
  3. John is the most .................. man I've ever met. a) boring b) bored
  4. Don't look so................... ! a) surprising b) surprised
  5. Mother looks very..................... a) worrying b) worried
  6. The rise in crime is very ..................... a) worrying b) worried
  7. Don't you find shopping....................? a) tiring b) tired
  8. Don't you find John rather ...................? a) tiring b) tired



5 Supply the best words.


  1. She entertained us with a lot of ...................stories. a) amusing b) amused
  2. I can't think of the................... word to describe him. a) just b) exact
  3. My granny cooks a really................... meat pie. a) tasty b) tasteful
  4. Please be ...................to the customers. a) polite b) gentle
  5. You have to be ...................to survive the army. a) hard b) tough
  6. You'll get on well with her. She's really..................... a) sympathetic b) likeable
  7. He got a medal for being so..................... a) brave b) nice
  8. Michiyo is really .................. about fresh food. a) difficult b) fussy
  9. Have you ever taught really...................children? a) lively b) vital
  10. Long skirts are the...................fashion. a) newest b) latest
  11. They've no money. They're terribly..................... a) poor b) miserable
  12. He's not very clever; in fact, he's a bit .................... a) dull b) dim
  13. The hours are long and the food is ...................... a) bad b) evil
  14. She's very...................with her money. a) large b) generous
  15. I think it was ...................decision. a) a fair b) an exact
  16. Tina is a very................... woman. a) pretty b) tasty
  17. They had a very................... life together. a) glad b) happy
  18. I'm really...................with your results. a) content b) pleased



6 Fill the gaps with an adjective from the box. Use each word once only.


selfish bad-tempered tough crafty sensitive sensible strict trustworthy dull shy mean reliable stubborn silly nice cheerful sympathetic clumsy loyal gentle


1. Janet is incredibly________. She always arrives on time and does her job well.

2. It’s impossible to say anything to his grandmother. One word and she starts crying. She is so_________.

3. I wonder why he is so _______. He’s got lots of money but he hates spending it.

4. When she was a child, her parents were incredibly ______. Whenever she did the smallest thing wrong they would send her to bed.

5. Ann is such a __________ girl. She is always laughing and smiling.

6. You can’t go on a country walk wearing high heels. Do be __________ for once.

7. I’ll give you a lift home if you are __________ to me.

8. She was so _____________. When I told her my problems, I immediately felt better.

9. In westerns the hero is always __________. He always beats his enemies and can put up with any hardship.

10. That’s the second plate you’ve broken this week. Why do you have to be so _______?

11. I think he is an extremely ___ boy. He laughs at stupid things and never concentrates in class.

12. Children are often really ________. They hide behind their mothers when guests come.

13. Don’t be ________, Cathy. You’ve got to learn to share things with other children.

14. She is 100% __________. I’d leave my money, car, anything, for her to look after.

15. When I broke my leg, the nurse was so _______ that she hardly hurt me at all.

16. Why do you get angry all the time? You are so _________.

17. Bob is my best friend. He remained ________ through all my problems.

18. He is such a ________ person with his boring little job and his boring little wife.

19. He is terribly ________. Once he has made up his mind, it is impossible to change it even if it’s obvious that he’s wrong.

20. The general was really ________. Just when the enemy thought they had won the battle, he played his best card.




1. The statements were made by three different people. Choose adjectives from the list below which best describe each of the three characters. Discuss your answers in groups.


First character:

  1. I was never very good at school but I always tried to do my best.
  2. I was nervous that I made lots of mistakes in my first job.
  3. I always make an effort to be nice to people.
  4. I find it difficult to make friends.


Second character:

  1. I rarely did homework when I was at school.
  2. I should make more effort to get a job but I’m not bothered about a career.
  3. I can’t stand people who make a fuss about punctuality.
  4. I prefer to let other people make decisions.


Third character:

  1. I did very well at school and I always knew I would be successful.
  2. I can’t afford to make mistakes in my job, and I never make excuses if I do.
  3. If you want to be successful, you’re bound to make enemies.
  4. I believe in speaking my mind. It doesn’t do any good hiding tour feelings.


lazy shy self-confident arrogant vague dynamic modest ambitious weak ruthless easy-going frank boring practical selfish honest unreliable



2. Now think about your own character and personality. Make statements about yourself and let your group mates choose adjectives from the list which best describe you.



Text 3



1) Think of someone you met recently who was in a particular mood and then nearly or completely lost their temper. What signs did they give of their mood or temper?

2) Say how people think they felt when they:


a) got their exam results

b) heard the news of an earthquake

c) found out that they were going to be an aunt or uncle

d) heard terrible laughter coming from the loft of their house in the middle of the night

e) discovered that their friend had taken their car without asking and crashed it into a lorry

f) found a note saying that their partner had gone off with another man/woman

g) answered the door to find a man telling them that they had won a lottery


Choose one of the situations and make a conversation in which the person rings up their best friend to tell them about it. You might use the following idioms:



It got me down. -to make someone feel unhappy and tired

It took me completely by surprise. -to happen unexpectedly

I was bowled over. -to surprise, please, or excite someone very much

I was caught off balance. -to surprise

I'm really over the moon about this. -to be very happy about something




Read this description of a famous 18th century British writer, who was one of the first to write about women’s rights.



A harsh and unhappy childhood, dominated by an unstable and drunken father whom she never respected, gave Mary Wollstonecraft an unusual sense of her own independence and reliance on her own judgment; and a corresponding lack of respect for all kinds of male authority that she did not feel had been genuinely earned , whether in life or in literature. At the same time this passionate, ebullient and frequently opinionated woman was given to terrible swings of mood, from hectic, noisy enthusiasm to almost suicidal depression and a sense of futility and loneliness.

(Richard Holmes Footsteps)

Comprehension check


1) What kind of person was she?

2) List the words and phrases in the text that describe Mary Wollstonecraft. Which of these words and phrases imply that the author approves of her character, and which may indicate weaknesses?

3) Would you have admired her if you had met her? Why? Why not?



Vocabulary Tasks


1 Complete the table finding nouns corresponding to the adjectives and adjectives corresponding to the nouns.


Adjective Noun Adjective Noun
moody     carefree  
emotional     warm-hearted  
  despair     vivacity
likeable       liveliness
prejudiced     anxious  
  affection     enthusiasm
passionate     independent  
  charm     instability
optimistic     domineering  
  pessimism   lonely  



2 Put the correct form of the adjective in these sentences.


a) The paintings were very gruesome. I was (appall) _________

b) This play is extremely (upset) __________ I don't want to go on watching it.

c) He makes me feel very (inhibit) ____.I don't feel able to express my feelings when he's around.

d) The sight of an audience of 2,000 people as you get up to speak is very (intimidate) ________



3Put the listed words in the column which you think is most appropriate.


anguished astounded depressed glad miserable thrilled anxious bored dismayed heartbroken nervous upset appalled concerned   ecstatic horrified pleased apprehensive cross frightened irritated   scared astonished delighted furious livid terrified    


Happy Unhappy Worried Angry Afraid Shocked  



4 Re-write these sentences using exactly the word given.


a) I cannot believe the news you have just given me. astonishing

b) She felt her anger increasing with every word he uttered. irritated

c) When I burst the balloon the poor child leapt nearly three feet into the air. frightening

d) I can't help being very worried about the future. anxiety

e) The puppet show made the children very happy. delighted

f) I think about you all the time and then I feel unhappy. worry

g) I am utterly shocked by his rude behaviour. appalls

h) My heart is full of joy at your arrival. gladdens


5 Which of the following phrases go with mood, which phrases go with temper, and which phrases go with both? Tick the boxes.


  Mood Temper
to be in a good    
to be in a bad    
to be in an excellent    
to be in a foul    
to keep your    
to lose your    


6 Complete the passage with appropriate words from the box.


lonely sociable/charming enthusiasm independent charm prejudices anxious optimism enthusiastic/carefree/vivacious



My uncle Desmond is the kind of person everyone likes. In fact, he’s so (a) _______ that neighbors and friends visit him constantly. Luckily, he enjoys other people’s company.

Almost everyone finds Desmond charming, and as far as I can say his (b) _______ lies in the fact that he always takes a positive view of life. In fact, many people find his (c) ________ infectious. I’ve seen people who are really (d) ________ suddenly forget all their terrible worries and become full of life. Last week one woman became so (e) _________ that she started dancing on the table, which amused Desmond.

Another thing I like about Desmond is that he is very broad-minded about everything from religion through food to nationality. I have really met anyone with so few (f) ________ and so much (g) ________ for life.

Not surprisingly, although Desmond lives alone, he always has company, so he never feels (h) ________. On the other hand, he doesn’t seem to need the help of anyone, in spite of being 80, and lives a very (i) _________ life.



7 Supply the best word.


1. People who are generally too concerned with their own thoughts to notice what is happening round them can be described as _____________

a) abstracted b) absent-minded c) distracted


2. A person whom other people admire has ____________

a) great fame b) an excellent reputation c) good rumour


3. A person who works seriously and with care ___________

a) is conscious b) is conscientious c) has conscience


4. A person who is not distinguished in any way is ___________

a) vulgar b) common c) ordinary


5. A person who reads and thinks a lot is ___________

a) intellectual b) spiritual c) witty


6. A person who is easily annoyed or often in a bad mood is ____________

a) nervous b) tense c) irritable


7. People who apply themselves seriously to their work are _____________

a) hardworking b) laborious


8. People who are full of life have a lot of ____________

a) liveliness b) temperament


9. People who have had a lot of practice at doing something are ____________

a) practical b) practicable c) practised


10. A person who is not very nice or friendly is ____________

a) disagreeable b) unsympathetic


11. A person who has good sense of judgment is ____________

a) sensible b) sensitive c)conscious


12. We can describe someone who is fond of sport as ____________

a) sporting b) sportive c) sporty


13. Beethhoven was _____________

a) a genie b) a genius c) genial


14. A sensitive person is one who ___________

a) is very aware of other people’s feelings b) has good sense and judgement


15. You are a reasonable person, so you are ____________

a) logical b) just and fair


16. You’re easily moved, so you ____________

a) like to go from place to place b) are emotional


17. You’re a mature person, so you are _____________

a) grown up b) ripe


18. You’re capable of affection, so you ___________

a) like to impress others b) have feeling of love for people


19. You don’t like people who are vulgar because ___________

a) they behave badly b) they are ordinary


20. You have a genial nature, so you are ______________

a) very talented b) cheerful and friendly



8 Use the word in capitals in brackets to form a word that fits in the space.


How easy is it to understand another person’s character? My friend Jack, was once a rather (1 ANNOY) __________ person. He was always getting into trouble at school because he was so (2 OBEY) ___________. In class he was very (3 TALK) __________ and never stopped making jokes. The teachers all told him he was (4 POLITE) __________ because he interrupted them. When I met him he was very (5 FRIEND) __________ and didn’t want to talk to me at all. People told me that he stole things, and that he was (6 HONEST) ____________. His school work was terrible. He didn’t take any (7 PROUD) __________ in his writing, he never spent enough time doing his homework, and he was not at all (8 CONSCIENCE) ______________.

One day he saw a gang of boys attacking an old man. Jack hated (9 VIOLENT) ____________ and he fought them all until they ran away. He was awarded a medal for (10 BRAVE) __________. After that, people changed their minds about him.




Make up a dialogue about someone in your family or one of your friends using words from the above tasks and the following phrases:


What is somebody like? (he) gives that impression

be the centre of attention not as (shy) as he seems

be the (quiet) type have a tendency to (be aggressive)

(I) can’t bear take after someone

have an (arrogant) streak be well-known for (his bad temper)

lack confidence take life as it comes

lack of respect (for) there’s something (quite distinguished) about (him)

make up (my) mind there’s a touch of the (aristocratic) about (him)

to be in good/bad mood to keep/lose one’s temper



Text 4


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