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Terminology Vocabulary


1) Aorta / ascending aorta / descending aorta / aortic - [ei’o:t∂] / [∂’sendiŋ ei’o:t∂] / [di’sendiŋ ei’o:t∂] / [ei’o:tik] – àîðòà / âîñõîäÿùàÿ àîðòà / íèñõîäÿùàÿ àîðòà / àîðòàëüíûé

2) Arch - [a:t∫] - 1) äóãà 2) èçãèáàòüñÿ, îáðàçîâûâàòü äóãó

3) Artery / arterial / arteriole - [‘a:t∂ri] / [a:’ti(∂)ri∂l] / [a:,ti(∂)ri∂l] – àðòåðèÿ / àðòåðèàëüíûé / àðòåðèîëà

4) Atrium (pl. atria) / atrial - [‘eitri∂m] [‘eitri∂] [‘eitri∂l] – ïðåäñåðäèå / ïðåäñåðäíûé

5) Atrioventricular - [,eitri∂uven’trikju:l∂] –ïðåäñåðäíîæåëóäî÷êîâûé, àòðèîâåíòðèêóëÿðíûé

6) Autonomic - [o:t∂’n∂mik] – àâòîíîìíûé

7) Blood / bloodstream / blood vessel - [blΛd] / [,blΛd’stri:m] / [blΛd ‘ves(∂)l] – êðîâü / êðîâîòîê / êðîâåíîñíûé ñîñóä

8) Brachiocephalic - [,bræki∂usi’fælik] - ïëå÷åãîëîâíîé

9) Branch - [bra:nt∫] – 1) âåòâü; 2) âåòâèòüñÿ, îòâåòâëÿòüñÿ

10) Bundle of His - [‘bΛndl ∂v hiz] – ïó÷îê Ãèñà

11) Capillary - [k∂’pil∂ri] – êàïèëëÿð

12) Celiac - [‘sili∂k] – ÷ðåâíûé

13) Chamber - [‘t∫eimb∂] – êàìåðà

14) Circuit / circulate / circulation] / circulatory - [‘sç:kit] / [‘sç:kjuleit] / [,sç:kju’lei∫(∂)n] / [‘sç:kjulet(∂)ri] - êðóã / öèðêóëèðîâàòü / öèðêóëÿöèÿ, êðîâîîáðàùåíèå / öèðêóëÿòîðíûé

15) Contract / contraction - [k∂n’trækt] [k∂n’træk∫(∂)n] – ñîêðàùàòüñÿ / ñîêðàùåíèå

16) Cusp - [kΛsp] – ñòâîðêà

17) Diastole - [dai’æst∂li] – äèàñòîëà

18) Endocardium - [,end∂(u)’ka:di∂m] – ýíäîêàðä

19) Epicardium - [,epi’ka:di∂m] – ýïèêàðä

20) Esophageal - [iso’feidçi∂l] - ïèùåâîäíûé

21) Flow / backflow - [fl∂u] / [‘bækfl∂u] – 1) òå÷ü, ïðîòåêàòü 2) òîê, ïîòîê / îáðàòíûé òîê

22) Heart / heartbeat - [ha:t] / [‘ha:tbi:t] – ñåðäöå / ñåðäöåáèåíèå

23) Iliac - [‘iliæk] - ïîäâçäîøíûé

24) Initiate - [i’ni∫ieit] – âîçáóæäàòü, èíèöèèðîâàòü

25) Interatrial - [,int∂‘eitri∂l] – ìåæïðåäñåðäíûé, èíòåðàòðèàëüíûé

26) Intercostal - [,int∂’kostl] - ìåæðåáåðíûé

27) Interventricular - [,int∂ven’trikju:l∂] – ìåææåëóäî÷êîâûé, èíòåðâåíòðèêóëÿðíûé

28) Layer - [‘lei∂] – ñëîé

29) Line - [lain] – âûñòèëàòü, ïîêðûâàòü

30) Lung - [lΛŋ] - ë¸ãêîå

31) Mitral valve - [‘maitr∂l vælv] – ìèòðàëüíûé êëàïàí

32) Myocardium - [mai∂u’ka:di∂m] – ìèîêàðä

33) Node - [n∂ud] – óçåë

34) Nutrient - [‘nju:tri∂nt] – ïèòàòåëüíîå âåùåñòâî, íóòðèåíò

35) Originate - [∂’ridçineit] – âîçíèêàòü, ïîÿâëÿòüñÿ

36) Oxygen / oxygenate / oxygenated / deoxygenated - [‘oksidç(∂)n] / [ok’sidç(∂)neit] / [ok’sidç(∂)neitid] / [di:ok’sidç(∂)neitid] - êèñëîðîä / íàñûùàòü êèñëîðîäîì / íàñûùåííûé êèñëîðîäîì, îêñèãåíèðîâàííûé / ëèøåííûé êèñëîðîäà, äåîêñèãåíèðîâàííûé

37) Pace-maker - [‘peis,meik∂] – âîäèòåëü ðèòìà, ïåéñìåéêåð

38) Pericardium - [,peri’ka:di∂m] – ïåðèêàðä

39) Portion - [‘po:∫( ∂)n] – îòäåë, ÷àñòü

40) Pulmonary / pulmonary circulation - [‘pΛlm∂n(∂)ri] / [‘pΛlm∂n(∂)ri ,sç:kju’lei∫(∂)n] – ë¸ãî÷íûé / ìàëûé êðóã êðîâîîáðàùåíèÿ

41) Pump / pump out - [pΛmp] / [pΛmp aut] - 1) íàñîñ, 2) êà÷àòü, íàêà÷èâàòü / âûêà÷èâàòü

42) Region - [‘ri:dç(∂)n] – îáëàñòü

43) Relax / relaxation - [ri’læks] / [,ri:læk’sei∫( ∂)n] – ðàññëàáëÿòüñÿ / ðàññëàáëåíèå

44) Renal - [‘ri:nl] - ïî÷å÷íûé

45) Sinoatrial - [‘sain∂‘eitri∂l] – ïàçóõîïðåäñåðäíûé, ñèíîàòðèàëüíûé

46) Septum (pl. septa) - [‘sept∂m] [‘sept∂] – ïåðåãîðîäêà

47) Sympathetic / parasympathetic - [simp∂’θetik] / [,pær∂simp∂’θetik]– ñèìïàòè÷åñêèé / ïàðàñèìïàòè÷åñêèé

48) Systemic circulation - [sis’t∂mik ,sç:kju’lei∫(∂)n] – áîëüøîé êðóã êðîâîîáðàùåíèÿ

49) Systole - [‘sist∂li] – ñèñòîëà

50) Valve / tricuspid valve – [vælv] / [trai’kΛspid vælv] - êëàïàí, çàñëîíêà / òð¸õñòâîð÷àòûé êëàïàí

51) Vein / venule - [vein] [‘venju:l] - âåíà / âåíóëà

52) Vena cava (pl. venae cavae) - [‘vi:n∂ ‘keiv∂] [‘vi:ni: ‘keivi:] – ïîëàÿ âåíà

53) Ventricle / ventricular - [‘ventrikl] / [ven’trikju:l∂] – æåëóäî÷åê / æåëóäî÷êîâûé

54) Waste products - [weist ‘prodΛkts] - îòõîäû, ïðîäóêòû ðàñïàäà

55) Wave - [weiv] - âîëíà


Questions. Unit A


1. What are the three major types of blood vessels in the body?

2. What blood vessels lead blood away from the heart?

3. What tissue composes the arterial wall?

4. Why are arterial walls so strong and elastic?

5. What blood vessels are called arterioles?

6. What blood vessels do arterioles carry blood to?

7. How are the tiniest blood vessels called?

8. How thick are capillaries?

9. What kind of blood do capillaries carry to the body cells?

10.What blood vessels carry nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood from the arteries and arterioles to the body cells?

11. Where to do nutrients and oxygen pass from the capillary bloodstream?

12. Why is the passage of substances from the bloodstream into the tissue fluid and vice versa possible?

13. What substances pass out of the cells into the capillaries?

14. Where to does waste-filled blood flow from the capillaries?

15. What blood vessels are called venules?

16. What blood vessels conduct waste-filled blood toward the heart from the tissues?

17. What blood vessels are called veins?

18. What blood vessels are thinner-walled, veins or arteries?

19. What differs the walls of arteries from those of the veins?

20. In what blood vessels is the blood pressure higher?

21. What regulates the movement of blood in veins?

22. What is the main function of the venous valves?

23. What forms the circulatory system?

24. What for does the circulatory system serve?

25. What blood vessels carry deoxygenated blood to the heart?

26. What side of the heart does deoxygenated blood enter?

27.What is the only artery carrying deoxygenated blood?

1. Where do the branches of the pulmonary artery lead to?

2. When does blood absorb oxygen?

3. What is the only vein carrying oxygenated blood?

4. What are the two circulations in a human body?

5. What is included into the pulmonary circulation?

6. What is the systemic circulation composed of?

7. How is the process of combining oxygen with nutritional substances in a cell called?

8. What is released as the result of oxidation?

9. What does energy released in oxidation serve for?

10. Into what structures do arteries (veins) branch?

11. What side of the heart pumps blood rich in oxygen?

12. What side of the heart pumps blood rich in carbon dioxide?

40. Through what blood vessel does the newly oxygenated blood return to the heart?

41. What artery in the body is considered to be the largest one?

42. What is known as ascending aorta?

43. What is known as descending aorta?

44. What does the aorta branch into?

45. What are the waste products of the combination of food with oxygen in the body cell?

46. What is characteristic of arterial wall structure?

47. What tissue composes the venous wall?

48. How is the blood vessel system arranged?

49. What does the word “capillary” mean in Latin?

50. Why veins cannot withstand high blood pressure?

51. Where is the heart located?

52. How many chambers does the heart consist of?

53. What are the chambers of the heart?

54.What kind of pump is the heart?

55. With what mechanism can the human heart be compared?

56. What blood vessels bring deoxygenated blood to the right atrium?

57.Where is the tricuspid valve located?

58.What is the main function of the tricuspid valve?

59.What do the cusps of the tricuspid valve form?

60.Does the tricuspid valve stay shut during the contraction of the right ventricle?

61.Where is the mitral valve located?

62.What is the main function of the mitral valve?

63.Which of the heart chambers has the thickest walls?

64.Why does the left ventricle have the thickest walls?

65.Trough what valve is the blood forced from the left ventricle into the aorta?

66.What is the main function of the aortic valve?

67.What are the four chambers of the heart separated by?

68.What are septa?

69.What is the main function of the interatrial septum?

70. What is the main function of the interventricular septum?

71.What layers is the heart wall composed of?

72.What is endocardium?

73. What tissue are the valves of the heart formed by?

74.What is myocardium?

75.What is the thickest layer of the heart wall?

76.What is epicardium?

77.What is pericardium?

78. What is pericardium attached to?

79. What are the phases of the heartbeat?

80.What is diastole?

81. What is systole?

82.When does systole begin?

83.What is shorter, systole or diastole?

84.Where does the electrical impulse initiating the heartbeat originate?

85.Where is the sinoatrial node located?

86.What is called the pace-maker of the heart?

87.Where to does the wave of electricity pass from the pace-maker?

88.Where is the atrioventricular node located?

89.What is the main function of the atrioventricular node?

90.Where does the atrioventricular node pass the excitation wave to?

91.What is bundle of His?

92.What does the electrical wave coming from the bundle of His stimulate?

93.Where does the electrical wave from the bundle of His pass to?

94.What part of the nervous system can the heartbeat be regulated by?

95.What nerves can carry impulses to regulate the heartbeat?



Questions. Unit B (Something to Think about)


1. What causes the red color of blood? (Key-Words: hemoglobin)

2. What is hemoglobin? What is its function?

3. What are blood types? Why is it important to know what your blood type is? (Key-Words: A, B, AB, O, to transfer blood safely, to mix, the blood cells in the donated blood, to clump together)

4. What is the Rh factor? What blood is called Rh-positive / Rh-negative? (Key-Words: substance in red blood cells)

5. What is lymph? What is its role? (Key-Words: clear and liquid part of the blood, to carry everything that the cells need, to carry away wastes from the cells)

6. What are lymph nodes? Where are they found? What are their functions? (Key-Words: small structures along the lymph vessels, to form some white blood cells, to kill off disease organisms)

7. What sound is known as heart murmur? Why does it need medical attention? ( Key-Words: the sound of closing valves, not to close completely, to tell the doctor that the heart disease is present)

8. What is pulse? What is pulse rate? (Key-Words: heartbeat, a wave of blood, to start out from the heart, to move through the arteries, the number of times the heart beats each minute)

9. What does the normal pulse rate average about in males and females? (Key-Words: 80 beats per minute in women, 72 beats per minute in men)

10. What may lower and increase the pulse rate?

11. What is the origin of the word “capillary”? (Key-Words: the Latin word “capillus”, “a hair”)

12.What are precapillary sphincters? What do they regulate?

13.What is serum of the blood?

14. Are all parts of the body vascular?


Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1597

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