Q: What do you expect the future Cultural Conservatives intend to do with the ”cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites” if they manage to seize power?
A: This really depends on the circumstances, how far it will go before the sitting regime rejects multiculturalism and real changes are made, or how many native Europeans will be killed in the process. They have until 2020 to capitulate to cultural conservative forces. However, I am not naive enough to expect a surrender. It is a formality in our 100 year struggle. If the expected scenario transpires (they refuse to surrender and reject all our demands) I would assume that all category A and B traitors will be executed and their property expropriated. Category C traitors (up to 10 000 per million) will receive a fitting punishment depending on their crime. It may vary from imprisonment to expropriation of property or losing the right to work in certain positions or professions.
Obviously, many of us reading this will not be alive in phase 3 (2070-2090). Many unforeseeable factors might occur which is impossible to predict so our guidelines are exactly that, guidelines.
Q: Why do we lack credible unbiased analysis of the current right wing?
A: First of all, it is not possible to discuss the ”far right wing” objectively if you chose to follow modern politically correct narratives. This is the main reason why there aren’t any meaningful debates about this important topic. The only ”politically correct” approach to current far right wing movements is to label them all as ”evil fascists, racists, Nazis, bigots” and move on. Anyone who tries to scratch the surface and analyse these ideologies further become suspects themselves and might even be labelled as bigots. Racism is considered the ”arch sin” in our societies so everyone avoids any analysis around this topic due to the fear that stigma is attached. As we all know; if you are labelled as a racist even once you are as good as dead, from a political viewpoint at least. This is unfortunately the reason why there are no constructive debates on this important topic. In order to fully analyse the right wing you need to completely detach yourself from the politically correct narrative and approach the topic objectively and pragmatically.
I hesitated to include this analysis, mainly because I instinctively dislike writing about anything related to race, ethnicity and Jew hate. I was brought up that way and I still suffer many effects of two decades of multiculturalist indoctrination. Also, I am against the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist alliance and an Islamic presence in Europe, so writing about skin colour would only be counter-productive. However, we can’t really ignore NS if we are to make a completely honest evaluation. Western nations can never mount a defence against the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist alliance and Islamic demographic warfare unless we manage to convert the NS over to a more sensible and appealing ideology. The objective is that all their supporters join our cause. This is why it’s important to argue against the NS ideology instead of ignoring them.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 827