PCCTS, Knights Templar ranks - insignias
A Justiciar Knight Commander wears epaulettes (shoulder boards) with a gold cross on red background and a gold aiguillette. The use of an aiguillette is reserved for officers only (commander and grand master).
A Justiciar Knight Operative wears epaulettes with a gold cross on purple background.
Justiciar Knight Operative:
Justiciar Knight Commander:
National Grand Master Knight Commander:
Future rank – P1/P2/P3
Pan-European Grand Master Knight Commander:
Future rank – P2/P3
Note: apprehended individual(s) may gain a tactical advantage during an investigation or during a trial using incorrect rank distinction. An apprehended Justiciar Knight may therefore pose as a commander or vice verca to confuse and fool the system protectors (police) if somehow desired.
The dress uniform of the PCCTS, Knights Templar consists of the following parts:
· A stripped USMC dress blues jacket – dark blue/black (remove buttons and other insignias as we will apply our own)
· Dark blue/black dress pants
· Black dress shoes
· White gloves (preferably leather)
· A USMC version Sam Browne belt (black)
· Gold aiguillette, British officer version (worn on the left side, opposite side of decorations), for officers only
Decorations/specific PCCTS, Knights Templar insignias:
· Knights Templar Commander Epaulettes (shoulder boards) – gold cross on red background (commander), gold cross on purple background (operative)
· Badge of the Justiciar Knight (cross of the martyrs impaling a skull) worn on your right upper arm
· Your national flag, worn on your left upper arm (your family coat of arms may be applied below the flag)
· 2 x red Knights Templar collar crosses
· Knights Templar gold buttons - IHSV with a cross, 6 large, 12 small
· Ribbons on rack, worn on the right side of your chest (slightly above your heart)
· The “Justiciar Knight Military Order breast jewel”, Knight of Malta breast jewel and the “Red Cross of Constantine breast jewel” are worn just bellow your ribbon rack
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 718