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Target countries with operational reactors





Construction on the Zwentendorf Nuclear plant finished in 1978, however a referendum was passed that did not allow startup. Nuclear power is illegal.




Power station reactors



· Nuclear Plant Doel - 4x PWR reactors, total power of 2839 MWe

· Nuclear Plant Tihange - 3x PWR reactors, total power of 2985 MWe



The Doel Nuclear Power Station is one of the two nuclear power plants in Belgium. The plant lies on the bank of the Scheldt, near the village of Doel in the Flemish province of East Flanders. The Belgian energy corporation Electrabel is the plant's largest stakeholder. The plant employs 800 workers and covers an area of 80 hectares.


The plant consists of four second-generation pressurised water reactors with a total capacity of 2839 MWe, making it the second largest nuclear power plant in Belgium, after Nuclear Plant Tihange. Its four units are rated as follows:



· Doel 1 : 392 MWe

· Doel 2 : 433 MWe

· Doel 3 : 1006 MWe

· Doel 4 : 1008 MWe



The Tihange Nuclear Power Station, along with Doel Nuclear Power Station, is one of the two large-scale nuclear power plants in Belgium. It is located on the right bank of the Meuse River in the Belgian deelgemeente of Tihange, part of Huy municipality in the Walloonian province of Liège. The primary stakeholder in the plant is the Belgian energy company Electrabel.


The plant has three pressurised water reactors, with a total capacity of 2985 MWe and makes up 52% of the total Belgian nuclear generating capacity.[1] Its units are rated as follows:



· Tihange 1: 962 MWe

· Tihange 2: 1008 MWe

· Tihange 3: 1015 MWe



Research Reactors



· Mol (BR-1) - Research reactor

· Mol (BR-2) - Research reactor

· Mol (BR-3) - PWR reactor (shut down)




Research Reactors



· Risø - DR-3 DIDO class experimental reactor (shut down permanently in 2000)

· Risø - DR-2 experimental reactor (shut down in 1975)

· Risø - DR-1 experimental reactor (shut down permanently in 2001)




Power station reactors


· Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant – 2 × 488 MWe - VVER reactors

· Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant - 2 × 860 MWe - BWR reactors, under construction: 1 × 1650 MWe - EPR (expected in 2012)


Research reactor:


· Espoo - TRIGA Mark II, State Institute for Technical Research (installed 1962)


Total 4 currently operating commercial reactors, further one under construction: the first European Pressurised Reactor facility at Olkiluoto,




Power station reactors


· Belleville Nuclear Power Plant - 2 1310 MWe PWR reactors

· Blayais Nuclear Power Plant - 4 910 MWe PWR reactors

· Bugey Nuclear Power Plant - 4 PWR reactors: 2 at 910 MWe, 2 at 880 MWe

· Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant - 4 1300 MWe PWR reactors

· Chinon Nuclear Power Plant - 4 905 MWe PWR reactors

· Chooz Nuclear Power Plant - 2 1500 MWe PWR reactors

· Civaux Nuclear Power Plant - 2 1495 MWe PWR reactors

· Cruas Nuclear Power Plant - 4 reactors: 2 at 880 MWe, 2 at 915 MWe

· Dampierre Nuclear Power Plant - 4 890 MWe PWR reactors

· Fessenheim Nuclear Power Plant - 2 880 MWe PWR reactors - oldest operating commercial PWR reactors in France

· Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant - 2 1330 MWe PWR reactors

· Golfech Nuclear Power Plant - 2 1310 MWe PWR reactors

· Gravelines Nuclear Power Plant - 6 910 MWe PWR reactors

· Nogent Nuclear Power Plant - 2 1310 MWe PWR reactors

· Paluel Nuclear Power Plant - 4 1330 MWe PWR reactors

· Penly Nuclear Power Plant - 2 1330 MWe PWR reactors

· Phénix Nuclear Power Plant - 1 233 MWe FBR reactor

· Saint-Alban Nuclear Power Plant - 2 1335 MWe PWR reactors

· Saint-Laurent Nuclear Power Plant - 2 PWR reactors: 1 at 880 MWe, 1 at 915 MWe

· Tricastin Nuclear Power Center - 4 915 MWe PWR reactors


Under construction - 1 total


· Flamanville - 1 1630 MWe PWR reactor - EDF is building the second EPR reactor there.


Under planning - 1 total


· Penly - 1 1630 MWe PWR reactor - EDF is planning a EPR reactor there.


Decommissioned Power Reactors - 12 total


· Bugey - 1 540 MWe GCR reactor

· Chinon - 3 GCR reactors

· Chooz-A - 1 310 MWe PWR reactor - reactor managed by SENA (Société d'énergie nucléaire franco-belge des Ardennes).

· Marcoule - 3 38 MWe GCR reactors

· Brennilis - 1 70 MWe reactor - EL-49, heavy water reactor, only one of its kind in France, in Brittany

· Saint Laurent des Eaux - 2 GCR reactors

· Superphénix, Creys-Malville - 1 1200 MWe FBR reactor




· Le Carnet

· Plogoff

· Thermos, a 50-100 MW reactor for the urban heating of Grenoble


Research reactors


· Institut Laue-Langevin, currently the world's most intense reactor source of neutrons for science

· Rhapsodie

· Zoe, first French reactor (1948)




Power station reactors


· Biblis Nuclear Power Plant - Biblis-A and Biblis-B

· Brokdorf Nuclear Power Plant

· Brunsbüttel Nuclear Power Plant

· Emsland Nuclear Power Plant

· Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant

· Grohnde Nuclear Power Plant

· Gundremmingen Nuclear Power Plant - Gundremmingen-B and Grundremmingen-C, A is defunct

· Nuclear Power Plant Landshut Isar I + Isar II

· Krümmel Nuclear Power Plant

· Neckarwestheim Nuclear Power Plant

· Philippsburg Nuclear Power Plant Block A and Block B

· Unterweser Nuclear Power Plant


Research Reactors


· BER II (Berliner-Experimentier-Reaktor II, Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin; rating: 10 MW, commissioned 1990)

· FRG-1 (GKSS Research Center Geesthacht; rating: 5 MW, commissioned 1958)

· FRM II (Technische Universität München; Leistung: 20 MW, commissioned 2004)

· FRMZ (TRIGA of the University of Mainz, institute of nuclear chemistry; continuous rating: 0.10 MW, pulse rating for 30ms: 250 MW; commissioned 1965)


Shut Down


· Research nuclear plants in Jülich and Karlsruhe

· Greifswald Nuclear Power Plant located in the former GDR. Shut down in 1990 (Greifswald-1 to Greifswald-4, and the unfinished Greifswald-5 reactor),Type: WWER-440

· Gundremmingen-A (shut down 1977)

· Hamm-Uentrop,THTR 300, shut down in 1988

· Lingen, shut down in 1977

· Mülheim-Kärlich Nuclear Power Plant, completed, operated briefly and then shut down in 1988 because of potential hazards

· Niederaichbach, shut down in 1974

· Obrigheim, shut down in May 2005

· Rheinsberg, shut down in 1990, Type: WWER-70

· Stade, shut down in 2003

· Würgassen, shut down in 1994

· Kalkar, never finished

· Wyhl, famous planned nuclear plant that was never built because of long-time resistance by the local population and environmentalists.

· Kahl Nuclear Power Plant




GRR-1 - 5 MW research reactor at Demokritos National Centre for Scientific Research, Athens. The reactor was upgraded a few years ago to 10 MW.




Phased out nuclear power after Chernobyl; no reactors operating right now, but considering 10 new reactors


Power station reactors (phased out)


· Garigliano - BWR, 1 unit of 150 MWe, 1964-1982.

· Latina - Magnox, 1 unit of 160 MWe, 1963-1987.

· Caorso - BWR shut down following Italian referendum on nuclear power.

· Trino Vercellese - shut down following Italian referendum on nuclear power.

· Alto Lazio - 1964-1982.


Research reactors


· Pavia - TRIGA Mark II, University of Pavia Mark II (installed 1965)

· Rome - TRIGA Mark II, ENEA Casaccia Research Center (installed 1960)



Power station reactors


· Borssele nuclear power plant - 481 MWe PWR

· Dodewaard nuclear power plant - 58 MWe BWR (shut down 1997)


Research reactors


· Delft, Reactor Institute Delft, part of the Delft University of Technology

· Petten nuclear reactor in Petten

· Biologische Agrarische Reactor Nederland, part of the Wageningen University, shutdown in 1980

· Athena, at the Eindhoven University of Technology, shut down

· Kema Suspensie Test Reactor, test reactor at KEMA, Arnhem, disassembled




Research reactors


· Kjeller reactors

o NORA (activated 1961, shut down 1967)

o JEEP I (activated 1951, shut down 1967)

o JEEP II (activated 1966)


· Halden reactor

o HBWR - Halden boiling water reactor (activated 1959)





· Portuguese Research Reactor - 1 MWt pool type, Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear




Power station reactors


· Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant

o Almaraz-1 - 1032 MWe

o Almaraz-2 - 1027 MWe


· Ascó Nuclear Power Plant

o Ascó-1 - 930 MWe

o Ascó-2 - 930 MWe


· Central nuclear José Cabrera (Zorita) (shut down 04-30-2006)

· Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant - 994 MWe

· Santa María de Garoña Nuclear Power Plant - 460 MWe

· Trillo Nuclear Power Plant - 1.066 MWe

· Vandellòs Nuclear Power Plant Tarragona

o Vandellòs-1 UNGG (shut down after fire, 1989)

o Vandellòs-2 - 1080 MWe PWR


Research reactors


· Argos 10 kW Argonaut reactor - Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona (shut down 1992)

· CORAL-I reactor




Power station reactors


· Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant (operational)

· Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant (operational)

· Oskarshamn Nuclear Power Plant (operational)

· Barsebäck Nuclear Power Plant (shut down)


Power station reactors


Power Station Type Net MWe Est closure
  Barsebäck 1   BWR     Shut down
Barsebäck 2 BWR Shut down
Forsmark 1 BWR Operational
Forsmark 2 BWR Operational
Forsmark 3 BWR Operational
Oskarshamn 1 BWR Operational
Oskarshamn 2 BWR Operational
Oskarshamn 3 BWR Operational
Ringhals 1 BWR Operational
Ringhals 2 BWR Operational
Ringhals 3 BWR Operational
Ringhals 4 BWR Operational


Research reactors


R1, KTH, Stockholm – Research - 1 MW - 1954–1970 - dismantled

R2, Studsvik - Research - 50 MW - 1960–2005 - shut down

R2-0, Studsvik – Research - 1 MW - 1960–2005 - shut down

Ågestaverket (R3), Farsta, Sthl - Heating - 80 MW - 1963–1973 - shut down

Marviken (R4), Marviken, Norrköping Research, abandoned in 1970

FR-0, Studsvik, Research, zero-power fast reactor low - 1964–1971 - dismantled


Sweden has ten commercial reactors at three different locations (Forsmark, Ringhals and Oskarshamn). There are no longer any plans to phase out nuclear power in Sweden. The current centre-right government wants to make it possible to replace the current rectors in the future. If the leftwing parties win the elections in September 2010, it will however not accept new reactors replacing the current ones, but the reactors will not shut down either.


The ten reactors produce about 45% of the country's electricity. The nation's largest power station, Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant, has four reactors and generates about a fifth of Sweden's annual electricity consumption.


Sweden used to have a nuclear phase-out policy, aiming to end nuclear power generation in Sweden by 2010. On 5 February 2009, the Swedish Government announced an agreement allowing for the replacement of existing reactors, effectively ending the phase-out policy.




Power station reactors


· Beznau Nuclear Power Plant - 2 identical PWR power reactors. Commissioned in 1969 and 1970.

· Goesgen Nuclear Power Plant - PWR power reactor, commissioned 1979.

· Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant - BWR power reactor, commissioned 1984.

· Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant - BWR power reactor, commissioned 1970.


Research reactors


· SAPHIR - Pool reactor. First criticality: April 30, 1957. Shut down: End of 1993. Paul Scherrer Institut

· DIORIT - HW cooled and moderatred. First criticality: April 15, 1960. Shut down: 1977. Paul Scherrer Institut

· Proteus - Null-power reconfigurable reactor (graphite moderator/reflector). In operation. Paul Scherrer Institut

· Lucens - Prototype power reactor (GCHWR) 30 MWth/6 MWe. Shut down in 1969 after accident. Site decommissioned.

· CROCUS - Null-power light water reactor. In operation. École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne


United Kingdom


Nuclear Power in the United Kingdom generates a fifth of the country's electricity (19.26% in 2004). The Nuclear Installations Inspectorate oversee all nuclear power installations and, as of 2006, the United Kingdom operates 24 nuclear reactors. The country also uses nuclear reprocessing plants, such as Sellafield.


A number of stations have been closed, and others are scheduled to follow. The two remaining Magnox nuclear stations and four of the seven AGR nuclear stations are currently planned to be closed by 2015. This is a cause behind the UK's forecast 'energy gap', though secondary to the reduction in coal generating capacity. However the oldest AGR nuclear power station was recently life-extended by ten years, and it is likely many of the others can be life-extended, significantly reducing the energy gap.


All UK nuclear installations in the UK are overseen by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate.


Although the Government of the United Kingdom has recently given the go-ahead for a new generation of nuclear power stations to be built, the Scottish Government, with the backing of the Scottish Parliament, has made clear that Scotland will have no new nuclear power stations and is aiming instead for a non-nuclear future. As of 2007, there have been some significant developments towards nuclear fusion being implemented to solve the predicted energy crisis, most significantly and recently the drawing-up of plans to build one fusion power station, that will 'supply power to the National Grid within 20 years.' The JET facility at Culham, Oxfordshire indicates that Britain has both the industry and workforce for nuclear fusion.


In January 2009, British Energy was bought for approximately £12 billion by EDF Energy (a subsidiary of Electricite de France (EdF) SA)


Operating nuclear power stations


Power Station Type Net MWe Est closure
  Oldbury   Magnox    
Wylfa Magnox
Dungeness B AGR
Hinkley Point B AGR
Hunterston B AGR
Hartlepool AGR
Heysham 1 AGR
Heysham 2 AGR
Torness AGR
Sizewell B PWR


Since 2006 Hinkley Point B and Hunterston B have been restricted to about 70% of normal MWe output because of boiler-related problems requiring that they operate at reduced boiler temperatures. This output restriction is likely to remain until closure.


Non-operating nuclear power stations


Power Station Type Net MWe Est closure
  Oldbury   Magnox    
Wylfa Magnox
Dungeness B Magnox
Hinkley Point B Magnox
Hunterston B Magnox
Hartlepool Magnox
Heysham 1 Magnox
Heysham 2 Magnox
Torness Magnox



A number of research and development reactors also produced some power for the grid, including two Winfrith reactors, two Dounreay fast reactors, and the prototype Windscale Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor.



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